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2019-08-23 21:21:09 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  


2019-08-23 21:22:13 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

that text formatting tho

2019-08-23 21:22:13 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]

2019-08-23 21:23:43 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  


2019-08-23 21:23:50 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

>"where are you from"

2019-08-23 21:23:57 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  


2019-08-23 21:24:06 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]

2019-08-25 14:59:37 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

where is epstein :'c

2019-08-25 17:38:59 UTC [Athens #the-writing-on-the-wall_memes]  

my favourite skyrim was phantom pain

>not good for fighting


depends which part, but generally yes

rapiers do not suck

rapiers and estocs were the top tier swords just before swords were phased out of real combat

rapiers were commonly a sidearm for generals for a large period of time

curved swords are decent in areas where metal is hard to come by and the people arent smart enough to treat wood/leather properly

so the middle east and the balkan-ish areas

i believe the persians actually did have less access to metals than most

the top tier meme units arent the bulk of an army after all

not everyone is wearing plate armour

@Reprehensibletrash yeah why didnt people in the 1300 just use guns smh

the issue is that a gun is ridiculously easier to produce than a functional set of armour

arquebus is like 1500s ish

wiki says arquebusses earlier sightings are the 1400s

is this nigga still acting like whips are some sort of weapon

just learn magic then

im sure it was used

by tards

who then quickly dies

literally fists > whip

if a weapon is less useful than fists then its a shit weapon

yeah so faggots

it itsnt a combat item

thats like saying a scarf can strangle people if you have 2 other dudes hold him down, therefore scarf = weapon

whip literally anybody with a spine

they will go "oi cunt" take 3 tsteps towards you and punch your nose in


his fetish is seeping thru

im pretty sure you get one attempt to nail the guy in the eye

after that ur fucked

maybe the temple/nuts or something assuming the guy had no protection

ehhhh maybe 50/50 id imagine some people passing out/staggering very hard from the pain

some would adrenaline thru it

lol maybe some kind of tism where you have the whip for one 2-3m ish shot, vs un-armoured, 1v1 with enmy having no long range weapon, then immediately drop it

assuming the guy is caught unawares/he isnt attackign you directly

pretty tismy tho

imagine sitting in the lobby of a gladiatorial arena and pickign just a ship lmao

literally a rock

drop the whip and pick up the rock

itll be better

grrr ill fight anyone with my medieval combat tisms

im literally shaking rn

halberd is king

yeah it is nuanced, but if i have to pick one thing then get thrown into a war, def halberd

if someone is chained to the floor, you can drown him with gamer girl bathwater.

gamer girl bathwater is the same tier weapon as a whip now

main advantage of spear is easy manufacturign tbh

+ slight advantage at quick formation change, but halberd can do pretty much all the formations anyway


halberds are fucking tin can openers

they are more offensive retard

then its a pike you mong

and thats getting so strategic that u need to specify a scenario

otherwise ill just say balista is best weapon

they were more used because much easier to manufacture/train in

what is each person wearing

where are they fighting

how many people are there

this kid is retarded


id say the criteria for good/bad weapon should factor in formation use

because D&D is realistic in that department <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

thats why i just stuck to martial arts

two fuckers beating eachothers fingers to a pulp with eskrima sticks is where its at

good wood can put up with a decent amount of punishment

can anybody drop a CBT meme real quick to go with my wood comment

it means exactly what you think it means

i find the kali stuff more fun tbh

they are 29"

but thats def more weeb shit as opposed to western

but if you have a hilt and they do a proper disarm your fingers get turned to jelly

so some downsides lol

yeah fingers or wrist

though i was there when a guy at my place had his forearm bones splinter

yeah like i said im more kali lol, but yeah for simulating sword fighting yeah a guard like thats is good

historically if ur in full platemail you are probably not using a rapier though so guantlet doesnt really make sense too much with a sword

rapiers were too good for this world

>crossguard too large


inb4 clint eastwoods iron chestplate

BuT WAt AboUT wHipS??/

halberd time

just use one of these fam

Swedish Soldier - 1376

Guts using dragonslayer is actually possible because it was secretly made with spooky elf metal. Change my mind

you can tear apart non-rivetted just with ur hands lol

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