Harry C
Discord ID: 252040439614406657
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No way on earth.
I liked the old Roman republic idea of 2 men in power. That way something big would have to change the government. Garacci brothers style.
(I do ancient history btw)
They get elected.
The republic not empire.
Hitler got elected through tough times. Stalin after war.
It's instability that breeds chaos
Like hitlers
His dad was abusive, he was inbred, his lived in an anti-semetic city and became a megalomaniac when in power.
So I would agree the environment shapes the personality.
That's why governments have restrictions. Ones that would need to restrict a leaders power. To give him something to fear and grow with, not against.
Capitalism was less selfish during the cold war because it wanted less communism and so it needed to be careful in the public eye.
Her brother?
Really it was Julius Caesar that United the country. Because her brother killed his rival.
And besides. That was not Roman republic.
Well no. The Egyptian way was way different.
The Roman way was a council made up of Tribunes and Patricians. Patricians represented the rich the Tribunes the poor.
Both of these groups elected 1 Patrician and 1 Tribune as consul.
(Great poll)
These consuls proposed ideas. Both sides would usually have different ideologies or ideas. Mainly have Rome in mind.
The idea was perfect balance. And it worked until a bunch of ,(The equivalent of)ancient communists ruined the system.
And that's where we tweak the system.
We find ways to avoid destruction or conquest and manipulation
Besides. The final blow was the mass migraetionn of barbaric tribes due to the huns.
Oh look the Romans fell to ***IMMIGRATION***
Looks like we are ***REPEATING HISTORY***
Even better, like the Romans, the eu is basically as influential and powerfull today as the Romans once were
Im new here
Im 1 british boi. We need a tactical ben shapiro to combat our media issue over here.
Thanks man.
Good to finally get a server where we can have decent arguments.
Im not sure.
Mandela is probably spinning in his grave right now.
While a terrorist he would still know that this would ruin South Africa
Oh boi.
I've found that being poor makes people reflect. The free time they have and the powerlessness they feel almost makes them look back o themselves
I wouldn't say that if it was for gang members as they have people to fall back on who mold there personality. True homeless with no one to fall back on have nothing. And that gives there personality everything.
...Besides the drugs they turn to, so they can cope.
I love it.
But in my opinion such technology is far from utopia. Like a mirage it is not real. It is simulated happiness.
It is a chance to better reality. However it is if future humans don't get trapped by the virtual one. They may see no need to improve the real world when the one they built feels so much better.
But it's only getting worse @zerohero007
Oculus rift for example.
But that's always the intent at first. Good is always the intent. Carl Marx thought communism was amazing, and millions died.
Hitler thought Facism would lead Germany to victory, millions died.
Systems can always be corrupt. Our oasis can still be hijacked by governments. China does is normally, article 13 will do it and Authoritarianism will always threaten it.
Nothing is perfect. I try to always be skeptical when presented with a fact so I can find an opinion for it and later argue so I can get information.
It's how I get past propoghanda and bias.
<:anarcho_autism:428200924322988042> <:autism:428200901518426112> <:Bizarreainsley:435054920266416128>
<:anarcho_autism:428200924322988042> <:anarcho_autism:428200924322988042> <:anarcho_autism:428200924322988042>
<:anarcho_autism:428200924322988042> <:Gulag:455693503737888780> <:autism:428200901518426112> <:_bonzistanding_:455695057245175809>
Yeah. Just gotta beware of ๐ ฑ ernie s๐ ฐ anders
Yet feminist idiots support him to get free from "oppression" brilliant!!
No your and oppressor REEEEEEEEEE<:trig1:446311117652754442> <:trig2:446311168210894859> <:trig3:446311224938987520>
***Throws G A S grenade***
I should probably stop now xd
For real.
That's horrible.
๐ค ๐ค ๐ค
The media thinks so.
They portray everyone left of Stalin as a facist
They just never learn. The very product of over protective parenting. It shields them from the truth so much that they can't handle it.
The BBC if the worst over here in the UK. The big argument for immigration here is the British Empire. Tbh without european empire the 3rd world would have basically been a place full of tribes and the Americas would be filled with Natives soooooo fight me BBC.
Not to mention how bad technology would have been.
๐ ๐ ๐
It's not even the flag that gives it away, it's that it looks malnourished. Oh sorry **WE** look malnourished <:Gulag:455693503737888780>
In ww1 Germany was already starving. If anything the u.s was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Ww2 if the u.s didnt join communism would be too o.p
I mean. They could have potentially just grabbed italy. If the ussr grabbed italy communism would basically own Europe and possibly Japan.
Hiroshima I think
That bomb looking **THICC**
Not sure of the official definition but it's along the lines of quick military takeover over night.
Is that weed?
Looks like someone had the right idea. ๐ ๐ ๐
See ya. Good luck ๐ ๐
What do you guys think of this?
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