Existence is identity
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nihilism is ass
the only good philosophy is aristotles and ayn rands
@AdorableStormtrooper ive seen you before
oh on the alt right interchange server
@Rabbi Shekels does like trump = left winger kek
trump it to big a collectivist for me no thank you
im not surprised a bunch of cuckservatives are here
@JohnOakman when you think a paper will protect you
peoples rights are already being infringed
ie. taxation regulation
what about regulating business @JohnOakman
@JohnOakman they are both evil
infringing rights are justified by altruism
@Khanclansith this isnt about pleasing everyone its about what is right
@JohnOakman once rights are absolute and altruism is done with people will prosper
unless we spiral down to nihilism
We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality
@JohnOakman do you have a stance on net neutrality
he repealed it which is good
now the businesses get more rights protected
minimum wage sucks
especially smaller business
thats ironic
Identity politics are retarded
collectivist policy will never work
education is broken
they force kids to learn information they dont know what to do with and also teach them to compartmentalize not integrate
yeah the way of defining different races seems to be chaning
national socialism isnt bad because its racist though
thats cool
separating people by nationalism is just as bad
its not about uniting people
thats not a essential to living on earth
who knows
I know
even just the area
we shouldnt even be thinking that way in thefirst place
we should see people as individuals instead categorize them
the smallest minority is the individual
@Rabbi Shekels because some else does it it makes it okay how?
the goal isnt to beat others its to do whats right
@AdorableStormtrooper thats because of collectivist philosophy
@AdorableStormtrooper and that makes them prosper how?
@AdorableStormtrooper no the ideology is there for sure
the ideology made it become subconscious
@Rabbi Shekels why do want to beat the left by becoming it
@Rabbi Shekels what do you mean?
you wanna live with contradictions lol
>I hate the left when im the same thing
@Stefan Payne the best type of aid is ideas
conservatives are just like the left change my mind
those are the logical extremes
the right will be similar to germany and the left russia
with time ofc
no hes just jerking me off
yeah philosophically they are similar
@Stefan Payne the closer people get to reason the more they prosper
look the west once we took Aristotles rational egoism and laws of logic
communism is just more altruisitic
anything anyone does for their benefit is evil
a man robbing a bank and a millionaire are both as evil in their eyes
@Blackhawk342 the only reasons they are being forced to share is because of the prevalent philosophy
personally nazis are more individualistic but that quickly changes with time
@Blackhawk342 living for others is evil
@Stefan Payne look at china as soon as it started to embrace western values its quality of life raised from people starving all the time to what it is now
its not perfect of course
@tritrium fascism does not mean political violence retard
shcodingers cat is so stupid
*schrodingers or whatever the fuck
reality exists whether we can see it or not
thats some hagel bullshit hes on
perceive is a better word
thats because of hagel and kant
hagel said our mind creates reality
kant said we cant reason
kant was also a big fan of plato
platos world of forms was modernized in his work
thats his philosophy we cant truly know anything
which of course we can through reason and our senses
things are what they are its not another world casting shadows
well to them none of that mattes
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