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I've got to go. "Please don't eat my friends." --Mike Vallely <:231zmu:480186119485390849>


Not personally, but yes, I've seen his show. @IceRGodZ

yes, most humorous, or sad, your choice.

@Kazemaru Nope, words matter, Bro. Read 1984. Think for yourself.

Go your own way, leave the herd astray.๐Ÿ‘

I would laugh if they did, and ask if they are a whole food vegan. That's the only way I can concieve of an American not eating soy. Always challenge authority.

Great calls tonight. I think therefore I am is false. Who knows it is thinkin? Are you one or two? The conscious observing part is the part you want to identify with, otherwise you are caught up in the stream of thoughts, which are largely repetitive and useless. The ego, if you will. ๐Ÿต

Moving beyond ego has MGTOW parallels. It's about consciousness and what you pay attention to, not what you left behind.

@NOMA I've been thinking about that lately. lol

Socialism is somewhat cooperative, but for the most part competition more closely parallels nature (capitalism.)

Yes, even laziness drives innovation.

Who wants to haul wood when you can flip the light switch?

But lazy people nspire others to innovate for them, dishwashers are my friends.

Seinfeld asked several comedians if they would have suceeded without the necessity of money, they both said no.

So suffering is a great teacher. Orwell even backed off socialism.

I just hope mankind is conscious enough to not destroy the ecosystem. As long as we manage that, we're golden, on a long enough timeline.

Capitalism creates a lot of consumer waste. Everyone owns a drill and use it twice a year.

Sure we are, HHH just talked about nukes, Pakistan and India.

Yes, we cannot destroy the earth.




The problem with consciousness is, can it be taught? It seems to arise in most after suffering.

Femisnism is self correcting, it's the first thing on the bonfire post-collapse.

I'm surprised by the widespread acceptance of the idea of future collapse, since the internet.

People don't seem to grasp that feminine cultures do not thrive, they are overthrown by more masculine ones.

There aren't many female cultures to point to, they were all conquered, unless they live in some eco-Goldlocks zone.

IT's chimps versus gibbons.

Chimps are widespread, gibbons are stuck in a specialized environment with few predators., but chimps have lots of predators so they appear in six areas.

Gibbons evolved out of chimps in an isolated area. TFM has a video about this.

Gibbons evolved for smaller males (cooperation) because there wer no predators.

Chimps are one of our closest ancestors.

The females trade fruit for sxual access.

Gibbons will be overthrown by humans if they get hungry enough.

Into the stewpot, feminist chimps!

Gibbons still exist. Sopolski still studies them for stress responses.

But I can't name a female dominate culture. Amazons?

Cooperation is great in groups of less than 100, after that, dimishing returns.


I've been trying to tie MGTOW talking points to biology, in my studies.

That forms a strong argument, when you can point at chimps and say, "Deny that misandrists!"

I'm not in college, but I pursue ideas like I am.

Study Your Own Way

It's easier to see the ego in others than ourselves.

Whe you can take the talking points out of the me-you-us dynamic, and say look at them (chimps) even women will sometimes concede. ๐Ÿ˜ฒ

Female chimps trade fruit for sexual access. Do think prostitution will ever go away?

I am Neegan.

Yes, I don't understand that whole let's try and outbreed them argument. Ideas live on.

I'm also Spratacus, if you are playing the home version.โš”

Spratacus was a little known roman philosopher known for his incompetence as a scribe.


For others in the chat, more eyes than chatters.

I think a matriarchal island culture still exists. It has such advanced notions as, the Yam God brings us children. They have nothing worth taking apparently.

But the more valuable there labor becomes

If women only had one child a piece each generation would get richer. Again, consciousness is key.

Yes, but if there are only four of us left, I'm not cleaning your toilet, no matter how many cans of beans you offer me.

Watch YT Terrance Mckenna , women only having one child

I didn't know anyone uses voice chat on this server. Lol Thanks @Iheanacho

No wonder I feel like I've been missing half the conversation.

Soyscouts! Nooooooo!

What was the beef? Boys were having all the fun?

@Yang Gang Bang Ok, but how does that change anything?

It's like saying there is no free will. @Yang Gang Bang IT still looks like it exists. So what do we get out of that?

ok, Hindus say we're all gods playing at not being gods. It's an old idea. @Yang Gang Bang

It's not about saving society. If everyone worked out their own salvation, society would not be problematic. Voicechatters

You improve the world by not adding to the giant heap of turds that are currently out there.

If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

There is no functional relationship until you are both conscious. Fat chance.

@Yang Gang Bang I have more bacteria in my guts than stars in sky. It's systems. The seperation is a delusion of ego.

That's it @NOMA , consciousness can be observed, but can it be defined?

For example, physics gives different results based on whether there is a conscious observer. Higgs-Boson, maybe?


me too @NOMA biology makes it click

before I was lackadaisacal about MGTOW, when I looked through the biological lens, it must be taken seriously, If I wish to progress.

Yes, the nanny state is the end result of female death fear.

But you can't legislate safety

If you accept that death is inevitable, no nanny state is required.

@Yang Gang Bang If the earth was the Eiffel tower, humans time here would be the layer of paint on the top ball, The age of the universe is weird indeed.

If everyone could cook their own pharmacueticals, the price would drop?

Look at me!

Existance is painful. for @Mee6

It's getting weird.

Bot's gonna bot.

They've had trolls here, hence all the botheaddedness.

US did invade Cuba, so only if they had ac ahnge of heart.

Gotta go. โฐ

only the beginning

Often the MGTOW narrative is that we are coming from behind, rather than, we are winning. If the two MGTOW planks are, no marriage and no cohabitation, I assert MGTOW is headed for victory. %70 of 18 to 34 ear olds are unmarried. 42% live without a partner. That means MGTOW is only %8 away from declaring a majority victory. #MGTOWRISING<:mxLudyhs_400x400:480186120823373835>

Here is the title if anyone wants to watch the Sweden as Bonobos comparison video, News: Pride Before the Fall (TFM 42O)<:608:480186137164382208>

@The Thot Police great handle

@ZODD I think it is a free speech social network.

I don't know. They had limited enrollment at first. By the time I got a slot I had lost interest. @ZODD

Well there is an animated Celestina Monkey, right?

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