AMGN SCP Mobile Task Force

Discord ID: 306273189711970315

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So you guys do know there was a study funded by flat earthers that debunked your own theory

So there was a study made by anti vaxxers and you want to know what happend, it showed there is NO link between vaccines and autism

You do know that mercury is only dangerous in high doses, its the amount that's toxic, like water for example, water can kill you if you you drink to much since its toxic. its the dosage that kills you.

Ok here's a debate, if your religious why is your god real but all the other 3000+ gods and religions in history fake and not real?

What makes yours different?

Where is the evidence proving your right or is it just faith?

So you have faith that your god is real and the other 3000+ ones the people had faith where real are wrong?

Ok but what makes your god real and the others not, faith isn't an answer.

You can have faith in anything but it dosnt make it true

if god is one than why are there religions that have multiple gods. why would god give us free will but than punish us for not beliving in him

Than what about the Greek gods, what about the roman gods, what about Egyptian gods, they all existed before

but now its all of a sudden one god

also take a look at Jesus

And the orogin of him

than take a look at any sun god

they are almost all identical

which form of the bible is real

and why would there be different kinds of bibles, if god was a perfect being why would he technically update the bible, shouldnt the first one be the perfect one

But gods perfect so it shouldnt change

I dont

im just wanting to know why you think the way you do

how am i being toxic

non player charecter

hes saying athiest are npcs

Well most religious people are like that in my opinion, not all but most

no it isnt


Ok, most theory's saying god doesn't exist has more evidence than the ones saying god dose exist

because if we knew the best way we wouldnt be having this convo would we

How would we e mindless ants

Morals are made by experiance

Someone who grew up in poverty would have diffrent morals than someone who grew up rich

oh deffinitly

no we wouldnt

Someone who was borin in a wore toren country would have diffrent morals than someone born in places like Canada

We are on are way to reaching a form of imortality i do belive that

Thats literly just sparks inside are brain

I dont think god is perfect cause if he was than why did his best friend betray him

And where dose this evidence saying so exist

Athiesm is not believing a god exists, not denying the possibility, i could guarantee i would belive in a god if there was proof one existed

Morals were made by expirence

so because he did that millions of people have died because of what hes done

So than why dose war exist

espicaly ones over religion

The 9 crusades where in the name of god

and said to be "gods will"

No acording to you christans

i belive the big bang and millions of years of trial and error

and the bang wasnt cause by god

The diffrence between the big bang and god is we have evidence of the big bang and next to non of god besides a book

There was an egg sized object that was incredibly hot and kept getting hotter till it "exploded" creating the first basic elements

ok but we have evidence of it like back ground radiation and the Hubble telescope

We have more evidence pointing to that than we do god creating everything

well i gtg so see ya

Its called gravity

Everything has gravity, the bigger the object thestronger the force towards it is

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