
Discord ID: 441277529958121492

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spud can you come back up?

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

The Constitution can be amended (that is, changed) through a formal process established by the Framers in 1787. For an amendment to take effect, it first needs to be officially proposed by a two-thirds vote in both houses of Congress (or by two-thirds of all state legislatures), then it needs to be ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures. This process is difficult but not impossible to complete; over the course of American history, 27 different amendments to the Constitution have been ratified. Article V includes two restrictions upon amendments, both rooted in the difficult compromises hammered out at the Constitutional Convention to solve controversies over slavery and representation. The first restriction, italicized here because it is no longer operative, barred any amendments that would have outlawed the slave trade before 1808. And the second restriction ensures that no amendment can end the system of equal representation of all states, large and small, in the US Senate.

!play astronomia

!play Its raining tacos

Chevy is joining the discord

I think an admin should put out an announcement for a voice meeting

@[CO] Chevylee112 we are in voicechat on the left just tap it to join

@[CO] Chevylee112 Please hop in Voicechat we have people waiting to hear your story

Hey I was server deafend

thanks I dont know what happened

I hope today's discussion was fruitful and I hope we can get this movement organized into something everyone can get behind

Urgent: update on the situation in Colorado

Someone close to him was able to get eyes on a confirm the pipe bombs

I spoke to yall yesterday and examined what the FBI asks people to do. They give you a fancy field name and make you seem like you're serving your country. Get with the target and get evidence to incriminate them and offer you a reward for when its complete

I say its time for a voice meeting

I'm hopping on now

get in voice yall

!play classic rock mix

!play punk rock mix

American Civil Liberty Movement

Citizens United For Liberty

United Constitutionalist Movement

Citizens United For Liberty
United Constitutionalist Movement

American Civil Liberty Movement

Citizens Liberty Movement

!play astronomia

@Sparrow @GRANITE Let me know when yall are ready

Hey guys Brady is one of my guys from the militia

Hes interested in joining up with us here

And for verification hes here hanging with me

@Anonymoose cool If we are continuing last night just let me. Know when

<@&704442383554838632> meeting again tonight?

<@&704442383554838632> Urgent

Best for a group text got a screenshot you need to see

If you want a good IFAK I suggest you don't buy a one from a company. Build it.

I can suggest a bunch of great companies to get supplies from

I have no clue I could look into it. But I'll throw a list together with links. Remember. An IFAK is to be used on YOU. So unlike with your other equipment don't go cheap.

Next Gen cat TQs are the way to go

Gen 8 is what they are on if I remember correct

@[LA] Zoomer Medi/k/ I'm pretty sure you're right. When j got out in July of last year it was either 7 or 8 but its got the tougher bands inside the TQ, stronger windlass and only 1 loop instead of 2

@[LA] Zoomer Medi/k/ damn straight. I snagged a bunch of those. I also have a bunch of SOFT-T

Also the new ones don't have the stupid nut to tighten

But it isn't going to be military camo either

We aren't larping

Chevy posted the conversation with the feds on Facebook. They apparently don't care about him and won't as long as he doesn't post stupid shit on Facebook anymore

<@&704442383554838632> new situation.

I have a Direct line to the Original Requestor. Police arent exactly punctual. Keep us updated and Tag Admins if shit starts going sideways

Watching the patriot

Zoomer wanna help me write up a medical SOP for the CMU ๐Ÿ˜…

Is anyone here good at photo shop?

Is anyone good at photoshop?

We are looking to make a flag for the movement and im not good at that kind of thing

I wont give any details at this time but we want to move away from that. We want to be united because while the revolution is part of American history this is the next revolution and should be new

@Jon the south lost the first one. Why would we use the bonnie blue flag? Just so our cause is doomed from the start?

There's a lot going on behind the scenes. A flag is symbolic and very similar to how the American revolution has the flag with 13 stars on the field of blue and 13 stripes it needs to represent the country as a whole

Each one of those causes failed

The American flag as it is no longer represents freedom. That's why pushing forward with something new. Something symbolic of freedom, liberty and equality unified from 50 into 1 is extremely important

The American flag as it is no longer represents freedom. That's why pushing forward with something new. Something symbolic of freedom, liberty and equality unified from 50 into 1 is extremely important

The goal is to organize into a movement, Conduct peaceful protests, and allow states to begin organizing into their respective chapters of the national organization

Not start a war

We are just more prepared then the average person if a fight were to happen

<@&704854729737502831> Looking for a volunteer

Negative Disregard

we were wondering the status of Gallup

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