Message from @Antireal
Discord ID: 509971698150277143
so I got a message from Ryan Reynolds on Twitter
If the senses aren't adequate to your desired position to make them which most scenarios they don't need to be we can use tools or develop but this still proves things through reason
objective reality cant be based on senses
Tell him to fuck off @Rainspector23
he posted “go vote your ass off today” and I was the first reply saying “already did daddy Deadpool” and it got so many likes
Our senses is the only way we can approximate objective reality ronald
it is always based on that
@tritrium it is objective if it doesn't contradict
only approximation
Why don’t you two move this to debate
Objective reality would have to be based on what it is. Not what you preceive it to be at any point in time.
@Malt_Hitman yes the senses perceive if not feelings
if we are both in the same room and i think its too hot and you think its cold what is reality
Before you can have reality, you have to exist. Can you proove you exist, can any of us?
Reality would be the temperature in the room.
@Ronald McFunkytown✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ that of course it more complicated because that's motivated by feelings
Reality would the room tempature yes
Those are both your perceptions on the temperature in the room. The room's temperature is objective.
@Antireal perceptions motivated by feelings to form a concept
And this disproves reason how?
Recent discoveries done with the universe have destroyed objective realities once believed.
In fact a lot of them completely turned everything on its head.
But at the time that was logically consistent and objectively measured.
Yet it was wrong.
and thats the forefront of science and thinkers
What recent discoveries are you referring to?
@tritrium sure but we advanced so did our technology and understanding
Its not like the reality changed
But our approximation to it has
Yes it was disproven but we used reason to get closer
Who made the tools?
higgs, dark matter, red shift, etc malt
How'd we make them?
our idea of whats true is true until it isnt
Im not arguing about reason booled
@Ronald McFunkytown✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ until its contradicts
Im arguing that we can only approximate objective reality
To some extent yes I guess
We cant know reality to a certain degree without time
objective reality itself doesnt change, our ability to approximate it does however.