Message from @LokiV
Discord ID: 756374620503932949
Yea, this is why are very cautious with Chinese
You are right, they tend to work people to death..I mean in Europe we have 40 hours work week. Usually with Saturday and Sunday off
America has plenty of corrupt business, but China has lots of cases I've seen that are far worse.
China has been pushing Romania to accept more and more Chinese capital since we joined the EU in 2007. But although we need the money , we said no because selling ourselved to the Chinese will make things only worse. And besides, we have protected the European Christianity for 2000 years. Letting them in would mean destroying everything we tried to build in the last 2000 years.
China needs a foothold in Europe and is forcing Romania's hand. Luckily we have a partnership with the US to help us fend them off.
OTOH, the electronics industrial infrastructure around Shenzhen, Guandong, is something not present many other places in the world, including the USA. That makes manufacturers in high priced or less locally dense supply chain to production regions struggle to compete.
We've stood against 6 Empires much bgger than us mostly by ourselves. Even if we are only 21 milion and China is 1.3 bilion, the Gates of Europe will be secured at all costs. The port of Constanta will never go on Chinese hands like the American Long Beach.
It's not the first time we have the Barbarians at our gates. And it will probably not be the last time.
BTW, did you say above that CARs are banned in your country? ;-/
What is CAR ?
(Those AR-15 pictures show collapsible rather than full size fixed stocks, and short barrels within US legal standards for rifles vs pistols or short barrel "Class III" firearms; IOW a bit over 16", vs 20-22" full barrels. That gets them designated as CAR-15's, or a "carbine" model variant.)
Oh, AR weapons yes they are prohibited
How about AK-variants, or IMI (aka Uzi)?
Only the army used them in foreign operations
Yes they are forbiden for an individual
How about other semi or bolt rifles, sidearms, or shotguns?
An individual can only wear a 9mm pistol if he is a cop or lawyer, or prosecuter
If he wants, because most of them dont wear a gun anyway
Shotguns are prohibited. Only hunting rifles for hunting under strict supervision is possible, but few people have them
In fact less than 0.5% of the population owns a gun (with real bullets or compressed air) And excluding police officers. Because not all police officers are armed. Very few of them are armed
Whereas in the USA, roughly a third of adults own a bit over an average of 3 firearms each. Air rifles and such don't count.
Like 80% of the cops wearing guns in Romania use this pistol from 1974.. And like 5% of all cops actually have guns. The rest of 20% have that beretta.
Outside black markets driven crime, largely based on drug policies, there's not much criminal use of arms. Politicians like higher crime rates so long as most voters don't realize the assholes in office promising to protect them, actually caused most of the problem.
Oh i see.
Is that a 9x17 (kurz) Walther PPK loose copy?
It is called "The Carpathian Pistol" - The Carpathians are a chain of mountains in Romania
Here it is
Blowback spring; no lockup when fired, takedown the slide by pulling out on the trigger guard?
I dont know Sir..i dont know much about guns
I saw one in real life only 1 time
Like the one i put above 🙂
Pretty sure I could clear and taekdown one of those in about 5 seconds.... Familiar design I've shot.
Stoner actions (designer of AR's, M-4/16) are a bit more complex. Rotary dual section bolt with lockup tangs, upper and lower receiver. Bolt blowback into the stock tube, etc. Far fussier in dirty conditions that IMI or AK designs, but more symetrical and precise when kept clean.
Fired all of those too, and maintenance takedowns of them. know a lot about weapons.. I dont know if a police officer at the arms departement knows so many thigs 😄
A kid I trained on AR rifle years ago (friend's nephew) won a best in unit marksmanship award, when he went into our military.
I need to go work its almost 8AM here. Take care and see you later Loki ^_^ Nice talking to you. I found out a lot of stuff today
Have a good day! 😉
BTW, the 9 mm NATO pistol is 9x19, almost twice the muzzle energy of the short round (also aka .380).