
Discord ID: 306400031437750273

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the beauty of it consists of its utter failure

that's what you don't understand

it's a hegelian contradiction you philistine

as do all totalitarian ideologies

thought it was obvious since the 20th century

aye, it did

there's a reason why they're both dead ideologies today

aside from that

they've all been spawned by hegel

my sides

gentile was hegelian

marx was a student of hegel

all retarded ideologies were spawned by hegel

if i had a time machine i wouldn't kill baby hitler, i'd kill baby hegel

immaterial is by definition non-existent and you're talking spooks

do you guys like feet

have any of you read wittgenstein or carnap or frege

yes lmao


let me reformulate

things that fall outside the scope of experience are impossible to refer to, think about or talk about

so by definition when you want to make sense you have to talk about stuff you can experience

otherwise you're braindead

do you just arbitrarily put words together

my sides

why was i added here

are you the leader of your local chess club

is this the first time you ever led anything


nigga are you having a stroke

give me an example of something immaterial

concepts are symbols which refer to certain concrete things

they do lmao, they only exist bc we use them to designate concrete things

oh my god

the dichotomy you talk about does not exist

do you realize that symbols are as material as the other concrete things they designate

ask any man on the street and they'll tell you that numbers are things written on a paper or a computer lmao

how's that not common sense


numbers that you imagine in your brain lie in the material world bc by definition they're in your head

the disconnect is that numbers for example are symbols which can be found in the material world and they designate material things

so they cannot be immaterial

there is no such dichotomy

everything you can talk about or refer to exists within the scope of experience

how would numbers exist without me thinking of them

what level of mental gymnastics is this

i see we're not getting anywhere with this

let us move on from numbers then

and take another example

give me another example of an immaterial thing

maybe we can tackle that more simply

could you be a bit more specific

"immaterial" is a meaningless symbol as it does not designate anything

what else is it then

what is consciousness

if you do not have clearly defined terms for debating then don't bother making any claims at all since you don't actually believe anything

anything that can be said can be said clearly

my sides

soyboys go through life with daddy's money and mommy's tendies, as usual

do you have friends

where did you find this guy

who said anything about the communist manifesto

is that how you approach all girls

my fucking sides

this guy is a goldmine

i will give him the benefit of the doubt of not assuming he is stupid bc he's clearly articulate and relatively perceptive as well, but god is he deluded

charlie is cool

i love his music tbh

the "actual left" is more autistic than /pol/

don't forget jason unruhe

yeh same generally but when i hear them talk i get aneurysms

like that guy who went off

what's his face

johannes or whatever

johnny "immaterial" mussolini

wasn't referring specifically to left-wingers

what's your ideology johnny

someone kick him out already

too much of a pain

oh my fucking god

a materialist immaterialist

no fucking clue

johnny here really likes to put random words together hoping that they mean something

i killed my dad

dad btfo

i sorta feel like trolling su for some reason but she's one of the nicest people i've met in a while and it would break my heart later on

everyone here voted for vermin supreme

my sides

mine are divorced too

rip marriage

haven't seen my dad since i was 2 smh


eastern tho

does that count


*2 weeks later*

Phenomenology of Spirit Vol 2

he's gonna send dick pics again

once he recorded this video of him masturbating to paul joseph watson


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