Message from @LokiV
Discord ID: 755892710639927546
What a fuck head lol
The cringiest shit lol
Which text channel is associated with the voice channel?
the top one under the voice channels I think
I get a kick out of people who are physically unintimidating yelling at the camera as if they are ready for a fist fight. You messed with wrong guy bro!!! Ok buddy
@everyone have a sneak peek at the rough cut for the new men's health segment. Let's hear some feedback!
@ThePangburn I think it’d be interesting if you would go out with a sign that said “Black people look like monkeys” (or whatever the title of your video was) and see what the general consensus on that statement is and how it is taken. And if they’re offended try and get them to use skepticism to not be offended.
Guys jump into the voice chat! Topic is guns!! @everyone
@everyone can you open the youtube stream and mute it while you're in the chat?? It helps the channel
Drug laws force private security to the black market, and caused a doubling of homicides since Post-Rockefeller Commission drug laws.
The USA is a nation of, by, and for terrrorists, shooting at Redcoats from behind rocks and trees.
Our 2nd Amednment is about defense against all enemies, foreign and domestic, which means mostly dirty politicians. Self defense is a 9th Amendment right, that the framers of our Constitution never expected to become controversial.
Switzerland mandates military firearms in most homes, and culturally, has low criminal violence. That's actual assault riflers and sidearms, not semi's that look similar.
In urban industrial society, more "violence" to people's lives is done by economic systems, than arms.
what was the solution?
Springer show, "Cheaters", MMA, boxing? Pro sports? Football? BDSM? Mens Rea or not as an element of assault? (It is, when "ability & imminent intent" define the crime) What amounts to crime, versus conduct with potential or actual injuries? How about cooking, or sex? Drunk drivers qualifying to be shot as defense from negligent homicide?
Does live feed YouTube have a text channel on here?
@ThePangburn men's health video was great, "how bout a name?!" Lol guest was great too, I'm sure a lot of guys will relate
@everyone need your help guys..
My Twitter has been demonetized. 😦
@everyone I nearly pissed my pants laughing during this exchange
Sorry here's the full first comment
Yep. That's why I started to ask you about which videos were strikes because I immediately presumed it was that one. That's why i mentioned Benjamin A Boyce and Graham Linehan in previous livestream voice open mic debates here. Transgender people need all of our support to live their lives being true to themselves, transgender activists, on the other hand, are the pinnacle of the whole woke cancel culture gone rogue and are vicious in their retribution, ruining careers and livelihoods with no remorse, and then there are the grifters who find a perfect place to hide in all that. Women were the first to be targeted, now they want the men too, and genuine transgender people are being thrown under the bus to do it. Trans Rights Activists are in power (Twitter, YouTube, corporations) pretending they are the powerless and you and I are the oppressors.
Imho natch.
@dogbref do you know why?
i didn't even know twitters could be monetized
@ola I second that on the Benjamin Boyce content. I believe his work with the Trans community is some of the most accurate and considerate takes I’ve seen.
Oh good @kcon415! I haven't watched most of his stuff about the trans comunity because tbh I needed a break from the war, and I have conflicted opinions about one or two of his guests (Posy Parker, for example) which would colour my ability to listen without prejudice, but the bits I've seen seem to be a positive way of progressing, as seems to be his M.O. with everything. So respect is due to him.
I think @ThePangburn would find Graham Linehan good to talk to. I may be wrong, but he has been at the frontline of this war of ideas re trans activism the past couple of years and is no fool, no coward, and an inspiration in many ways, despite his often bull-in-a-china-shop approach.
When you rely on another private company for your income, this is the danger . There seems to be some type
youtube needs to decide if they're a publisher or a platform