Shield Hero

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2021-03-12 03:50:22 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Just curious, is anyone here a Christian?

2021-03-12 03:54:21 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Its actually pretty amazing to hear it, given the places I've been get me banned or an infraction for just saying Jesus is Lord, or that I give thanks to him.

2021-03-12 03:57:22 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

It's been years since I've driven a car, I don't miss visiting government buildings

2021-03-12 03:59:09 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Between having a stroke and narcolepsy, it wouldnt be safe. I guess you could say, it crippled my motor skills. lol

2021-03-12 04:06:24 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

I'm not sure if it was a meme from Zeds youtube channel or where I heard it, but someone made a good point, something about how is an archaeologist supposed to know which made up gender you are if the remains only show evidence of male or female?

2021-03-12 04:10:21 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

I've seen a lot of people screaming over politics lately, they all kinda fuzz together after awhile lol

2021-03-12 04:12:37 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Oh yeah, I have seen that. It's cool in their thoughts when boasting for friends, but in the real world there be consequences for such nonsense.

2021-03-12 04:17:34 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

It probably sounded cooler over some canibis.

Many haven't had the Truth introduced to them from an actual Christian, few these days in a pulpit actually teach something biblical with the intent to save souls.

Not from the evidence I've seen

I...just read the bible, and do what it says.

I think Mormons fall into the category of "if anyone even an angel gives to you another gospel other than the one you have been given, let them be under a divine curse.."

Catholics kinda gather pagan religions and add them to their own, including worship and prayers to saints, marry and now even the other religions by the popes project to unite them.

I tedder between fish and chicken, both go great with fries.

KJV 1611 was the first english translation, from there due to copyright laws, at least 30% of a change to wording has to be made. for other versions.

It was inspired by GOd but written by men, its accuracy like in the book of isiah predicting Jesus's whole life a few hundred years before he was born testifies to that

All versions also tell us that it is hidden to those who do not believe and revealed to those who do.

Its not about whether someone believes it or not, though I realize they always demand proof, what is, just is

John the Baptist was the last prophet, he was to pave the way for his coming...

He poured his spirit upon the world, so no one has excuse, we all know right from wrong, but if we reject God, that gives satan legal rights to us and the curses that come with it . Like mentioned in ROmans 1:19-32

Not many realize we are being challenged day and night by our accuser, like Job was

We wouldnt know the hour or the day, just the season so watch

we will all change all at once when he comes back, but that will be the end, even after the 3 days the two witnesses are killed and celebrated over

It doesnt have to be worrysome if you repent and seek the kingdom of God first, letting go of everything of this world.

If you are new to Christianity, I'd recommend listening to Francis Chan, once you feel you are ready for stronger food, John MacAuther, then once you feel you are mature enough in Christ, Paul Washer. As pastors...not saying they are a substitute for reading the bible and direct prayer.

How serious is it, Jesus would have been the first of what they label a hellfire preacher, it is better to pluck out your eye than to look at sin, cut off your hand if that is what is used to sin, etc....thats how dire of a warning he gave. Because it is eternal in his own words, and Jesus doesnt lie.

Rev 14:11

Be wary of that, many are called but few will be chosen

You can't really measure him by the standards and limitations of our dimensions, he is Holy and exists like no other. All that is exists within him, nothing else is outside of him.

If you want to have the Holy Spirit work in your life you have to approach scripture and prayer with the intent of how you can serve him and not what you can get away with, and remember prayer with God is communication with the Almighty and should be treated with the ut most care and reverence, we have at our disposal an audience with the Living GOD!

We have one God and one Mediator which is Christ, who is an extension of God, and part of the trinity

We are Jesus's inheritence

The Holy Spirit is just God's SPirit, it flows through all of us like the sap of the tree that nourished the whole body of the tree.

He did that for a reason, to confound those wise in their own sight. Those who worship science cant tune in to it

"I and my Father are one" "When you see the son you see the father"

John 5:30
“I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.”

I hope you do well on it.

That is a deadly web Kriegs, Ill keep you in my prayers too

GN everyone o/

A lot of the supposed Christian holidays we celebrate like easter and xmas with all of its festive activities are of pagan origins gathered by Catholicism in order for them to incorporate a larger following by making the pagans their followers. Even today the pope gathers other religions into a one world religion.

The only thing Jesus asked us to observe is the bread and the wine, to do so in his name. The rest is people creating their own religions and denominational traditions of men.

WHo is the word of God? John 1:1

The Word of God existed before the world was made

We are given time to repent, he has patience and one has the capacity to be as merciful as God, even Jonah tried to get out of his assigned duty because he argued that those people where no worth saving.

The only unforgiveable sin is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit

The great commission is to bring the Good News to the world, so people stop sinning and creating atrocities. Those who do not, even though they are given a conscious from the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, will find their reward with the demons they aligned with for the same punishment.

John baptized with water but the one who came after him baptized with the Holy Spirit

Galatians 1: 6-10, a red flag should come up when a new gospel gets added apart from the message already given, especially if it asks its followers to commit sin. (IE murder) When the angel asked him to kill that guy in the book of moron.

A living soul

Once these shells are discarded, that is how we will stand before him, as living souls before his own.

Be safe in Christ o/

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form; the relationship to one another in how God exists

God is a consuming fire, his Word and light was made into human form and his Holy Spirit filled all of his being...and then into us

2021-03-12 19:57:13 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Does anyone remember years ago when Bill Gates gave that speech about the vaccines he was creating for depopulation?

2021-03-12 19:58:51 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

I'm not understanding what you mean.

2021-03-12 20:00:56 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

Thats adorable

2021-03-13 00:15:51 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

WHat did I miss?

2021-03-13 00:16:33 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

Did he give it back?

2021-03-13 00:20:13 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

what movie was that where a modern era astronaut was left dead on the surface of the moon?

2021-03-13 00:20:58 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

I just remember the camera panning around to his reflective visor and music playing

2021-03-13 00:22:32 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

Not much up there, if you believe nasa that means the first person on the moon who filmed everything is still up there, if you dont believe nasa it just a bunch of dust and rock. lol

2021-03-13 00:24:39 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

Reference for what?

2021-03-13 00:25:01 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  


2021-03-13 00:32:16 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

How do you call dislikes spam? Since you can only vote once

2021-03-13 00:34:51 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Im not a good arguer, I can be shouted down easy since Im not aggressive about being heard. People ether believe me or they dont.

2021-03-13 00:35:45 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

WHy is catfishing so popular now?

2021-03-13 00:39:48 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

I meant the push for lgbt

2021-03-13 00:42:39 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Disagree with someone who is ruled by their emotions, which is often the far left, and its like the have a pre-rehearsed textbook of insults and accusations they where given to memorize and shout folks down with.

2021-03-13 00:43:12 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

fastest -phobe slingers in the west!

2021-03-13 00:56:59 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

I try to stay balanced so I dont end up unbalanced. Jesus is my guide on things.

We plant the seeds, but its God who gives the increase. The world needs to see us being the part, we are representatives of our King after all.

2 Timothy 3, describes in the end times (present day) the church will start to act like the world and even many times be indistinguishable from it. We are supposed to be Holy, different from it, to be like the world, try and make friends with the world and its ways is hostility towards God. The falling away/apostacy.

If we believe that Jesus really sit on a throne above all kingdoms, and is Lord of Lords and king of kings...than to bow a knee to the corruption of the world isnt serving the Lord. An example is putting money/mammon as one's idol like rockstar evangelists do, "$1000 blessings" "God wants you to be rich and happy" That is the church of satan, desiring worldly things and pleasures, wanting to get your rewards here.

2021-03-13 03:24:36 UTC [Zeducation #🎮|gaming-memes]

2021-03-13 03:27:38 UTC [Zeducation #🎮|gaming-memes]

2021-03-13 04:00:57 UTC [Zeducation #⏳|history-memes]

I just read the bible and try to follow it.

By the grace of God, what he has given me to understand.

Of course, using scripture is always best: Matthew 28:16-20
New International Version
The Great Commission
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Sin can be alluring trap in a dark world, but once the "Light of truth" is brought to bear, it reveals itself for what it truly is.

2021-03-13 16:27:11 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

I wonder, if people understood what the British meant when they wrote Yankee Doodle song, would Americans still be willing to casually still call themselves that...outside of California?

2021-03-13 16:29:42 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Well, I'm not sure if it would be a violation of the rules to describe what the song meant as well as what a Yankee is, those who don't know should look the meaning of the song sometime. ^^;

2021-03-13 16:31:54 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

It was written during the American Revolution, and not meant to be flattering.

2021-03-13 16:43:31 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Propaganda passed down....the same reason youth of today want communism/socialism, they are taught no other options will work or the history of its failures.

2021-03-13 16:47:05 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

They tried to overthrow the constitution and president who was honoring his commitment to it, treason.

2021-03-13 16:48:14 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Propaganda passed down

2021-03-13 16:49:05 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

If you teach your children your views, that is most likely what they will hold too.

2021-03-13 16:52:35 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Im not sure, I hope I was not in violation of the rules

2021-03-13 16:58:40 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Its pretty simple for me, its more of a judgement than a movement. Its what happens as predicted in (ROmans 1:19-32) when a culture rejects God and he gives them over to the sin they desired. Satan has the world for his own, even offered it to Jesus if he would bend a knee to him...He wouldn't but those who can do the most damage to others are given the authority and fame celebrated by media.

2021-03-13 17:00:03 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Its a form of intimidation, the only thing they have to counter you with is an outburst of hatred.

2021-03-13 17:04:00 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

No, but we do have an accuser, who is there in the court accusing us day and night, and those who do not overcome their demons in this life, end up becoming them, from being worn down from dwelling on what they whisper in the ears of those without the gospel armor to defend themselves. Until they become the very legions sent fourth to attack like the rage mobs who used the government to kill our Lord when he came in human form.

206 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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