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that you can run enough cycles that you can get false positives

it is why they are trying to force disclosure of the number of cycles used in some states

watch the full video

it does

go drink some diet coke

minimum wage is a bs trap and a myth solution to a problem. Living wage varies location to location. We need to figure ways to increase peoples market value.

Yes, my only caveat is that we are killing small and middle tear business. monolithic companies are buying up everything creating a narrow market place to sell labor.

Wait until all the government strings attached to verify you for peanuts

Except you know

"this is not an investigation"

He wants it to go to the fbi where 32 phones get wiped and no one goes to jail

What's ts?

Tbh fbi, cia, doj and military are all corrupted. Game is rigged

Lin wood makes me question powell tbh

He has a lot of baggage. Especially financial, and might be in trouble for his money handling in rittenhouse

And this isn't to mention trouble with his previous partners and debt

Yah. Pillow guy is pissed

Yes since he gave money and it might not be going to what was promised

Also rittenhouse might not be in control of the funds which also raises issues

Donation to rittenhouse or lin

Money speaks and power is centralizing to a few oligarchies

lol biden will do a lot.

Even with rebulican 51 senate, he has enough rinos to protect the establishment ds Mafia

That covid aid, biden will sign it

Atf is already getting ready to work with biden

Big tech already in his administration

Back to endless wars

one of his administration praised china as their biggest accomplishments

He will develop a disease if he ever disagreed with kamala. Doesn't matter of it's official or not

Kamala is already running it

Also if biden gets in all those Mossad agents related to epstein will have their cases swept under the rug. Just like epstein was ignored

Communist pander to socialist until they can completely seize control

True. Republicans are pretty corrupted too

Kemp and china are pretty tight

McConnell too

Same way hilter did. People want the state to save them

Mao did the same thing

People want the state to fix their problems. It's depressing them ask for poison. I get demanding protections, police brutality issue, anti big buissnes and equal treatment under the law.

Just asking for universal healthcare, welfare (ubi), no guns, anti-racism, free education, ect

The government is providing more and more

Bumb stocks was dumb

Yah. It was definitely a black mark for me too.

Idk. You see that unhinged guy veritas filmed who said he would lie, cheat and steal

It's not an unheard of sentiment

Don't know if it's real but I could see it

That's racist

Joke. Pointing out anything against jews is considered anti-semitic

Look at large bank and media ceos and cfos. Look at the billionaires. Look at aipac and funneling money back into the usa. And look at dual citizenship.

Money speaks

The evidence presented should have been enough to get access to get hard evidence of ballots, voting machines, ect. Instead everyone was denied repeatedly.

lol. Yah sure.

would be nice if they prove it is just a pony show

Not really but ok

We can start with GA if you want and what happened there with their "recount". No Audit done in GA.

Not that the audit they proposed is worth much for various reasons

actually nm, you aren't worth it. It is just funny you think there have been audits

recount =/= audit. You showed me why you aren't worth my time

Imagine claiming someone doesn't know something then getting the information you claim wrong

You literally just called a recount an audit XD

keep acting like you know something, it is amusing

You still haven't clarified or attempted to explain audit and recounts. Instead you go into weird rants attempting to be demeaning. It's amusing, but I think lets end it here. It was fun.

disproven how?

I mean our own CIA knows how to

they don't

it isn't about being smart

people think this shit is "conspiracy theory shit"

a lot of times, people just don't know what happened. They just know that they aren't getting the truth or the whole story

He is and it is why more people don't speak out. Good people get destroyed

corruption isn't new in america

same. I don't trust the plan. One man doesn't overcome a systematic corruption.

if he hit the right location, he could have caused a secondary explosion to go off

true, but they had back-up generator or batteries in enclosed spaces.

gun tax then buy back. Happened in australia

idk, he tried something weird. he tried using impoundment

I mean it's no secret NSA spies on us and backs up all internet traffic. 5g just provides more information. Not really a conspiracy theory

They're just being idiots making fun of conspiracy theories

Nothing serious

Emp would fry electronics not in a faraday cage

Tbh, i thought he blew up the batteries with how big the explosion was.

It was felt really far away. It makes sense though if he had experience with explosives

Did you are across the street too

He was riding heavy. Shocks were down low

I still want the video feeds from when the rv got there to the time it exploded so we know he was a lone actor and that the gun shots came from the speakers. Still don't trust the FBI in all honesty.

They've written manuals how they do it.

"But I guess it just can't happen in america because we immune or something"

Not really, isis wasn't very subtle by us

No. We are talking how is funds both sides of war and topple countries

That we do it in other countries?

That was my point

lol you missed the point. I am talking about before 911

Iran contra, guatemala, Libya

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