Bob Dole

Discord ID: 425103367430340629

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Ha ha I've seen people pack a diamond that got ripped the fuck off cause they didn't rate

Yup that's exactly what that means

You telling me you know 1% but you don't know the diamond surrounding that?

Not that I've ever seen on a real 1%er

Do not yeet until yeeted upon. We shouldn't start anything but we also should not back down

Mememaster Tony on the case

@Anonymoose anyway back to the ruby thing, I've never heard of it and I highly doubt a recognize symbol would have a uniform color scheme. That's a big issue with MC. Now, that particular guy might have belonged to a club that used a ruby instead of a diamond to designate their hitters, that's not unckmmon

Never met a bandito and I'm not in that life. I do have friends in red and white though so been to a few if their clubhouses

Eh, mongols have been pushing pretty successfully lately. Not sure the extent but I see a lot of em riding around what used to belong to angels

I stay pretty neutral. I just like to ride and bbq, the rest of that shit is their business

TBH, a lot of the MC crowd I know would probably be down for some civil disobedience

So I've been slowly sending more and more spicy memes to my girl over the past couple months. I think she's almost ready

@TheClassyRandom my ex wife would never. Shame

Yeah this one is definitely liberty minded just naive

450 is great. Let's keep it up boys!

So hypothetically speaking, hownmany times can I blood chickens 2 year old?

Asking for a friend

@[LA] Zoomer Medi/k/ lemme know when you're up and running

@TheClassyRandom I had the same idea. Paid some Bill's, then picked up a hi point carbine for that extra d6 blunt damage when out of ammo


Really? That's fucking tight. Do you have other platforms?

My one concern is that this is a non political movement. We dont really care about left or right. That being said though, do you have friends on the liberal side with a similar following? It would be fantastic for us if we could get the same message coming from both wings

Yup. We've been going back and forth all day about increasing our exposure and getting *our* message out. If we could get friendlies from both sides with a substantial following to put *our* message out, I think that would be a net positive thing.

That's rough bros. Shadowbanning is a cowards way out IMO. Either outright ban or let it flow.

Probably wishful thinking but what's the possibility of xposting content onto YouTube and/or reddit?

Ya know what? I kinda dig it

One ticket to kekistan pls

Confession time: I can't stop watching Alex Jones. This shit is hilarious ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

Yeah not a good fit

Like her gets so animated about it ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

I mean if SHTF I'd send him a bag of freedom just to watch what happens

The dude who came in hot.

If it wouldn't bring way more eyes here I'd live to have alex jones in here man

Based law boi

@Papa Dickhead I don't know who did that but I love that man

Have we hit 500 yet?


Good morning fellow fe.... autists

Got some good news and some bad news this morning

The good news is my oldest has discovered the Joy's of finger painting which is pretty cool

The bad news is his choice of paint this morning was the contents of his shitty pullup

Yeah autocorrect did me a funny on that knr


Oh yeah it's already cleaned off just not my preferred way to start the day ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

The joy of fatherhood ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜ก

@KaiBran and to answer your question my preference is the proper MARPAT for the terrain I'm in, but I am heavily biased

So does anyone have more word about NYC specifically targeting jews for NYPD enforcement? Seems super suspicious to me but haven't had time to really look into it

How about the word Tyranny with an ๐Ÿšซ around it

And I'm looking into a few different options for podcasting setups

I'm debating about doing a voice podcast or trying to recruit a diverse comrade for video but the main focus I want to do is on current event articles regarding gov overreach. I think that's the simplest way to get our message out there and start waking up the flock

Lol just spitballing here but what about the "Calvin pissing on" with the word tyranny

I like that. Need an artist recruit though. I can do a pretty mean stick figure

Alright I've got a guy who says he'll take a shot at it. We'll see what he comes up with

@TonyB yeah for sure. My thoughts are if we do voice I could have something out on the next day or two; just using what I have for now while waiting for better equipment to come in.

But if we do video, as I think would be better, I'll have to find someone much prettier than me for that as well as wait for the equipment to come in

@Artemis eh, I dunno about that. Lots of people I work with listen to political shit as we work

@Artemis well yes and no. What I've got in mind is targeted at the normies, trying to get more exposure to our ideals by highlighting specific I stances of the government trampling rights

@[LA] Zoomer Medi/k/ maybe not fictional. Maybe we get a duncan lemp mask

@TonyB I hear ya, but on the other hand I am not putting that on

I have no idea what it would cost, but it's possible to do

Yeah I don't know the first thing about Twitter tbh

Yeah I'm also against abandoning our name. That's ours, we always knew we would get demonized. Instead of running from that, let's embrace it WHILE helping the communities that need it the most

Bro fucking?

Whew, long day today boys. Trying to catch up, like what I've seen so far though

@Reno I agree, a to do list would be great. Any way we can add a column on there for "x" is handling it? So for example a line item could be set up website for podcast hosting, and goonicus maximus says "I can handle that", next to the website line item would be the name goonicus maximus. That way if someone new walks in and is like "hey I can help coding the site" or whatever they know who to get ahold of

Yeah I'm all for legalizing drugs but it's a hot item. And I'm a recovering addict so I still wont do them even if they get legalized I just feel it shouldn't be anyone else's business

Anyone going to the open California protests Friday?

I'm certified

But that's between me and the wizard

@GRANITE hell yeah brother. 6 years myself. ODAAT

@Garet oh gotcha. Sorry for the latter reply, got busy. What did you have in mind? I like new tech

I'm not much of an analyst, I was referring to the mayor's statements on social media. I wasn't even aware that there was an app with that capability tbh

I will freely admit I'm a bit of a rock when it comes to that stuff lmao

Also we are in pretty desperate need of secure communication apps if you want to look into that

Ok. Well if you can come up with something, and find a cost, we can certainly at least try to pass the hat around and see what we as a community can do

@Crye_Salesman I'm using signal at the moment but I'll be honest, I don't understand the "why". Just heard it was good

Oh no shit? They let y'all have personal cells downrange? My last deployment all we had were a few sat phones for SHTF and our comm got schwacked

Times have changed since my last tour lol. That was back in 08 though so shouldn't surprise me

Alright I'll leave you boys to it cause now you're talking greek

Baby steps make a lotta progress

FYI we got a couple boys working on updating the pamphlet so may want to wait to pin the newer version. Should be ready soonish

I'm far from a PR expert myself brother, just trying to help where I can. The draft is very similar to what's already here

I'm going to the San Diego one. Looking for brothers to join me or to be in the area for QRF

I think he could be here one day but I've also heard hes big time asshole

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