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Did you attack anyone over that?

They have to use useful idiots and ignore them as they drive planes into towers to justify war

They weren't

It's easy just to entrap and let extremist do what they do

They used 9/11 as a catalyst

We used israel blowing up a ship to get support for getting involved in a world war.

Uss liberty

Sorry me dumb. Got that mixed up with something else

I am saying using terror attacks to motivate the public has been used a lot

Not all of them fake. Pearl harbor 100% real

Did that suddenly make this tactic not viable

We have fought in wars since cuba

Terrorist attack as justification...

As in get public support for wars by doing a terrorist attack

"The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other U.S. government operatives to both stage and actually commit acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets"

That's why you get a real terrorist, supply them and let them do the dirty work. You create the situation. You don't pay them and just look the other way

Well i was talking about 9/11

lol. Just trust government, they never tell lies.

Remember it's illegal to read wikileaks, get the news from cnn

I know. I am an idiot who can only guess wtf is going on. Too much going on

But government lies a lot, and some people are untouchable

Depends on what you mean by conspiracy. Every cover up is a conspiracy

Epstein and his island was a conspiracy for a long time. We don't know exactly the extent of it and likely never will

Wasn't a fan

Maybe he is. He was listed as a witness. Epstein got around in elite circles but his goal was blackmail

Epstein had big money backing and knew just about everyone. It's hard to know exactly who knew and who was involved with the actual trafficking. Maybe trump was involved. Not everyone involved knew the extent of everything he did

Yup. Hopefully Maxwell doesn't die

lol. Because they haven't been investigating and leaking everything from his administration for 4 years

Yah. Barr server trump well with that durham report

XD no, he is an elite

Lol, you try too hard

Yah, yah james. That's what you do

Idk, you sound like a conspiracy theorist about trump

Join the club james

Quote me saying that

Who were you implying saying that

Could be true and good to keep in mind about trump though

Yah. I see the direction you go

@{CAP}Radeon You just have to laugh about james. I wouldn't get too caught up in what he says.

he did something weird and not period

"As President I am demanding many rescissions under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974."

He tried giving it a chance to fix the bill, don't know if it will work.

"As President I am demanding many rescissions under the Impoundment Control Act of 1974."

eh, then it goes to court and gets overturned and the law is taken out of the books or clarified. But he did it already.

Don't understand what is so hard for you to understand that he did it, weather you think it is constitutional or not.

pretty sure soon understood not signing for 10 days would be a pocket veto

most people thought he was going to do that

he did something weird instead

incorrect, he also mentioned pork, among other things

bill was shit

wasn't trumps fault

everyone loves selling america out

corporate welfare ect

a week isn't a big deal at this point

they have had months and months to do something

except he made a move to do more

he has been asking for a bill for months, wdym

complained plenty about congress delaying it

he got it sent back for a vote to hopefully fix it

you mean another bill like the 600 dollar one but with more pork, yay


so it doesn't address any of the pork, only a slight increase. great

Tell dc juries that

It's a feature

tbf, founding fathers were paranoid about foreign powers influence. More so then we are today.

@SoonMrWick all that's been dEbOoKed conspiracy theories.

How dare you share misinformation, what would google think?

Deboonked. the government doesn't lie, trust the experts, science is settled, all wars are based on truth, and Epstein killed himself

how long until it's gutted?

Do you think drug companies and insurance want price transparency?

Was going to respond. But literally every time it's tds with you

Even when trying to deny it, you can't help yourself

You contradict yourself in the same sentence

On top of that you think this was a bill, further showing yourself

Not worth the energy let's end it here

The lockdowns will enable the greatest transfer of wealth we have seen. The monopoly effect is happening. We forgot about the last time robber barrons came.

Universal healthcare is pretty popular position on the left

Can't wait till we bring the quality of us schooling to healthcare

Guess you are a horrible person then.

It's pretty common for poor countries to sell people and become a black market.

Because of covid, they made last minute changes. They bought a 200 million contract with dominion to count it, they will also be getting rid of signature verification requirements since the votes will come in by absentee ballots, also just because they are there doesn't entitle them to meaningfully observe, and the adjudication process happens in the back.

not really. It will expose them politically and trump can help reshape the party in 2022 and 2024. Trump doesn't have a institutional support and it shows. He made terrible decisions in who to trust and hire which are coming back to haunt him.

Barr was responsible for so many cover ups for bush

trump has expressed in the past that he likes to get even. He will definitely be in a position to if he loses because of them

The reason obama picked biden is for his swamp connection that he didn't have

same reason trump picked pence

pence is defiantly GOP establishment type. And biden has been pretty open about his corruption, not that anything will happen

He can't do it alone and I don't think he has enough support to do it. There isn't some plan, people need to pay attention locally.

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