
Discord ID: 86169392500465664

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2019-05-28 18:07:25 UTC [Athens #automatos_bot]  

Pls postmeme

@JaIsCool citation needed

No things will progress slower

Because were allowed to just claim whatever the fuck we want apparently

Global warming was such a good scam that it outed the current technocrats as scheming retards

Im denying the global warming meme

Imagine hating thinking so much that you just assume everything that sounds vaguely similar to the word climate is the same thing

Eat some tide pods negabrain

If my theory is correct, if you dont paypal me $6000 your dick will fall off

I mean i cant prove it, but can you afford to be wrong

<gas gas music stops>

What % of the chat dyu guys think are shills or gayops faggots?

I think the commies are just larpers lol

Guys jafukr has a v large brain

Can we all acknowledge this for a sec

just watched a recent EFAP and nearly died

some guy: some people want to see jews removed from the face of the earth
Rags: yeah there are 7 billion people out there


in my mind the german ethos is peak autism

if something is good sometimes, just do that thing 110%

also ignore the gang killing that happen literally every day

45 thousand swipes

nigga has a single jacked finger

i dont think even slightly above average

have to be in the top 10% ish

i believe the studies bear that out

even for that top 10% i wouldnt reccomend it

for their own wellbeing

The question we really need to ask is what the democrats are going to do about the tinder match gap

every day my faith in the other gender decreases tbh

but then wamen wont get that sick ass serotonin hit from getting send 10 dicks a minute

get ready for a based opinion
*maybe people should go outside instead of pining for thots online*

sounds like sexism to me

nice try trump supporter

im pretty confident that the ideal is to get a highschool sweetheart and get married young

if you wait too long they transition into thots/confidence vacuums and if you wait even longer they just turn into baby-rabies basic bitches

^watching it now

Piker is a meme factory i love him

to be fair, postmodernism inflicts a -20 IQ debuff

nah communism is -50

anarcho-anything is -70

it is known

"America deserved 9-11 dooood" -Hasan Piker


locke is pretty based

nietzsche is based-er tho

If America deserved 9-11 then germany deserves a few nukes

modern ones

but to be real, america is the least guilty of any country that has had a modicum of power ever tbh

maybe they can battle it out with england

yeah man lets just let Russia subvert the entire world

wouldnt it be better if even more of africa and asia was communist, boy id love that

im not talking about modern russia

im talking about the russia that american had to world police over

also russia isnt exactly stable

its arguably very reasonable to apply pressure to them to ensure they develop properly (in a way that doesnt tank the world with them like last time)

@King Canuck its "the moral sensibility test" or something like that

nigga wot

Russia: wants to invade neighbouring countires
Nato: stop that

imagine consentually bolstering your allies being considered an invasion

Imagine John Lennon's Imagine

inb4 this is one of those "but alliances caused WW1" <:bootlet:595693013754314752>

"But he wasnt a real Leftist"

Im not saying that applying pressure to russia is fair, or that its wrong for russia to push back

Russia has corrupt political systems built into it that seek to ever expand way outside their remit

ones that are not commiserate with western values in the slightest

if you just let them do whatever they wanted all of east europe would be on fire right now

my dude

if russia doesnt want to expand

why would they care if someone stopped them from expanding

Weez either you think russia wants to expand, or you think that nato doesnt affect them

pick one


"i only rob banks because they are hiding money from me"

Im okay with american imperialism because it produces societies that arent fucking cancer

you know like russia consistently does

move to russia then retard


@Bones aint that the truth

> wants a european europe
> wants russia to subjugate all the neighbouring states

Russia is the shit part of Europe the rest of Europe is continually trying to get away from

them and germany

(the people anyway, not the beauro/techno-crats)

nothing can melt memes

can't fuel jet melt memes steel



fuck yeah singapore has little chinky stars

There isnt any punch line dude

low iq detected

mods, exterminate

2019-08-22 19:43:09 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

after seeing that video, I hope there is an ebola outbreak and it kills us all


2019-08-22 19:47:09 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

is Groening legit tied to Epstein O.o

I like big ting <:mutt:462285123421732874>

^can 100% confirm

3x easier to get, 1 third as usefull

2019-08-23 21:20:45 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  


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