Discord ID: 778612282422067220
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I saw this somewhere. Fixed it up.
How do you add a emoji under a meme (before s/o else does?)
Yes, but before s/o adds an emoji, I don't see that button
@isoboto your meme took me right back to the '90s and I want to get out...
"NYT Article Says DON'T Give Elderly Vaccine, They Are White And Should Die To Level The Playing Field"
Anyone watching season 4 of S.W.A.T. and sick and tired of the BLM and Covid crap?
I'm coming over too!
Wasn't trying to be nice, just warning others from getting their ears blasted like mine were
Registered D cause in NY the whole system is corrupt Dems and you gotta be registered D to have some say...
Why was my meme removed?
Yeah, but the whole point of it was re the previous meme...
I am a big Trump guy. But I'm upset he caved in...
He did, but said they need to fix things. He's been saying that for years. Nancy and Schumer don't plan on changing anything, especially now when Trump is almost out the door...
I don't.
Trump has been saying that things need to change. Clean the swamp. He's been doing it. But don't expect the left to do it. They are the swamp.
I've read his statement about why he signed the bill. They agreed to "work" on the foreign spending etc. So that got what they wanted and now they can do whatever the hell they want cause Biden couldn't care less. If anything, he wants all this crap
I hear ya. Have fun there!
What happens when someone is "warned" for breaking a rule?
👍 Thanks!
@notJustin43 Why the HELL is Walmart political tweeting??
Maybe they were "hacked" 😂
14 days to slow the spread...
The prayer to open the 117th Congress ended with "Amen" and "Awoman."
@Brady Smith/brady_boi2005 Great job! Downloaded before it gets removed...
And it's gone... 😔
That would be a great idea!
I guess you can post it as a link in video-share
BTW, how do you link a channel or reply to a specific post in a different channel?
How do you do that? Link other channels?
Tnx! And how to reply to a post in a dif channel?
👍 Will try that! Thanks!
When I long press, no option to for link
How to do that?
Thanks @Nope
Apple Maps not giving directions to DC. Anyone can confirm? #StoptheSteal #StopCensorship
How are we still using Dominion machines???
@borries2020 you're on a roll tonight!
𝑬𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈
When are the numbers going to jump?
Thank Gd for YouTube Vanced!
@bot.command(name='idk') 🅂🅃🄾🄿 🅃🄰🄻🄺🄸🄽🄶 🄸🄽 🄼🄴🄼🄴 🄲🄷🄰🄽🄽🄴🄻🅂
No talking in meme channels
Can you send me the original video
No matter on what side you are on, this is wrong. This belongs to The People of the United States and should not be up for auction by some guy who broke into our House, vandalised and then stole. And now is trying to make money off of it!
No matter on what side you are on, this is wrong. This belongs to The People of the United States and should not be up for auction by some guy who broke into our House, vandalised and then stole. And now is trying to make money off of it!
It was removed from ebay. Now it needs to be found and restored to its rightful place in the House of Representatives.
Is this real??
As an American Jew, I 𝑫𝑶 𝑵𝑶𝑻 agree with this statement, AJC and AIPAC
What would have happened if the Electoral certificates would have been lost or destroyed in yesterday's madness?
It's over.
But what will happen before that? President Kamala 🤢
She ain't black
I understand why people are trying to be optimistic and I wish I could as well, however, what is a real path forward? What do you think will happen in the coming days?
Once the Electorals were confirmed (which happened tonight) if Biden would die or not fit, the VP Elect 🤢 will become President Elect
and "die"
Actually, he already said that he will make up some illness...
Good night good people. Gd bless America!
Yeah, I didn't realize this was <#730962163098976346>, thought it was <#760648730431979560>. Switched to there. Actually I really should be going to sleep...
The best is yet to come... But what does that mean really? Is their an actual chance Trump can do anything? What are his options? In all seriousness.
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