
Discord ID: 245716203295866880

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this is art of the mind

Neanderthals couldnt throw, so throwing weapons like spears and rocks were impossible

their bones were structured in such a way that they couldnt open their hand well moving their forarm

bio niggers? ๐Ÿ˜‚

were alive for one

lincoln was right, its what came after it that was the problem, if america wasnt willing to accept the blacks then it should have returned them, peacefully.

he did it to save the union

we do that anyways

federal regulation is important for things like agriculture, engineering, etc... some federal power is important but not excessive federal power

@Northern Lights I agree but they didnt really account for the insane technological advancements in warfare

private ownership of tactical nukes

school shootings are a symptom of a bigger problem in the educational environment, has nothing to do with guns

also 3d printers are difficult to use and high quality 3d printers are very costly and printing a gun would take a least a few weeks, plus you would still need the firing chamber to be made out of metal along with any other high stress parts.

incel is just a replacement for virgin

problem for women is that the bad men are part of the government


question is, is a future where male only spaces exist even a possibility, or do the strong competent men need to adapt and not let the dynamic change.

@Danacrag just enjoy the clown show

thats what im most worried about

like whats going to happen if even the people who are against the woke culture dont even understand why their against it

I wouldnt call that a skill

thats just based on intelligence and pattern recognition

and intelligent people will always be a minority

there is no incentive to do so

let the school handle it

well you enjoy the money you have spent half your life collecting

thats the mentality

a big problem is false idols and charlatans, lets take books on raising kids for example. An aboslute fuckton of people rely on books to teach them how to raise their kids. Now well the person writing the book may have some credentials, they might think things like conformity/obedience are a positive trait in kids. So his entire mindset and expertise is based around creating the most obedient conforming kids, which may look good on paper but it actually extremely detrimental for the kids futures.

a reason for that correlation may be that our society encourages empathetic behavior, so people who want to feel good about themselves and who dont really care about being the best medical professional they can are attracted to those professions well the people who want to become a true expert are turning aaway for being too 'insensitive' or 'radical'

@Danacrag grades wont mean shit in 5 years, just pass and get your degree, its what you learn that matters

just aim for the D+

which country?

if a cuck calls you an incel

just go fuck his GF

that will shut him up real fast

just make sure to buy him a new switch well your at it

just say "I stand with hong kong"

no need to debate

instant win

just give him a free helicopter ride

problem solved

you guys overthink shit

well its better than being an accident @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

2019-11-28 00:24:34 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

gas the weebs

2019-11-28 00:25:39 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  


Jew this Jew that

Focus on something more important

you Jew niggers

I still ain't getting Disney plus

Gimme that pirate link

Better not be hentai

Jew niggers porn?

What do you guys think of Dave rubin's website?


Don't start tht damn stupid NASA conspiracy


@SimonTV troll nigger

@Redxl work my wood

She's 18 officer

Currently still the media

Buts it's allot closer than it used to ve


We were completely dominating YouTube until they start de ranking and shadow banning

Of course I remember I was there

Our biggest problem current is the ongoing atomization of society, us included

Well the media class remains united

We are being scattered

We need a common platform or political part, NGO, etc... Just something to rally behind

I'm hoping Jordan Peterson's thinkspot will be a good start

Imagine if groups like 4chan project veritas, sargons community, campus reform, Jordan Peterson etc all had a common platform to rally behind.

We would be unstopppable

They are good at certain things

@shadow of the sun unlike epistein?

It means stoning gays right?

That's what the religion of peace taught me at least

I allow my depression to exist

Does that count?

And then there's Tim pool

Forever fence sitter

Which is a real problem tbh

@lungfish their only shitty because we don't have something to rally behind in my opinion

Like if they had a way to focus their energy instead of posting confirmation bias on a platform their already shadowbanned on, they would be better

@lungfish that's exactly what it is, because that's all they know how to do, their stuck

We just need a platform to rally behind

That's the Crux of it

Imagine a platform where you could layout complex sociopolitical theories and have a graphical way of linking them all tigether

And the quality was high enough to cite

One of the problems I have trying to debate people irl is I have nothing to cite

Beucase you basically need to follow politics full time to cite anythin

Maybe I should start doing that

But going to college as an engineer is enough of a bitch

But I could probably find time

I'm just lazy

That's what I usually do, but it's painful

So many people only know half the story

It's really not his fault

It's the environment we are in

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