
Discord ID: 384074718636146698

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Howdy folks. I'm new here. What's this discord thing all about?

@Kragt Cool. I was just looking at the rules. Really like the no THOT one.

I don't understand why some guys want MGTOW to change things or why so many MGTOW focus on women so much.

Good perspectives

I'm looking for a job right now. All the HR people are women. I need to figure out how to get past them.

@Kragt I'll have to work on that one. lol

@Kragt Yes. Colorado. Willing to move for the right job though

@The Pathfinder ฮฉ I will consider those carefully

@Kragt That's something to consider but I doubt that I could sell it for more than a few minutes.

Can't do the physically demanding jobs that I'm used to so I have to get a job that will be with women

The new dolls don't do any more for me than the old toys but I absolutely love how the feminists get angry about them.

@Kragt If you could see me you would know how funny that would be coming from me. It would take a whole lot of practice to say it with a straight face.

Even though I knew it might help me find a job I couldn't bring myself to do an LGBT ally thing that I was invited to.

Had a resume' professionally written and I put a lot of thought into writing good cover letters and that has gotten me two interviews so I hope I'm on the right track.

If I could game key word searches I could make a living just helping others look for work. That would be a great way to help my brother MGTOW

My desk is one big pile right now

Blankets are warm

@BigTyrone Reading your comments has been cracking me up

Had to look up roasties. Wish I hadden't.

Gossip demeans those who engage in it. I have taken to openly telling people that I don't talk about others behind their backs. It can quiet a room real quick.

If you have a desire to adopt I say go for it. There can be big problems with it sometimes.

@Z-Man (soon to be Y A) That's one way to put it

Crack babies, babies who's mothers smoked and drank, older kids who were taken away from really messed up homes with all sorts of emotional issues, no telling what you could adopt.

I heard of a paternity case where a couple who couldn't have children hired a surrogate mother using donated sperm and egg. Half a dozen people were claiming the kid. Not sure if the story was true but it could happen.

Just found out that Chelsea Manning went to jail and I think its hilarious

Arab Christians? You know that's a crowd with some issues

The people who are most cruel to women are other women

Feminists say that churches are all about patriarchy but I remember church and it's the yard wide women in their 50's with all the power in church

@Rhunespire Refusing to testify for a grand jury

I bet Manning is sitting in a cell right now saying, damn I wish I'd had the balls to jump off of that building a few months ago.

@Longshanks Hot chicks? Really? Never trust a women talking about women being submissive. That is a lie to trap a man for sure and hot chicks go to church to find men.

@Psychedelic Corpse Fucker No. Chelsea/Bradley Manning is the tranny who turned over thousands of things to WikiLeaks not knowing what was in them. Good men died because that information was released and Obama commuted the sentance

@Rhunespire Snowden revealed how the NSA was spying on Americans and doing all sorts of unethical things and I think he did a lot of good and was intelligent about what he revealed. Manning just did a massive dump of all sorts of things.

I can't trust people who can convince others that they are gay

I have just witnessed my first hanging. And enjoyed it. Does that make me a bad person?

Phoenix Az is uninhabitable now and always has been. There is this thing called air conditioning

Night X

If I'm alive in 2070 I'll be spending all my time wishing I was dead when I'm not totally out of my mind from being too old

I've farted in a pretty air tight rain suit and forgot about it until I moved and it came out my collar but that really smelled bad

@PreschoolFightClub Dutch Oven = farting under the covers and then holding your wife's head under the covers

Good morning gentlemen

My mother pretended to be a good Christian but the things <@397618237317054466> has said here could have been about her or my sisters. Don't trust any religious mask.

Prostitution is one of those practical sins. If you wrote a holy book in our age of understanding disease transmission then kissing a prostitute on the mouth and not wearing a condom would be the sins.

@|DESPAIR|Percy| Well you can. Try it a see how it goes I guess

<@397618237317054466> What sort of thing do you want to write? Books? What kind of books? Or do you want to be a reporter?

<@397618237317054466> Have you read the book On Writing by Steven King? Excellent book on the writing process.

<@397618237317054466> Very cool. Looks like you have done a lot more writing than I have in the last few years. Keep it up. You really should read On Writing too.

<@397618237317054466> If you are happy with what you write then you are a successful writer. Making money at it is a different story.

All I have is an associates in computer information systems. The only coding I have done was for class assignments. What's a good job at my level to progress with learning to code?

There are many countries inside the US that are hidden from each other

Did everyone go and see Captain Marvel?

Me neither

They really want to cram that garbage down our throuts

Elizabeth Holmes is one evil lying bitch

But she comes from a family of liars. Her father was a high ranking part of Enron and her mother was in politics

Tell the truth <@542558882246164480> you want to find a woman like that to marry.

No matter how much money it is I doubt it would be worth the trouble. Men can be happy with a simple live and little money.

It is fun to see women pay sometimes though

I'm running out of money fast as I look for a job but I would rather die than marry for money

Five years ago I pretty much fell in love with a girl using google translate. It's dangerous

My Spanish teacher was from Argentina

@Kragt You have coding tutorial videos?

Cool. Different videos answer the same question in different ways. I just can't seem to find a way to learn to code that works for me.

@ziyauren "tech doesn't fill the emotional need for slaves" So very true. I don't understand the need to dominate others but a lot of people seem to have that need and they will destroy whatever they need to destroy to satisfy that need.

Yes brother?

@Xezyr No. Either you're a young fool who doesn't understand the world and you would marry, or you understand women and won't have anything to do with having one in your life and wouldn't marry from any century.

@Xychotic What does in mean to lower your gaze? Are you kidding me that you don't know what it means to lower your gaze or why the men don't have to cover up? You must be trolling

Any woman who makes a lot of men happy instead of making one mas miserable can't be all bad and certainly doesn't deserve to be killed.

<@542558882246164480> Agreed.

If a woman can make you commit murder because of what she does with other men then you are totally controlled by women. Going your own way for me means not caring what others do.

Easy now. Hate only breeds more hate.

<@397618237317054466> Talking about wanting to stone another human being can make people hate you. That's something you should know.

<@542558882246164480> I had mate' once. It was good but seemed just like other tea to me. But I understand that it's a big social thing in Argentina.

I can see the headline now. The shooter seems to have been a radical Muslim who went over the edge after being kicked off of a discord server his friends say.

The earth is actually rhombus shaped and born through the cosmos in the pincers of two crabs named Esmeralda and Keith.

Does anyone else find it hilarious that feminists screech about toxic masculinity and then go and drool over the men and violence in Game of Thrones?

Don't forget the water filters

Sitting in a bunker

@American Eagle Now I have to listen to it

Didn't uncle Sam pay to turn Bradley Manning into Chelsea Manning?

Any of you guys know what it's like in the United Arab Emirates?

@Xychotic One time I was thinking about different things and got tong tied when asking what TIme we would get to the ciTY and the guy I was asking laughed and thought I had an obsession with titties. Good memories

Expecting 4 and getting 16 is a big difference

@batshadow What tests and what lunacy?

I should be doing my taxes

I listened to the Demon Haunted World on YT for free

Excellent book

All the old love songs lose their luster for sure

What's it like in Chile?

What are these MEE6 level messages I keep getting and why does it call me a faggot?

MGTOW is sad? MGTOW is happiness for me

When I was a kid I saw how miserable old men with nagging wives were and I knew that tying myself to a woman would me a bad idea

When I interact with women and they realize that they have no power to manipulate me and it upsets them I find it amusing but I don't care what they think anymore.

They don't really think as much as react to their emotions

Community service for what?

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