
Discord ID: 549716570742718470

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How is everyone doing?

Why're you looking at stock charts?

I am absorbing the red pill/mgotw stuff.

Oh do you work in finance or are these personal investments?

I have been investing in index funds because I don't understand it all yet.

I have $20k in debt left to pay off so I am pushing for that now.


@Xychotic If you don't mind me asking - how do you have so much in debt?

I finished my computer science degree and am making $75k now but I am going to murder this debt within 7 months.

@Xychotic I'm sorry ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

I own my car and invested $25k. Once I kill this debt I aim for $125,000 by age 25!

What made you all discover the RP/MGTOW? What made you choose MGTOW over PUA or this "Red Man" stuff?

Wow you guys are all spot on.

I was raised by a single mother until she died when I was 10, then my aunt raised me with her terrible fucking children (3 girls).

Tom Leykis actually introduced me as well.

I know this is stupid but how do you switch from the desire to serve women and be a provider to serving yourself? I feel passionate about programming still and actually put in 2 hours extra today to build out a monitoring module but I also feel less thrilled about it deep down.

@Xychotic Yes! I follow Cole.

I have not but I don't actually have a desire to travel traditionally. I DO have a desire to hike the entire Pacific Crest Trail though.

@Xychotic I do want to lockpick and build a chair, table and desk.

@Roko I feel at a disadvantage to tradesman or people who have true skills sometimes. What if the zombies come? Is my programming going to matter when the entire infrastructure is hacked by the Chinese or AI overlords?

@Roko I work in a tech company as a straight white male.

I am terrified of HR. I've attended 12 "diversity and inclusion" seminars. I think I am on a list.


I have been looking into that lifestyle a lot.

I own very little so I could sell it all and move to a cheaper place.

He's not MGTOW but "Andrew Tate" is pretty interesting. He's 100% in service of women mentally but he's pushing Romania as a good country.

@Roko I personally want to build a SaaS/API and sell licenses of it OR make tools for my niche and license them. I have discovered this "Financial Independence Retire Early" subreddit/blogosphere so I am dedicating myself to save at least 50% of my income in 2019 AND pay off all $20k in debt.

@Roko I agree with you however the market has always grown at about 10% average per year since inception.

I buy and hold high dividend stocks. Once I learn more, I'll invest elsewhere. I own 1% in BTC.


I am working on a simple fraud detection system currently and will try to sell to a large security company.

If it doesn't work out, it's on GitHub added to my resume!

I lose nothing.

I need to learn ML.

I am making it in golang with Bolt DB so I could add an abstracted file system that is encrypted.

I don't know how that would work with ML though.

I will look into that!

Good tip! I am googling what the fuck that means now.

Do you work in the ML field?

It seems like an awesome field but I feel I wouldn't code/build as much. I feel it would be mostly analyzing stuff.

It seems like a lot of data cleaning ๐Ÿ˜„

Do you find it very challenging/rewarding?

Does it feel like it would take you a lifetime to truly master since it's evolving so quickly?

I love that about "software engineering".... now that I don't want a family/kids, a really challenging career seems ideal.

That's beautiful!

I bet! I hope you're making 125k+

I think trades/nursing and other jobs will always exist.

I agree it will be huge though.

I am already pushing towards the micro-service/SaaS development so if I focus on ML I could build out a MVP quickly.

Do you suggest a specific resource for learning ML?

I saw datacamp a while ago and it seems solid.

@Roko Random: How much do you read books/textbooks or watch videos to learn compared to just reading whitepapers/Googling tutorials/articles?

Yes! I ask because since I am now out of school I find myself NOT reading books or taking "MOOC/video tutorials" anymore. I simply find something I want to build and search for each task as I complete it.

What are effective learning strategies for you?

Sleep/nutrition/exercise and *for me* no caffeine... is huge too!

@Roko Yes! I 100% agree. I used to just sit there and consume lectures or read books. I never got nearly as much done, wasted a lot more time and by the time I got stuff done it was old.

Honestly, I agree.

You don't have to!

@JDB Since you're mgtow you don't have the fear of loss that most men struggle with. Without a family counting on you, you are now free to pursue things and fail.

Worse case, you fail to find a job and work a shitty job until you go back to school or find a job.


MGTOW is life on easy mode in many ways.

You could work as a janitor and survive while programming/learning on the side.

It's how you play it and your personality. If you enjoy school then do it.

@shadowlessnexus I think you have to be professional and dressing well/being in good shape and other silly things DOES signal a higher value. Now, it doesn't have to be sexual. There is nothing wrong working a job as you train yourself in another career.

@JDB I am there with you. I am treating this job (software engineer making 75k) as means to more. I spend 4 hours in the morning before work to study/learn, then work 8-10 hours, workout 1 hour and chill the rest of the night. On weekends, I just hang with friends or learn. I think you do need to prioritize social though. It's so easy to be a hermit and start getting depressed if you're not careful.

@MufflePuff I want high value for raises/bonuses/work but care less otherwise.

@JDB 0500-600

@Roko I know this will sound really dumb but I've been doing a 'passive meditation' by leaving my phone turned off in my work drawer. I embrace the slow moments of life without any distraction. I sit down to my computer to work. Otherwise, I am mentally freed up.

@JDB I usually wake up 0500 and work on the side until 0900. I work 5 mins away so I get in around 0905-0910.

@Roko I've been leaving the phone locked away in the drawer the past 2 weeks and it's still hard. I randomly feel like I get a buzz in the pants (not even the good kind!) but then remember it's only for work.

I switched all my friends to Discord, too. That helped a lot.

@JDB Absolutely.

It's one reason I am questioning my habit of playing games. I feel like I am hacking my desire to achieve things when I play games. I drain myself of wanting to achieve as much when I play too many games. It's weird.

@JDB You will easily take care of yourself. You just need to figure out your base "burn rate" - how much do you TRULY need to survive then make at least that (anything more should be saved/invested).

<@549393998788296736> I am the same way. I am feeling myself lose interest in "climbing the ladder" and all the daily minutia (other than technical challenges). I just want to build stuff and solve problems. After work, I workout and socialize.

@JDB I suggest: $500/mo rent + $200/mo food + $25 phone/gym/fun. You can learn all else for free.

@JDB Yes! You can. Do you need a car? What is cost of travel?

I personally spend: $600 rent + $200 food + $150 transport + $25 misc (gym/hookers/blow). It's below poverty in the US.


If you can go to school for no debt or very cheap - do it. If you feel you don't need to and can start work sooner - skip school.


I lived in a 3BR house with 4 people for 4 years.

It became quite annoying after year 3 due to female drama. Just be careful.

@JDB If you're already working as a DBA - don't attend school. Use this role to start pivoting into development or whatever you want. Learn the skills you need to fix problems at that job and start showing it off.

"Oh Jim, you need a script to automate that?" I got you.


Don't rent your own spot for 1100/mo

Bite the bullet and get a roommate or two.

UNLESS you REALLY hate people...

1100 is insane on 2k/mo income

You need to make at least 3k/mo or more for 1100/mo rent.

You want a nice place though because you will be studying a lot OR a shitty place but only sleep there basically and study at public places. It's a personality thing.

I workout and love food so I spend $200/mo but I don't eat out/prepared meals or drink. I get groceries and I never need BS.

Do you have a GitHub?

Do you have skills?

If so, yes.

If not, get those ๐Ÿ˜„

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