Message from @Harry C
Discord ID: 530089189409292288
There is no perfect balance
Remember the two Egyptian siblings this was tryed with
Let me get the name
A boy and a girl
Basically they ended up dividing Egypt in two and turned it into a war zone
Eventually the girl one and ceased full power
Cleopatra and the other guy?
Her brother?
Really it was Julius Caesar that United the country. Because her brother killed his rival.
Yes this is true but my point still stands
And besides. That was not Roman republic.
No but I'm disputing the concept
Well no. The Egyptian way was way different.
But i ghuess we can all agree that socialism will never work
The Roman way was a council made up of Tribunes and Patricians. Patricians represented the rich the Tribunes the poor.
Your welcome
Both of these groups elected 1 Patrician and 1 Tribune as consul.
(Great poll)
Fucking flash and his high iq cool pools
Love that lad
Thank you!
These consuls proposed ideas. Both sides would usually have different ideologies or ideas. Mainly have Rome in mind.
The idea was perfect balance. And it worked until a bunch of ,(The equivalent of)ancient communists ruined the system.
Unfortunately the Romans like many other empires fell it corruption
And that's where we tweak the system.
with capitalism
We find ways to avoid destruction or conquest and manipulation
Besides. The final blow was the mass migraetionn of barbaric tribes due to the huns.
Oh look the Romans fell to ***IMMIGRATION***
Looks like we are ***REPEATING HISTORY***