Northern Lights

Discord ID: 629913453829685260

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Discord compression of images is so shit

Well this is interesting at least

Nigs might has well just join but sit on muted

I used to do that

Am I retarded for taking so long to figure out how to save a photo from an email on my phone?

Its an expression of hate in and of itself

But that's besides the point

Normally in law there is a certain amount of time where after you can't be prosecuted because it'd be impossible to prove anything

The conservatives are right to chase stability all this exists (the modern iteration of the left) because of emotional instability

Normal mentally stable people don't become radicals

Not anymore and this is more of a American thing

Probably linked to the religious aspect of America maybe?

You get what I mean though right, the types that talk about the family unit and such

More then Europe for sure

Well I did say maybe and my position has moved more to it just being traditionalism that I was talking about

The Founding fathers where woke on the ethical state for sure

I don't think they could have created something too much better

A lot of dangers are coming from things that you just couldn't have imagined ie social media which offers massive protentional for political mobilisation

Whereas before you'd have to physically organise people

Time as well

Give anyone enough time and they'll figure out how to subvert anything

Nanometre by nanometre if they have to

The moral aspect of the civil war was just the justification really

The federalisation of the US is and has been a problem for a while now

But its a dying concept anyway because of communication I think

Look at the dems

The whole point of the states

Is so CA can have their faggot gun laws and over there can have .50 machine guns

Because that's what the people in each state respectively want

Dems are like

Nah nigga

Ban them everywhere

They don't even have the conception anymore and I think its because of how globalist in general the left is

Ie the left in every nation are quite similar

Want the same things

They literally meant

Whatever weapon is required to overthrow a tyrannical gov

Where my Abrams @?

Yeah yeah more about if the brits return

Yeah I've been thinking about that

Maybe some sort of system where its scaled up to militias so they can own stuff rather then the individuals because I see the argument against the private ownership of anti air missiles for example

The catch 22 is

There is an increase in violence

Kids didn't used to shoot schools up

Idk how 3d printing will pan out

Not educational

Social and cultural enviroment

There where lots of automatics floating around after ww2

submachine guns and 30 cals ext

^ Its what I'm getting to

When you think about it

I don't think incels used to be a thing not in the way it is now

There is a reason the word itself is young

There was always the 1 guy who was a virgin and got made fun of but never entire groups and communities like now

The world is being structured in way that most benefits women

Which is strange because women do have a natural advantage for being a women and will be helped up any reasonable system by men anyway

Interesting point on presumption of innocence it might be indicative

I don't need no man is a weird phrase because a lot of the time women look for a man they can rely on

The future is very dynamic and feminism is losing so

The real problem is I think a lot of this knowledge is lost

Don't know how it'd be relearned into commonsense

Since so many are clueless

Yes and no

Everyone gains experience eventually yet the social structure remains

On that front

Its the false axioms I'd be worried about

As in the easiest way to escape reality is to work from a starting point that is wrong

or as I observe with a lot of leftist ideologies axioms built ontop of axioms ontop of axioms that are all wrong 5 layers down

An inescapable web of rationalised falsehood

Its about application also

Ie they have to actually know they are being punished and not just going through the motions

They don't think

Surely if they sat down and thought of how to effectively discipline their children and worked at it trial and error - experience. then they'd work it out

But they don't engage

They don't think

There is no problem solving though they know there is a problem

They ask others what to do

What is that?

Its a mark of dependence

They aren't self reliant independent people

They are the kind of people who ask others for trivial advice they are perfectly capable and more qualified in giving

That is part of what I am saying

Your child is an individual with a personality

Ofc you have to tailor what you do to them

I think there is a miscommunication I don't follow

I was talking about the parents not being self reliant not the child

The fact that they relay on a book in the first place is where something is wrong with them

THey aren't thinking they are having someone else do that for them @Jamec

On the second part of that paragraph

Part of the thinking is deciding exactly what you are going to distil into your kids

Ahh fucking tell me about it

Its why I can't stand talking to psychs

For example

I've been arguing with my psych that judgment is actually good because I can tell they are totally opposed to the idea of it

Self selection is a big part of it

And I'm not dissing them too much

I've been told by a psych that I could do their job better then them before

Yeah most of what I have learned is from trial and error and you don't learn that from a fucking text book

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