Message from @Antireal
Discord ID: 513166217817882626
Where go to?
We started this in Fake News yesterday and this morning
got numerous gay friends, and they all agree with one thing. If you want to make someone homophobic then bring them to a gay pride parade. They utterly hate the mainstream gay culture celebrated by the left
I am not an activist
You won't catch me dead in a Gay Pride Parade
By all means, continue if you want. I'm just growing tired of this topic.
just seems like all of the crap pushed by those leftists is just fucking crazy and contradictory
That is because post modernism is crazy and contradictory
Comes back to turning people gay
it's all anime
No u weeb
@The Ghost of Monarchies long af name power
Anime definitely did not turn me gay *hides the folder of sailor moon "Art" he had as a teen*
anime makes me identify as cthulu kin
I always do long and over the top grand names. It's fun.
I identify as any op nonhuman char cause humans in anime are weak af
that or a member of the church of the flying sphegetti monster
What is AntiRealism
no i wanted to play jeopardy
Heh. Well, I didn't know if you were alluding to my name or the actual philosophy.
Both as i think youve contrived your named from the philosophy
I have the power of god and anime on my side
Well, you've assumed me to be more sophisticated than I am then.
Id like to assume that 🤔 <:TimThink:482277772497125378>
I liked it as a name because it sounded cool. I took it mean something between nihilism and absurdism
Soros pulls out weeb powers
The actual philosophy is something I'm not very well acquainted with.
Ur prof looks like a male Fennec
No god please
help me pls
No ur left with the pope^