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the political compass quiz has a massive liberal-democratic bias

believing in morals doesn't make one an idealist but its a pretty good chance that any given moralist is a massive idealist

moralists tend to think their perceptions of justice will ultimately prevail because of their political work, which is pretty textbook idealism

if you mean the 1800s womens rights movement then yes, but anything past 1970 is just idpol

a. the fact that it requires ethnic cleansing to recognize and b. the entire idea is spooked as fuck and leads to violence

don't be a dipshit

my avatar is an aesthetic that does not necessarily reflect my ideology

I don't have a problem with violence to reverse class domination and eventually abolish it, but I do have a problem with random violence stirred up by hate that ethnostates inevitably lead to

racial superiority is a tool to divide the proletariat in order to serve porky's needs. in neighboring ethnostates, class divisions would go on ignored, and workers' resentments would just be directed towards their neighbors

well then why the separatism?

isnt the whole point of ethnostates that you don't intermix with lesser races?

cultures are always changing by way of contact and integration

forced mass immigration to serve the needs of capital is going to have some undesirable cultural results

but general contact with other peoples is not threatening to civilization or otherwise bad in any way

not really

I mean would you say the hellenistic kingdoms of asia were completely deprived of their cultures via alexander?

I just mean exchange of people, ideas, and customs

okay but you haven't explained why the segregation is necessary in the first place

"to preserve culture" is vague

but if you're promoting cultural exchange anyway, what's the difference?

there was literally a thread in leftypol last week about how we should keep the confederate flag and use it to rally southern leftists

what is this "left" you're talking about

anyway, the confederate flag is a special case

because it was pretty limited in its importance before the 1950's and 60's when it was used as an anti-school integration symbol

ok well if you wanna wholeheartedly defend a symbol coddled to represent white supremacy that's your call. there's plenty of southern symbols and points of national pride that aren't specifically designed to represent rejection of integrated academia

if you rehabilitate a cultural artifact to make a contemporary political statement then that artifact has grounds to be destroyed

that's how it works

that's how society has tended in most cases I can think of

the swastika was left alone until hitler used it

no whats spooky is thinking that shitting on a political symbol is literally cultural erasure

its not banned you dumb cunt, they literally fly it everywhere

yeah again this really is just not even close to the cultural erasure you're pretending it is

the flag was barely in use after the civil war anyway until it became a symbol of pro-segregation and anti-integration

no it actually has to do with opposition to school integration

are you retarded?

I'm not making this up

google it

its actually what the south wanted to make it about

because they flew it at george wallace rallies, ant-integration rallies, etc

hammer and sickle was around and was/has been used by communist groups around the world

the soviet union was one of them

that's not the same as taking an old cultural artifact and rehabilitating it in the shape of your ideology

the hammer and sickle was created and used for all of its entire existence to stand for worker/peasant solidarity and the overthrow of capitalism

the rebel flag was originally created as a flag for the southern army, then was later made into a symbol of anti-integration

the swastika is literally still used in eastern religion

are you like a market socialist or something

how did you get this

i feel like the "people are stupid" argument is overhyped

like yes they are but in a society without capitalist sensationalist media and social access to MoP (aka just more class consciousness) people will actually vote like rational actors

so an authoritarian state will be unecessary

that being said I do think the state should take some measures that might be percieved as "cracking down on free speech"

like shutting down partisan media outlets, jailing/executing bourgies

yeah well that I agree with

it just has to be radically democratic within the party

democracy is necessary though, or else it jsut turns into the ussr with a bunch of bureaucracy and inefficient enterprises

afaik hitler never advocated for party democracy or democratic centralism

like people just do it to seem woke and revolutionary

its not really threatening to power

id like to see the data actually because im sure theres more liberals in an antifa org than even we'd imagine

any given antifa org*

when there isn't a legit organized communist threat, antifa is 100% compatible with the state

you mean in the US or just in general?

I'd imagine the first orgs to call themselves "anti-fascist" were in central europe or france ~1920s

yeah that

apparently some of the first were in slovene/croat territory in northeast italy under mussolini

yeah I mean off topic but

whys that shit getting so popular


for real though, what are the implications of the earth being flat? like who gives a fuck if that turns out to be true

thats what im saying

sorry who did stalin have murdered and thrown in a concrete hole

are you a newfag or something dude

don't just smear important and successful communists

my man rex collis

oh i joined today lmao but ive been on leftypol a while

well feel free to talk about stalin with me on another channel @Deleted User

bourgeois :^)

you'll get used to it i guess, its muscle memory for me

aare you in burgerland

if i can make a modest recommendation i would say just read and learn shit from talking to other people rather than looking to brand yourself with a certain ideology

not to be a radical centrist or whatever

just cause it becomes kinda identitarian idk

how so

wtf is wrong with labour vouchers

@Builderelf i grew up with some people who became leftists and we talk and I read theory, apart from that I occasionally go to local PSL meetings. I got nothing when it comes to non-idpol local anarchists

exactly what the fuck am i supposed to do nigger, I live in suburban burgerland

this place has -10000 revolutionary potential

I'm a student working a job, I read theory and try to get active with local parties, I seriously want to know what you think isn't larping

yeah probably my guy....

@Builderelf I understand what you're saying and I don't want to accuse you of anything, but generally, considering the fact that one's specific, nuanced political opinions are of little consequence in mass movements, the whole labeling game becomes egoistic and identitarian

@Deleted User you're doing some low energy arguing here

at least cite one single thing

not "an important scientist hurr"

dude thats jontron-tier

more likely to go to prison, not more likely to committ crimes you daft cunt

its not even by that much

clickbait article

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