
Discord ID: 480451162978648094

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Whooo I'm in, bitches!!! Now I don't have to use Facebook anymore...

I was in another room checking out posts from Ragnarok.

And I will second Jews, I used to think so but not so much anymore, and if I say yes will you kick me out?

To be clear about who I am(Charles penton on Facebook), I am not religious, but raised Baptist. I am a 34 w/m from the southernmost part of Mississippi. I got into politics before Trump came along, when Obama was encouraging the attacks on police and white men. I was attacked on bourbon St for being white. Literally. Kind of opened my eyes. I started researching and learning...then Trump stepped in. And now I'm home.

Honestly I've never felt more at home and around like minded people than I have when I found this group. For a long time I thought I was pretty much alone out here in libland swimming in fucktards.

I'm on a 30 day ban on my main profile now for telling someone that leftist media was retarding their ability to process reality.... Because retarding is fucktards...

Well... I'm officially banned on both my main and my alt on FB.... Looks like I'm gonna be here from now on lmfao. Fuck Zucc

Man this video is import

Today was the funeral procession for the murdered officer in Biloxi Ms. Rip.

Someone tried that with me.... I got extremely lucky and the person they reported me to happened to find me fucking hilarious. Told me to try and tone it down or to not put my job online.

It's my comments that get me in trouble

I'm openly conservative. Fuck em if they don't like it lol.

@Iakovos anonymous is fake. They are literally controlled opposition. I tried to join them when I first started waking up to politics and business in 2015. I tried speaking with them several times and could never get a response that wasn't some vague weirdo shit. Then they started sending me training materials, but still no response to my questions. In the meantime I was reading and learning so much I couldn't sleep at night it became an issue I was becoming obsessed. So I started actually watching them more and paying attention to things in their videos etc and it all leads back to the same symbolism bullshit as everything else. Everything they said was to incite rioting but it never worked LoL. It's because they were claiming to lead this movement but were never actually at these places and times... So the whole thing was hollow and it fizzled. But it opened my eyes a little wider. I figure they have to be government because of the shit they sent me. It was way too organized and prepared... Like it was official or some shit... They wanted me to wreak havoc.

I hadn't yet realized that there was a globalist takeover in motion. I'd suppose weaponizing people against the economy is just another step in the plan to implement global control.

To clarify when I say training materials I mean information on hacking. A step by step how to guide to breaking the digital world. Shit tons of information.

Myth busters has always been a bunch if idiocy it doesn't surprise me that he's an idiot.

I wonder that all the time... Not strictly about the 13%'s either but in general... Everyone is so afraid of going to jail that they won't even stand up for those around them... The people on this bus should have mob stomped that bitch into the curb. Shoving an old man off of the bus, and I'm pretty sure it's because he's white. I wouldn't be able to stop myself from smashing this bitch before I could even check on the old man. I would likely black out in rage at this. Or that one that threw that kid off of the balcony at the mall of America.... Guess who'd be going right the fuck after him over that balcony. There's just no way....

Hate crimes against white people aren't considered hate crimes.

Yeah if it we're about vulgarity or whatever they would have taken down my page a long time ago. I haven't been active on it in a long time but the worst of the worst jokes are on there.

Can't comment on the live @Tom - GET Official but I'm watching damnitt. Fuck Zucc.

@Thornberry FUUUUUCK no.... LoL

I didn't watch the series premiere, much less the finale...An entire show about beta males.

Fucking harpoon @Tom - GET Official holy shit that was Savage.

I know your not looking now but you'll see later and know what I am laughing about.

Honk fucking honk Tom. Stillborn

I know most of you are metal heads but I felt like you guys should check this out. @Tom - GET Official

The musician was sick and supposedly died in a hotel in another country somewhere.

And no I think he died from his illness but I could be wrong personally I believe he was killed along with Chris Cornell and Chester

This video draws too much attention to a hidden issue that involves a lot of powerful people

That makes me believe it even more. Yeah watch the video it's sick. Negatively sick like disgusting.

@Andrules lol your discord pic is my cover photo on Facebook. And supposedly Chris and Chester were working on a documentary about the same thing. Chester being a victim of childhood molestation himself.

I don't believe that a man with six kids, a super hot wife, millions of dollars, and a great career just offed himself right after his best friend.

That's true, and I could be wrong. But the situation with Chris was extremely suspicious. He was found on the floor of a locked bathroom and supposedly hung himself. Idk about Chester and the thing with aviici was also super sketchy. Aviici made this video not long before he died and Chris and Chester were looking into the same type of stuff... All three suicide within a years time.

Damn.. that's horrible man I'm sorry to hear that honestly.

A can't comment but I can report. Lt Chambers reporting for duty in the meme war, sir!

The owner was bitching about being shadow banned

I didn't know about Chester I don't know anything about his death honestly i just knew Chris's death was suspicious and they were friends. I heard about them working together on something to do with the child trafficking thing on Facebook. Probably bs but then Chester died and it just freaked me out. I saw the video by aviici before he died but I listened to him regularly.

They are exaggerating some though... They seem to think that if the pregnancy is detrimental to the mother's health that the mother has to just deliver and die. They are stupid.

I saw this on Facebook.... What the actual fuck.

Do they honestly believe this shit? That they are better than us and we stole everything from them? I mean I'd like to say they can't be that stupid buuuuuut.....

Was the end of that video that kid black pilling herself? LMFAO

Omfg I saw the first pic and my instant reaction was exactly the second one LoL

I really need a maga hat and a bat.......

@Deleted User they can blast me all over the media if they want. I've got lots to say.

Finally a system of special rights we can manipulate. I can just say I'm gay, my wife is gay, and we are simply friends who have children as a cover. Boom, special privilege.

Has anyone watched this new Pokemon movie yet? Of COURSE this story of (I believe) Japanese origin has a mixed star with a multiracial couple for parents, a Muslim for a best friend and a white girl for a love interest. How politically correct of them..... It's in every show, every movie, every kids cartoon... My daughter watches a show called puppy dog pals. Great show, very worldly, region accurate music, positive storylines... Except..... Of course... The two stars are a black puppy and a blonde puppy... And again, of course, the black puppy is inherently smarter, and more capable. The blonde puppy is fat, stupid, and inept... I know it's just a cartoon but it's really psychological warfare being implemented against our children.

Oh, and to top it off they added a third puppy this season... She's a Jew...

Fucking hell man I can barely even look at Facebook anymore the leftists have gone completely batshit. They can't comprehend anything that is happening in front of them and in their confusion they lash out angrily... They accuse every person that's not a socialist fucktard of being Nazis. I literally just saw a comment from an idiotic liberal accusing conservatives of being anti Christian???? They all think Trump is some crime boss and he's covering up his massive amount of crimes that for some reason have never been heard of or brought up in his entire life until now. They seem to think that congressional oversight means complete and utter control over the entire government and ability to subpoena anything they want from anybody with no reason or recourse and if you don't agree your obstructing justice.... What fucking justice.... There has to be a crime for justice to be enacted, and there has to be justing being enacted in order to obstruct it. These people are mentally unstable and incapable of thoughts not directly shoved down their throats like the big black dicks they have plastered all over every fucking channel of everything. They are literally asking for things they know they have no legal rights to, just so that when they are told no they can make a big scene and convince more fucktards that they are doing good... It's sickening at this point. Too much. How are we supposed to handle and process this information. The Democratic party is literally twisting every aspect of reality for the ultimate goal of destroying us for a larger cause(globalism and control)

It doesn't matter much if the majority of people are deceived into believing that he, and us, is the enemy. It's just hard for me to accept that so many people just buy into what they're told with no research... I get accused of being a racist Nazi inbred(I'm from Mississippi) super privileged religious bigot white supremacist that was activated by Trump... I woke up before Trump came along though. Obama did this. He made me an enemy because of my skin. He made me disgusted by Democrats. He made me realize that globalists are literally trying to destroy our nation through the Democratic party. They can't see, and they won't take the time to look.

Louisiana.... Looks about right.

God damnit man. WTF is wrong with these people.

Saw this on FB... Had to bring it over LoL

Comments are cancer

I was talking to someone about ween steen the other day... About how the whole story seems to have just disappeared. Guess I was wrong lol. But this is bullshit he needs to be in prison... How the fuck is he not in prison?? I'm sure at least some of the stalking or conspiracy shit is provable in court... Idk man it's almost time. I just feel like it's coming.

I'd promote him

I can't believe it... No fucking way... The fashtag ... Bahahaha this is an amazing world.... We could take away some of their favorite things this way... Convince them that weed has been "helping capitalism" grow and tighten it's grip on the poor, through legalization. And then convince them that alt right business cronies are planning to buy out the business and monopolize it. Make them hate it as much as possible. Just tell them a shitload of bullshit until their eyes bleed.

And yes they are fucking retarded

Gotta love how they make sure to throw the race in there

Apparently Bing has been cucked.

Tried to look up "black man kills multiple" to find some articles to share with those "white men are terrorists dumb fucks"

I saw this in the group but I'm banned so I can't comment. But everyone seems to be hating on this guy because he's obviously a degenerate... But the truth is a lot of people in my generation were brainwashed into thinking that thug culture, tattoos, prison culture, etc were the only way to be. Just because someone made mistakes while they were asleep doesn't mean they don't have the ability to wake up. This man was likely hood hood hood until sometime between 2015 and now, when the country made it very clear that the white man is the enemy of all things liberal... Hence the song... I used to think some stupid shit myself, I spent most of my youth with drug addicts and thugs. That's all there is where I'm from. I was 30 before I realized that most of the citizens of America are brainwashed idiots just doing as they're told by the TV, radio, and educators. Besides that, if you are a white male that lives in society as most do and follow pop culture etc and then you wake up..... How do you tell the people on the other side???? How do you make them listen??? Just like this. Be relatable to them. Make them identify with you enough so that they will listen to your words and start looking.... Then they will wake up too hopefully.... It's essentially fighting fire with fire. Fight idiot box brain control with idiot box brain control. The lefts entire game is money and psychology. It's all they have and they are fucking good at it.

@Deleted User I am banned on two accounts... Can't help myself. When I see someone spreading stupidity I tell them so... This time I called someone a racist POS and told them to die slowly in a hole somewhere. Apparently putting "I feel like you should" doesn't before doesn't work well. On my other account I forget what I said... I'm an asshole.

@Deleted User I woke up in 2014-2015. I started reading conspiracy sites for entertainment..... I was not entertained. I was enlightened. Never got into Alex Jones because he's so ridiculous.. like a slapstick comedian but for conspiracies... I will say that many things I researched I would find him along the way saying the same things. I was attacked on bourbon St by some fucking dindu who failed to even lay a punch on me and I was not dodging him he was just drunk and stupid. But he did state that it was because he didn't like white people. Then Obama pushing the anti cop, anti white, bs while simultaneously funneling our economy to other countries woke me up.... I spent months not able to sleep reading everything I could find about what he was doing. Trying to figure out in my brain how someone like myself(dirt poor from Mississippi) could even fight back against....... Basically fucking super villains trying to take over the world... Because this is global, every important nation... Then in stepped Trump. And the mask that I had looked behind came flying off. The liberals have revealed their anti white hate. They have revealed their anti American hate and globalist intentions. They have revealed their media propaganda pushers. They have revealed their entire hand.

Honestly for a looooong time I thought I was alone. The world was doomed. Every Post online the comments were all brainwashed idiots marching to their own deaths slowly.. it's only in the last two years I've seen the tide turning off public awakening. I'm guessing that has something to do with the white male suicide rate spiking during that time... They country hates you, the world hates you, no one believes you, and you are alone.... Why bother, right? I didn't see it that way, I will go down fighting regardless.

I don't really use other social media platforms

Maybe I should have been watching Alex lol. As soon as they deplatformed him I was like shit..... He's got important info.

It's like that with all of discord my work is down as well

As always, it's ok to attack white people but I damn sure better not say anything about it.

I need to have a shirt made up with those on it ๐Ÿ˜‚

Looks like I'm banned again... Fucking fb. My comment supposedly went against community standards but I asked for review and they said it was ok and my comment was back on Facebook but the ban is still in effect.

I believe the Catholic Church has been infiltrated. I have for a long time

@fsmetal regarding your Cobain, Hitler, Bourdain, Robin Williams, Avicii, Epstein suicide meme... Avicii didn't commit suicide. Look up better way by him on YouTube watch the video.

@Reaper5594 the results in Kentucky are very suspicious though. The number of votes for that race vs votes in other races is off by thousands as if a whole shit ton of people randomly just decided to vote straight conservative on everything else and then abandon that particular vote for some unknown reason.

Happy Halloween!!! We still don't have power to a portion of the Mississippi gulf coast atm, but we're doing Halloween!!! To hell with a shutdown!!!

And fuck Facebook have to checked out parler, Tom?

Looks like it's back on boys.
Join me in re-establishing our presence on the book!!!

How do we invite someone to join the server?

Oh man that was a long time ago lol

I think I joined from the original group...

@Ragnarok so... The wife and I watched a morning documentary today. We watched the ultimate red pill. You aren't wrong.

That's who I was trying to invite in, now that she's ready...

Any recommendations for our next movie?

Why were the other channels removed?? They were epic entertainment

Hey look, some shitbag trying to fuck my wife... Good luck, bitches. We have a conservative family, no degenerate whoredome for you to partake in lmfao. Go find some jigabitch to harass

Crucify the Democrats on tv

They should have preemptively blocked the tunnel exits and hung those mother fuckers

We are allowed to WISH harm. Especially retrospectively

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