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Never used this app before.

Iโ€™ll figure it out. Seems easy.

Typed weird for a date

Right, is anyone familiar with that nomenclature for a date?

Also, you guys know who Gannett is, right?

Gannett=USAToday and a bunch of local TV news affiliates.

I think they also TENGA media

The OO (Oval Office) Prayer mentions sacrificing children. The FL shooting is an example. I think the prayer not only refers to human trafficking but also the deep stateโ€™s willingness to kill children or teenagers to further their agenda. Thanks for reposting the prayer.

That was straight up terrorism from a foreign nation. It is being dealt with by Trump without WW3

Notice the series of events following LV. Trump traveled, and the nation he visited rounded up theirs bad guys.

It was on the news.

Lots of explanations but only 1 truth.

Are you arguing that the DS isnโ€™t willing to kill children to advance their agenda? Thatโ€™s one of the things we all agree about.

IMO if the LV truth was confirmed we would have no choice than another Gulf War. We donโ€™t want another war. Donโ€™t take my word for it, YouTube John E Hoover and see if those videos make sense to you. But be warned, they made me angry. I donโ€™t think these videos are manipulated. I think someone that knows what they are doing compiled publicly available data and tells a different story.

My bad, agreed. We are at war. Not hardware as much as software.

Instead of the Cold War this is the โ€œSoft Warโ€. Software War. Mental and computer software. Lol

I imagine that is a busy area.

Could be part of the rumored DS Air Force

Did not know 5G was up.

Hormone replacement therapy

Diff subject. IMO Snowden is black hat. Hollywoodโ€™s glamorization of him is evidence that he is probably dirty. Made him look like a hero of the people. I think he is DS and weakened the NSA on behalf of the CIA.

We are organized and plentiful.

Tucker Carlson Tonight is about Google/YouTube Censorship.

new topic: In the middle of one of the Q docs it says "4th deminsional negative entities" and below that is "PINDAR" at the top of the pyramid. WTF is a PINDAR and could the be "P" that Q refered to?

What are 4th Deminsional Negative Entities and who/what is PINDAR?

are their 4th dimensional positive or neutral entitites? WFT is a 4th Dimensional Entity?

Ok, so who is the Dragon Penis? Who wears a Gold cap or gold hair and is at the pinnacle of leadership. Their need for symbolism is their downfall.

Good morning all. Iโ€™ve seen a lot of David Icke. Fascinating stuff. Parts make a lot of sense other parts hard to accept. Interesting that this has a connection.

I think we need to focus on prayer. Pray for everyone to find their own truths. Pray for those blinded by deception to seek truth. If we are blinded by deception then we need the prayer too.

Itโ€™s all real. Pedogate pizzagate the decline of western civilization through music art and movies. Itโ€™s all real. Receiving grace from God through Jesus is real. Prayers do matter, they do help. Thoughts, not so much. Thoughts arenโ€™t prayers. Prayers are deliberate and formal. Thoughts flutter around and produce other thoughts. So when someone offers thoughts and prayers, they can keep their thoughts and just pray for understanding.

Yes yes yes @hansolo_711 we control out thoughts, thoughts control feelings, feelings control emotion. The part where many differ is not letting emotions control thoughts. Not having control of thoughts leads to losing control of emotion which lead to chaos and despair.

Looks like an audio book of Behold the Pale Horse is on YT

Hey, allow me to share my process. I didnโ€™t over think it. I started at Coinbase with $10 worth of Bitcoin. That configured my wallet. Next I assembled a miner machine which is producing around $20/day on NiceHash. I transfer from NiceHash to Coinbase about twice a week. Everything uses 2FA to move $ so it feels secure. Iโ€™m not getting rich over night but I am in the game.

Discussion question: What is YTโ€™s track record for taking down sites? Is this a recent spike allowable by the ending of Net Neutrality? Are โ€œthings getting realโ€ all of a sudden? Why now, why now?

YouTube exists so creators and consumers can be more directly connected. Why limit any type of video? Good stuff rises to the top and garbage stays garbage.

Right, right about the fire. And no doubt this will all play out in China over the next 20 years.

Or they learned to squelch free speech early there so it probably wonโ€™t be easy for Chinese citizens to upload videos

This cannot be allowed to stand but I canโ€™t think of any logical recourse.

Jordan Sather with Destroy the Illusion is down.

Bombards body language channel is down.

Perhaps That image is telling us to pay attention to movie narratives? Seems vague but Q does make a lot of movie references.

I operate with smart tv and an iPhone. I have a pc but I find keeping it easy is best.

@Dani Clarke I totally believe they are doing that.

I think [p] is PINDAR.

I also found reference to PINDAR being an acronym for Penis of the Dragon.

I have a high res version of the map.

Ok, but itโ€™ll be a bit. Itโ€™s on a PC in my office.

What if the blanks during the planned active shooter drill in parkland were accidentally switched with real rounds?

And Cruz is a convenient patsy

Maybe Sheriff Israel botched it and knew the crazy Cruz kid would easily be framed.

Arenโ€™t their cameras everywhere?

Right, sounds legit

Who did pay for the kids Uber?

I can see the reason for suppressing Vegas truth.

I can see it. Look at timeline of following events around Trumps visit to SA.

I have some crypto. I mine

Nah, download NiceHash and get going. Improve the miner as you go.

You get what you pay for I guess. I go with GPU so I can sell the cards if I want out. Ant miners are dedicated so it is a bigger commitment.

I feel like my powers of discernment think Q is real but I appreciate the question. We should always question everything short of becoming self paralyzed

YT has lots of videos on Coinbase, NiceHash and miners. I have a multi GPU system with 9 graphics cards.

Looking forward to see it it @Dustin Nemos

GIF is cool. The program that analyzed the flag produces and email of the results. This gif is from the email.

But you gotta click it to see the action and some maybe hesitant to click it.

Cool, Iโ€™m on an iPad so I have to click it.

I found it and I think it means that we are stopping the end game.

Endgame is 50 states to 4 containment zones.

So I get this as a meme

Use this program from App Store.

I think the 4starflag is the only true hidden image that has been found inside a Q image.

@hansolo_711 change that to โ€œstop the 4 horsemenโ€

Right all have hidden meanings.

I wasnโ€™t thinking LOTRvm but I get it.

I think of 4 zones, NE SE NW SW that we will be confined too.

Closed Walmartโ€™s will be where you go when you can afford to live in your own.

That is where you will go when you canโ€™t afford to self sustain. So then they decide what to do with you. Re-education and reassignment or elimination.

Where did Johnny go? He got reassigned. (Johnny is dead)

So I think we are put in play to fight the 4zone endgame.

Yeah, putting all of these pieces together is scary.

If you were going to control the globe, wouldnโ€™t it be easier if USA was 4 zones instead of 50 states?

I donโ€™t delete.

This app have delete? Didnโ€™t check.

4 stars isnโ€™t dividing, itโ€™s the homogenization of us.

Hmm, I should RTFM. Lol.

But the 4 stars in the flag is about confinement

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