Message from @Il Duce
Discord ID: 461215175270465556
the main reason why we won in the Rust Belt was because of Low Turnout from Minorities and High Turnout from our base, White People
I know, I live there.
We need to make minorities not care (like they do) but you get what I am saying
but the thing is with Stewart, he is this Pro-Dixie guy so that might makes blacks turnout
If whites voted as a bloc, we wouldn't need this discussion. If we need more white Republican support, not necessarily more white turnout as a whole. Unless they begin voting as a bloc.
Maybe we should do voter registration drives in rural white areas
Not a bad idea.
We really need to work out the logistics of such a move first.
that is a great idea
I am not disagreeing with you btw Duce
I know.
Our goal should be increasing the White Support for the Right Wing
Not necessarily just right wing, but the nationalist movement the Republican Party is becoming.
Kick out the neocons first.
yes that is what I mean
Trump is taking over the Republican Party
(which is good)
also take a look at this
This goes far beyond even Trump. Surprisingly, Stephen Miller (a Jew lol) is a huge voice for the movement.
and high minority population yes
Not much to do with that. Urban areas generally swing left due to reliance on global economy and finance.
we might lose Georgia soon, I don't want to act all blackpilling but
you live in the Rust Belt?
I am gonna move there
Be careful. There aren't many good places left here.
I am gonna have a family there and get politically active in that area
Pittsburgh is really good, but I have yet to move there. Probably gonna move there for college.
Some parts at least.
idk man
Eastern PA seems nice
Rural PA and Pittsburgh are starting to get flooded by Philly.
closer to me also
Eastern PA is nice if you love a whole lot of nothing and New Yorkers ruining the already shitty roads. Believe me, I know.
Good for time off, but really boring otherwise.
I live near PA already so I want to move not too far away
I see.
15 mins from Philly on the NJ side
I live in the Northeastern tip of PA. Just trees and not much else for like 50 miles.