Message from @King Canuck

Discord ID: 474323404279775243

2018-08-01 20:04:55 UTC  

but that doesn't mean it will be the same company

2018-08-01 20:05:01 UTC  

which is what this was about

2018-08-01 20:06:13 UTC  

also, i love how russian meddling targeting the left is just being found out.... when i saw links to this from right-leaning sites a while ago.

2018-08-01 20:06:33 UTC  

like, in 2016

2018-08-01 20:09:50 UTC  

Glad tim chose to cover the meddling instead on tommy for the main vid today

2018-08-01 20:10:23 UTC  

Nothing against tommy but fuck so many vids about it today

2018-08-01 20:10:53 UTC  

Still might be on the second channel.

2018-08-01 20:11:07 UTC  

Im fine if its on tims second channel

2018-08-01 20:19:38 UTC  

and more and more shit on the wall

2018-08-01 20:40:06 UTC  

This xtian cult sounds like a good group of people

2018-08-01 20:40:57 UTC  

"Stainity will never defended" I think your'e talking to a bot.

2018-08-01 20:41:22 UTC  


2018-08-01 20:41:32 UTC  


2018-08-01 20:42:04 UTC  

We've been haranguing martini a bit. No responses.

2018-08-01 20:44:50 UTC  

I just assumed he's a manic idiot too busy copy pasting his propaganda to other places to respond.

2018-08-01 20:46:01 UTC  

Aussie was better.

2018-08-01 20:53:21 UTC  


2018-08-01 21:03:40 UTC  

Yeah lol when he randomly intergects like that its pretty certain hes at least acting like a bot

2018-08-01 21:10:38 UTC  

Hey oh!

2018-08-01 21:12:16 UTC  


2018-08-01 21:13:01 UTC  

activating downbeaming

2018-08-01 21:14:16 UTC  

Holy Phallus! What are they doing down there?!

2018-08-01 21:24:12 UTC  

speaking of martini man, you guys think we should poke JDM about him?

2018-08-01 21:25:41 UTC  

If you draw Pascal's triangle and block out all the even numbers, you get the Sierpinski triangle

2018-08-01 21:26:34 UTC  

If only 🤔

2018-08-01 21:26:49 UTC  


2018-08-01 21:27:14 UTC  

the onion is the last bastion of good news reporting

2018-08-01 21:27:43 UTC  

Not when they're still complaining about immigration cages which were already debunked

2018-08-01 21:28:01 UTC  

the Onion is just a less famous CNN at this point

2018-08-01 21:28:21 UTC  

also i been wondering about Venezuela. The country is very green, lots of trees/rainforest, why dont the people grow their own food like that one anarchist on youtube that never button his shirt

2018-08-01 21:28:42 UTC  

food is nationalised

2018-08-01 21:28:47 UTC  

anything you make, Maduro gets to eat

2018-08-01 21:29:01 UTC  

gIvE sOcIaLiSm AnOtHeR cHaNcE

2018-08-01 21:29:25 UTC  

what stopping them from going inna woods and growing a small vegetable garden, my fam does it and we live in a concrete jungle that is LA

2018-08-01 21:29:41 UTC  

Commune farms

2018-08-01 21:29:56 UTC  

They're required to give up the majority of their food to the state

2018-08-01 21:30:41 UTC  

not just food

2018-08-01 21:31:49 UTC  

also yeah we should prolly poke jdm bout martini man XD