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I can only delete my own. Did you hold your finger/ cursor on the picture? I am on my phone. If you are on a computer, try right clicking on your mouse.

Iโ€™m not familiar with iPad function. A moderator may help. Otherwise, weโ€™ll all have to get baking!

Sweet bread๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜

Weโ€™ll have our own crumb trail.

You as well. ๐Ÿค

I like the stacked trailers. If we can get people to look at how the middle class has been gutted, that might help. There was a link to one of the South American countries talked about this. Maybe a series of what Saul Alinsky(?) steps are?

@SirW00f I see we have you to thank for that๐Ÿ‘

@Dustin Nemos did you get a link yet?

Nm looks like you have it

There was anon post that said all were set up under 50 umbrella corps.

Hi @Deleted User Welcome aboard. There is a welcome room that will start you off with you a bit of info(still under construction). If you need any help, please ask.

Welcome to Dustin's site Dianne. There is a welcome room with a bit of info to start you of.f. We will be expanding it to include safe surfing practices once the techs have vetted different browsers. I f we can help you, please let us know.

@Gadget Lady (CAN) . When and why did you start following Q? What piqued your curiosity? Riddles, clues, cryptic messages? Everyone likes puzzles and feeling like they can solve things. This gets everyone engaged,thinking and digging deeper. It interrupts their thought processes and perhaps bypasses conditioning and programming. . People have been speaking plain language about all of these things for years, decades, and are still on the fringes.

Now, the same things the "nutters" have been talking about are on their minds,and lips and in water cooler conversations around the country.

You are one of the lucky ones. If that is what you were taught. Also if they have to root around for the answer, then it becomes their truth, not just something they were told and can easily dismiss.

Heavenly Father, Bless us today with your Peace and a knowing deep in our spirit of your Truth. Strengthen us with your Word, your joy. deepen our trust in You, our reliance on You. Help us to listen to and know your voice. and put a hunger deep in our spirit to know You. Let us walk humbly before you. know that you alone are Holy, You alone are Lord, and not rely on our own wisdom.
Cover us with your armour and send your angels to guard us and place a hedge of protection around our minds, our thoughts, and our hearts so that we are not deceived by those who come as wolves in sheep's clothing.
We have the mind of Christ and can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Thank you for the gift of your sacrifice and the cleansing blood of Jesus who is the way, the truth and the light from the Father. Holy Spirit, thank you for Your wisdom and discernment. Create in us a clean heart, clarity of thought and purpose, give us the ability to forgive and wash away all thoughts of revenge, but let everything we do be driven by Your purpose and covered with your love. Fill our hearts to overflowing with your Love so that there is no room for doubt, anger or unforgiveness. Let your will be done here on earth so that all may know of your glory. Let us praise You and worship You and fill the earth with your name so that all are drawn to you.

In Jesus name.

Hello @areyouaware and @Christian, welcome to Dustin Nemos' site. there is a welcome room with some info to start you off. If you have any questions, Please feel free to ask. I wonder how many I've greeted as Ermagherd.๐Ÿ™„

Reveal your truth, separate the wheat from the tares, the sheep from the goats. Create this whole site as a place of refuge from the storm, a place where only Your truth can remain. Cover this entire site and those who remain here with your cleansing fire to burn away the dross so that only the pure essence of your love remains to draw your people to you. Let all who see this feel a stirring in their hearts and spirit to know you, to love you and to follow you. We thank you and praise you., Wonderful Counsellor, Almighty God, Redeemer, Lord of All , the Most High God. In Jesus' name.

I love watching the conversations flow. This is what community is all about.

when many are chatting, it makes things fly by... so many conversations at the same time. idk when the IG report is due.

or what the fallout will be.

What is it about? I can't bring it up clearly.

Hi @Simplicity_P welcome to Dustin's site. There is a bit of info to start you off in the welcome room. Things are still getting organized, but we will help you if we can. so feel free to ask questions.

@LaserTrain I remember you asking about the sails picture. How is it tying in for you?

@LaserTrain Is that what you referring to previously- nazi ties?

Happy to help jbango. HI @Shaudee, welcome to Dustin's site. If you start in the welcome room, you will find some info to start with. Things are still getting organized, but we will help you if we can. Please feel free to ask questions.

@lexi777333 Bota Whether that or others have been posted previously or not, it is a good reminder and a piece of the bigger puzzle.๐Ÿ‘

Where can I help?

Yes? put it out there?

I don't see stego. room

who works in stego room?

Heavenly Father , reveal your grace to us, and mercy to those who seek you. Help us to seek you with a pure heart as little children, trusting in you and your love for each of us. You have called us by name to serve you, to reverence you , to bring honour and glory to your name. You have cleansed us with the saving grace of your son Jesus. Draw near to us and shelter us from the coming storm. Help us to rely on you, and you alone, to bring us out of darkness into the power of your light. Jesus, thank you for your gift of life to us, and for us, for showing us the way to our Father's house. Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with your overflowing peace, hope , and knowing, so that your wisdom, discernment and love fills every part of us to overflowing that we might bring your peace to others too. Yours is not a spirit of fear to bind us, but a spirit of Love to create new freedom, new life! Holy Lord , You are all powerful , all knowing, courage, strength. I adore, I am yours.

good luck! I pray something comes of it๐Ÿ™

How can you tell if something is an actual source?

Great share Tripod.

for research or your own knowledge? Just trying to place it in the correct room.

Have you seen today's Q posts?

Has anything been figured out about Eyes in the SKY on Q post #864?

@Harpazogirl that might be a good one to put into community research as well.

United we stand and divided we fall. Hard to know where to stand sometimes.

All the info is confusing me. i need coffee๐Ÿ™‚

@dogwabone Welcome to Dustins' site. There is a welcome room with some info to start you off. If you need help, Please ask.

Well, the best place is for me right now is in prayer. Keeping you all in mine.๐Ÿ™

Holy Father, Break down the walls that divide us. Bring us together in your love and unity. Remove any doubt about who You are and fill us with Your discernment, hope and understanding. Reveal to us your purpose, Your truth. Fill us with your strength so that we will not falter, lift us up as we grow weary, as the cares of this world overtake us. Surround us with your angels' presence and protection so that even if we feel alone we are not. Bring us into your presence and fill us with Your refreshing Word, Your living water. Help us to seek Your face, Your love, Let us abide in you and rest in your presence. and rise again to praise and worship You. I rest in you and trust in Your path.

@Dani Clarke Thanks for your posts. They are things I wouldn't have thought to look at .

Agreed. I have learned a lot on here as well.

Thanks Lemonyfresh

Some use distractions as anaesthetics... they are in survival mode and /or victim mode and feel powerless to make major changes., whether in their own lives or in a bigger sense. We are subject to the beliefs systems we have in our head until we can identify them and change them.

Where is the interview @hansolo_711 ?

@modsquad there are 3 links pinned to the qanon posts room. Maybe one of those will be what you're looking for.

@loislane there are q post links in qanon posts room.

@Mommac , I was reading through this. I is beyond me how they can do this. Thank you for posting.

Luke 4:18
โ€œThe Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,โ€ You Lord, are the anointed one., you are Holy, all love all beauty, all joy, all goodness comes from you.
Lord, help us. Help us to reach the many, to comfort the heartbroken, to open their eyes to see. Help all to seek your truth, to act in Your perfect love, not in anger. Help us to forgive what we have seen, what some have had to experience and endure. Remove the thorns, all the hurts, all the disappointments, fear and anything that weighs down our spirit. Fill us with your love, peace, joy and hope so that there is no room for darkness in us. Guide us on your path to our Father. In Jesus' name.

There are q posts from today. Is anyone able to bring them over? I haven't learned how to bring them here yet.

It takes me to a specific post rather than the whole listing. I've been using the ones Dustin posted I was just was hoping someone could bring posts here for the group to look at.

@Malikstotle or @LemonyFresh can you help with this? You both brought some over yesterday I think.

Bless your heart Malikstotle. Thanks!

Thanks Lemonyfresh, This is kind of thing I was hoping to have pinned to the welcome room. @Sweet Tea would this be appropriate?

@jganny Here are the list of resources Lemonyfresh posted in comm research. Try to get at least 3 sources if possible to help prove the research. Here's to safe and successful digging. ๐Ÿ‘ !https://discordapp.com/assets/9f358f466473586417baee7bacfba5ca.svg:

Malikstotle has been dropping them in comm room.

@user13413 There a 3 links pinned in the q anon posts. Let us know if that works for you please.

Thanks Mailkstotle, I will be watching this!

@Geronimo#7502 @Sweet Tea . I am not sure how to fix your phone regarding pop ups etc. , but myeyes can get someone to look at the links to see if there is a problem there.

for some their phone is their pc., but problems may not as bad as it looks at first.

@LaserTrain have you tried all 3 links pinned to qanon posts room?

what post is that in? 904?

Thanks @Watershed. It easy to be distracted and click through things quickly without realizing what you are doing.

true della, comprehensive tech support is not likely doable. Perhaps a tech team can point them in the right direction to find a solution.

lol @ della ...my bad. I am sorry if I caused your๐Ÿ˜  face. I like to look for solutions if possible.

No, asking questions is a good thing. Each of us see things thru different experiences. You may bring up an aspect no one has thought about before and someone else makes a new connection.

We're all learning and trying to figure this out. None of us has the time or expertise to learn/know/do it all. Thank you for being brave.

@Malikstotle Fantastic job! Thank you for posting!!!!

It is much appreciated Malikstotle.

WOW. Truth bomb and that one hurts the heart.

What is the link to hear please?

๐Ÿ˜ข link please?

They did speak a bit about this on the corsi channel earlier. I'm not recalling exactly what was said about 943... but they were quite upset about the jfk airing

I don't know. I was catching it on the fly so missed some of what was said,

What are the possibilities?

What would make the messages easier for people to accept?

that was the feeling on the corsi commentary

past my bedtime folks. bring your thinking caps and digging boots tomorrow. Rest well.

2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 1 John 4:18 There is no fear where love exists. Rather, perfect love banishes fear, for fear involves punishment, and the person who lives in fear has not been perfected in love.

Good morning all! It is a beautiful day.

Then you have had a long day already...

Lord, I thank you for this day of blessing, this day of rest. and of reflection. Help us to take the time to meditate on your goodness, your glory. I thank you for your peace and joy that overshadows us. I thank you that you have covered us with your banner of love and called each of us by name. I thank you for your truth, the little signs you give us so we know you are with each of us , guiding us, revealing the next step to take on your path. I don't have to know the whole path as long as you light our way, I trust in you. Thank you for letting us know that we are making a difference in our communities., for sharing that joy of discovery with us. Fill our hearts with your love, your joy, your strength, your peace. Thank you for the gift of your son, Jesus, who has shown us the way to you. Thank you Holy Spirit for your wisdom, your discernment. I rest in your presence and your protecion.

Psalm 81 :1 Sing for joy to God our strength;
shout aloud to the God of Jacob!
2 Begin the music, strike the timbrel,
play the melodious harp and lyre.

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