Message from @Some Guy
Discord ID: 346049681450729474
only wayit could be [REDACTED] is if he got away
He got caught
Who got caught
The vehicle manslaughterer
are u referringto that pic
of him sitting on the sidewalk?
I'm more concerned with the fellow VA member who's last message was requesting help
No supposedly Fox reports he's in Custody. I'll look for the link
If anything happens to him, we need to take action
God is at an IE after party.
That leftist can't be the driver because the driver is in custody and you can't post on Facebook from jail
@Andrew-- he may have been arrested and released because he acted in self defense
@Some Guy I highly doubt that he would be released that quickly due to how busy the police are but its possibpe
That's true
His dad is VP of business development at a large Detroit area corporation
I can't really do much research because I'm mobile, but I'm sure another autist can corroborate this
Somebody stole the car, maybe?
Lent it to a friend as a pre-meditated thing?
Police got the wrong guy?
Another guy with the same name?
Not enough impact to trigger it?
Maybe he wanted the driver to be injured and disabled it himself somehow?
It was Sam Hyde confirmed
Sam "You can't escape my sick ride" Hyde
Goys we have a problem
What is it?
speak on it son
A helicopter just crashed what the heck
This event is going into havoc
I honestly can't decide what this publicity does for us
frankly a lot is going to come down to the identity of this driver
that video has a lot of emotional impact for the average American, complete with the screams