American Eagle

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Sory for seeming Unstable when I called in earlier guys....
-American Eagle

I'm sorry I failed all of you guys. I can't bear this anymore. I'mma have to black for a bit. See you all in the next life

-American Eagle

A MGTOW High School survival guide

that is all

Have a good day gentleman

2019-01-13 00:15:27 UTC [Hermit Hangout #gaming]  

Anyone play any Paradox Interactive games here?

Does anyone else die a little inside when someone uses "I feel" in an argument?

What's worse is that when I call them out on it, they just replace it with "I think" without fixing their argument.

I just say my damn statement, and be done with it.

*state, not say




I don't see why everyone looks at gen z with envy. All I see is another generation of degenerates and powerthots.

Monk mode is the best mode.

They sure deceived the media into thinking they will be conservative.

I give up. It's all worthless.

Well here in Colorado, Gen Z is fucked. Most of them are libiots.

That's what happens when a bunch of men are raised by single mothers. In response to my last comment around a half an hour ago.

Goodbye cruel world, it's over....

..... walk on by......

here behind my wall

Not legally gay if their ID Card says "Gender: F"

Can I drink cocaine and snort root beer, or is that illegal in this colony?

@Reiatsu hold up, that exists?

@Z-Man (soon to be Y A) TFM is right. That's all I have to say on that

Problem is too many cuckolds, and not enough willing to spend some ...... Happy bucks, not lead.

@Z-Man (soon to be Y A) anything is possible. Especially in ....... Area. I meant area. Nothing to see here NSA.

@Reiatsu Why does it exist?

@Z-Man (soon to be Y A) if men like you were the majority around during the revolution, we wouldn't have a nation.

Z-Man, never forget China.

Without proper weaponry, there won't be a revolution, only a massacre.

@Z-Man (soon to be Y A) and where has that gotten them?

TFM's solution is too idealistic however. Why? Because too many people are brainlets.


All this talk gots me thinking "I wish I was in the land of cotton....

Old times there are not forgotten......

Look away, look away, look away Dixieland.

Minus slavery of course.

@YuriBezmenov like Asian Indian, or Native American?

@Z-Man (soon to be Y A) traps are Women 2.0 . Rumour has it that the 2.1 update will come bundled with an artificial womb.

@ENDERCRASH that's what happens when you free the brainlet sex.

@ENDERCRASH Keep. Her. Away. From. Spring. Break.

Just remember, they are always "superior" (with severe quotations) until the backhand is involved.

What's a net taxpayer again?

I did a big oopsie boys.

I tried to red pill my "closest" (most blue pilled friend) who is currently dating someone.

I should've remembered the 2 rules.

Y'know, Fight Club

And I got this diatribe.

It Isn't uploading.

@shadowlessnexus that's definitely something I learned today.

I wanted to show the screenshot, but pics aren't accepted here.

(With names cropped 0ut of course)

I think it'll be safer to stop speaking with him at this point.

I mean, he's in another town halfway across the state, and all though we've been friends for two years, i'mma move on because it's high school. Also I'll send a quote of what he said.

"Huge problems I've observed in MGTOW

- Fails to address the larger human conflicts at hand that enable the things that they decry. Promotes conspiracies that lead to no apparent perpetrator with no apparent larger intention.

- Fails go see the grander scheme of human society and uses isolated examples and pseudo-philosophy to spread a false narrative that can be debunked by spending sometime outside in the world and being socially active.

- Really gross subtle rape apologism.

- Preys on the mind of young men who are also susceptible to radicalization by Far-Right and other assorted terroristic groups.

- Doesn't try to draw any correlation between modern day Feminism and century long Western Patriarchal suppression. These waves do not exist in a vacuum. Every effect has a cause. Pushing down something that's trying to come out when prevent its eventual burst, at an increased pressure and force "

@PreschoolFightClub I don't know if it's my autism (being serious here), but I just can't stand this bullshit anymore.

And another quote here....

"1. Dating and romance is not "too risky" in the #metoo era. There is no evidence to suggest that, beyond guilty paranoia. Millions of dates occur every single day. How many of these end in rape allegations? Literally none. How many rape victims out there are still terrified of coming out because of cultural stigmas and the commercialization of victimhood? Literally countless.

2. "She's not yours, it's your turn". Man, tell that to lifelong couples. Dating is a process and most everyone will go through several partners before finally settling on one. Heck, psychologists agree that men have higher sex drives. If anything, women have a right to say "He's not mine, it's just my turn".

3. Developing yourself is not a lonely process and all human behavior and meaning is interconnected with their relationship with their environment. What's wrong with wanting a date? It's your natural instinct. If you wanna develop yourself, why deviate from human nature?

4. This Welfare State conspiracy is baffling. Like most conspiracy theory, it fails to pinpoint a solid motivation or goal. A political system that historically was and mostly is overwhelmingly straight, white, and male is spreading Feminism and marginalizing men why? For what? It literally makes no sense. "

@batshadow. Nope, this is his tard rant

Another set of quotes....

"MGTOW is built to appeal to and exploit the mental state of broken, impressionable men with Napoleon complexes "

"Really think about the MGTOW movement. How many of its most fanatical general supporters are kind hearted, productive members of society with a job, friends, healthy mental health, and regular showers? "

And one more.....

"MGTOW is emotionally suppressive, sociologically careless, and more or less misogynistic dog whistling"

"MGTOW is an attitude. It's not simply the state of being single. It is a pessimistic and self important attitude one has while single. "

"MGTOW is a very specific and unhealthy form of bachelorism. I was a bachelor three months ago. "

"The world isn't as black and white and us vs. them as you'd like to think. There aren't huge shadowy groups coming to cut off your dick. We're all a mess. Nobody is born superior to anyone else. "

"Well, yeah this whole meme counterculture is dangerous and has been tied to several legitimate hate crimes. It's disgruntled teenage boys who discover these Internet personality and go down a dark hole of cynicism and egotism. "

And that's all that I can show without doxxing anyone.

Note to ones first seeing this: These are quoted from some tard I was trying to red pill, not me.

Okay, one more, because this one is obvious.

"Who is the boogeyman trying to oppress men? "

"Do any of these videos address why? The "Welfare State" is enabling radical Feminism and the destruction of Western Society just because? " (Context: I sent TFM vids pertaining to Welfare and what not)

He's been fawning over this one girl for like 3 years (since middle school). She Isn't even that attractive. She's a 4/10 mormon thot.

Reference: Currently in High School. I'm that kid from that "Suppressing Minds" call in video from HHH

@Reiatsu he's at some hipster coffee shop with his punk (literal, as in the subculture, as in a wannabe), and also reads shit like Nabakov, Marx, a bunch of retarded french philosophers, Feminists like George somebody I don't care what his last name is, and stuff like that.

Quotes for from him on Political ideology.

"Hard work in Capitalism does not lead to wealth. Poverty is not caused by laziness. If rich were all noble entrepreneurs, visionaries, philanthropists, that would be fine. But that's not the case. Gaining wealth is more of a lottery than a process. "

""Suppression of the natural sexuality in the child, particularly of its genital sexuality, makes the child apprehensive, shy, obedient, afraid of authority, good and adjusted in the authoritarian sense; it paralyzes the rebellious forces because any rebellion is laden with anxiety; it produces, by inhibiting sexual curiosity and sexual thinking in the child, a general inhibition of thinking and of critical faculties. In brief, the goal of sexual suppression is that of producing an individual who is adjusted to the authoritarian order and who will submit to it in spite of all misery and degradation. Initially, the child has to submit to the structure of the authoritarian miniature state, the family, which process makes it capable of later subordination to the general authoritarian system. The formation of the authoritarian structure takes place through the anchoring of sexual inhibition and anxiety." - Wilhelm Reich"

"The people who get offended at being called Nazis use Commie just as frequently and carelessly. Everything is Cultural Marxism and Post-Modern and Far Left. "

"Sexual liberation is not the same as degeneracy. Having a threesome with a horse is degenerate. "Free love", self respect/acceptance, and access to birth control is not "

Y'know, NPC talk.

@YuriBezmenov Just gonna do the Popp protocol. Popp, Smoke, and Ghost.

@Reiatsu hold up, are you referring to me?

@Reiatsu Oh, okay. But yeah, I've dealt with this shit for 2 years.

I used to be a fucking social libtard for the first though, then I stumbled on TFM, and turned my logic back on.

@YuriBezmenov due to (probably the literal Autism) me hitting a peak that is lower than most NT's when it comes to being able to tolerate bullshit, I just blocked the fucker.

In other words, not an autist.

I don't think you non-HS guys see how hard it is to function in the State Indoctrination camps. Shit Like "Wahmen are Equal", and a literal damn Gender Studies class, and don't forget "Muh Multiculturalism" and "Muh Peaceful Mooslims".

Oh, and "Muh Far Right", whilst not addressing the reds whatsoever. I wonder why.....

Rocky Mountain region.

In a city that has been influxed with Calitards.

Oh, and if all y'all are interested, the school is accusing me of being a nazi again for having inspired by something from Crusader Kings 2 as my desktop background.

@Reiatsu I wouldn't be swearing so much if I wasn't

@VenomousHawk86 both. But moreso the former.

It's almost like something that occurred to me last year....

I'm trying to post the link to Happy Humble Hermit's "Suspicious Minds" video, in which I was explaining what was happening that last year.

But yeah, it's a repeat of that, but for even more foolish reasons.

@YuriBezmenov. I imagine my situation kind of like a soldier stranded and encircled in a pit, with the enemies rushing at you at all sides. You keep firing, and knocking them down, but your rations are going low, ammo is almost out, and my mental state is almost completely shattered. It's like no matter how hard you try, no matter how much truths you throw at them, no matter how many times you remind them of how "you aren't heterosexual, and are predominantly native american and caucasian", and yet they only see that latter group as you. They see you as a "Not-C". They see your nationalism for America as "Oppressive", they see your statements of biological facts as "immoral", and eventually, despite having all the facts on your side, and how many NPC's you've shot down, they still have more numbers. They are still nearly to the pit. They already have you cornered. It's just a matter of time before I finally fall to their attacks. And also seeing faces of former "friends" among the crowd remind you of how alone you really are, and you start to think "Should I just end it on my terms, or should I wait for them to gun me down?", and being stuck in that complete rut. No matter how hard you try to achieve happiness, the numbers game finally creeps on you, and it's over. Just like that. Boom. Just dead, and nothing else after that except them walking onto the altar for which they shall be sacrificied to the god which they named, as they strip themselves of their freedom, and eventually end themselves through their enslavements of themselves.

A bit of a dramatic way of putting it, but the point still stands.

@Reiatsu HOWEVER, there is a glimmer of hope.

IF I can outlast the two remaining months, the hordes will retreat for their "Summer Break", which will give me enough time to leave the pit, improve myself, and correct the mistakes of the past.

I mean, I've already survived the past 38 months.

I'm nearing the end stretch.

If it wasn't for the knowledge that you all have given me however (and helping me in my time of the Red Pill Grief cycle), I probably would've caved a year or so ago, when I was still trying to attempt suicide over and over. Thank freedom those attempts failed.

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