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lol why is this picture so funny?

You mean criticism in the case of public roads? Or I'm mistaken.

Or by the excessive role of government for wanting to make them.

Some say private is better.

Hey, I'm the capitalist, you can guess what I might want.

@Ned Kelly To your overlord question. Unfortunately no, but why is it that people seem to be unware of these overlords in the first place?Whether they are in a form of super state or powerful big business and it's usually both. Or some hidden secret societies or powerful secret wealthy families or groups, like some mafias , if someone still believes in such things.
We all seem pretty powerless them to confront them and oppose them. Take perpetual war for instance, been going on for pretty long overwhelmingly against the public interest for many years and has calmed down a little only recently.

On the top. Where you said about the manipulators. Which make us fight each other.

It feels to easy to confront, for example in this song. Which represented a time we knew quite familiarly. Though seems impossible in reality. Especially today when people are so divided.

I think both in a way. You can't survive without money anyway. But I do believe they are pretty serious to the cause.
Scary when you talk about newspeak. To literally misshape our language.
Do you feel an inkling to which group or party may be more inclined to censorship or thought police. Do give your thoughts, if you like.

But do you think, as if it has an intentional goal. There is an idea that all the parties are in this together. While they pretend to oppose each other. Their sponsors are mostly the same businesses which they pretend to oppose. Like many who said Hilary had the support of wall street and same can said for Trump.
Now if Bernie is true, or any libertarian candidate who may think they might remain unaffected by the war and propaganda machine. Can it even be true. It's like. no one could really be an outsider. I feel like there has to be some kind of filter or mechanism which keeps them in line.

Trump is very predictable and seems like the choice which the people in top knew would have a particular predictable reaction. It's almost as if they prepared these leaders before hand for the masses.
IF anyone still remembers Gore Vidal. They would know that he reminded the public, that they dupe most of us, by selecting celebrity politicians. After all they ill-informed, while most of them will think, they voted for them, and due to strong sense of favorability they are selected, yet the real decisions would be made by big corporations behind the seems like general motors he said, at the time.
I'll try to find the video.

Very informative. I do see what you are pointing out. But is it really as horrible as it was in 1984? What Winston Smith went through and saw.
I mean in terms of cruelty. In terms of propaganda, I have no doubt. In fact people like Trump other of his cronies or any other politicians, feel very good examples of double think. I feel they apply so well, that's how they lie so well, while making themselves look really honest about it.
I have read the novel fairly recently so my memory is still fresh in some places. Though I have heard our times, seems more similar to Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Though I haven't read it yet. But Have listened to his audio ultimate revolution.

Past tense, as in now for us. After all I remember 1984 is about a totalitarian dictatorship of the future. But we still don't have as much cruelty and the continuous fear of thought crime as there was in the novel. We still feel fairly free and when it comes to Winston Smith he was more pessimistic about socialism and sort of longed for the past a kind of private property longing and privacy in general, and even though he kept a little hope in the paroles, he was still was way too pessimistic about the future. Orwell was channeling a bit in himself in Winston.

Winston was afraid Julia might report him for thought crime. That's why otherwise he did wanted a lot to be loyal to her. He did not like his previous wife and want to through her off from somewhere, I don't remember now. ||Though yeah I remember when Winston met O Brien he already said about betraying, lying and breaking all loyalties, though I don't remember exactly if he mentioned Julia, but I remember breaking all ties to rebel against big brother.
What happens in the end is just way too cruel. For both of them Julia and Winston, I mean ||

Does this qualify as hate speech? lol

I want to get all of your impressions on this.

I don't understand how fascism has become popular again? Are you guys aware it's anti freedom. Plus, do you want a dictator ruling over you.
I don't like Antifa either, they are also fascists, how I look at things.
Where did freedom of speech and opinion go too? When people fight based on closed ideologies, than you get nothing but war. Are you really serious and want to go towards that route.
Also don't worry it's always the poor that die, while the rich elite suck your blood. Don't forget population control.

@๐Ÿญ Decay ๐ŸŽƒ How free was it under Mussolini and Hitler? I don't think so. Fascism is one party rule. Ruthless eradication of differing voices Led by violence and solidification of power under a few hands. Namely the leaders of a party who gains control. Usually they prop up dictators to rule. Representing the ruling ideology and the party's control.
Whether it's Nazi or any other form.
Fascism is Fascism. It's anti freedom to the core.

Here's a description of the first form of Fascism under Mussolini. What it is and embodies.

The Italian term fascismo is derived from fascio meaning "a bundle of sticks", ultimately from the Latin word fasces.[13] This was the name given to political organizations in Italy known as fasci, groups similar to guilds or syndicates. According to Mussolini's own account, the Fascist Revolutionary Party (Partito Fascista Rivoluzionario or PFR) was founded in Italy in 1915.[14] In 1919, Mussolini founded the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento in Milan, which became the Partito Nazionale Fascista (National Fascist Party) two years later. The Fascists came to associate the term with the ancient Roman fasces or fascio littorio[15]โ€”a bundle of rods tied around an axe,[16] an ancient Roman symbol of the authority of the civic magistrate[17] carried by his lictors, which could be used for corporal and capital punishment at his command.[18][19]

The symbolism of the fasces suggested strength through unity: a single rod is easily broken, while the bundle is difficult to break.[20] Similar symbols were developed by different fascist movements: for example, the Falange symbol is five arrows joined together by a yoke.[21]

This is taken from Wikipedia.

But you don't seem to understand the more you try to control them the more they oppose you. It's like feeding the trolls. They feed off from your frustration. I don't think the majority of people are racist and care for fascist ideologies. If you expose most of them in public they will jus cower in shame from their stupidity. You guys take them too seriously. After all this obsession over collective identity is what started the problem. Most the people now divide themselves as collectives. So it get difficult to charge anyone on a individual basis. Also to adopt corrective behavior.

@Ned Kelly Oh yeah, you missed this
Does this qualify as hate speech? lol
I wanted your view on this.

To some people it is, like feminists.

@Ned Kelly I had a problem Antifa when they try to shup Sargon of Akkad and Yaron Brook event down. That's hardly fascist come on. This gets into more of a free speech issue for me.

vid is from Will Durant

pretty credible to me

I don't know exactly but I'll tell when I find out.

But have no mistake about Nietzsche he was opposed to Christanity and his comparison to feminism comes from a certain point of view.
You can't think his ubermensch was benign. It was about power. Yes, the Nazis misunderstood his philosophy but it's elements did embody. Power of the will above everything else.

Yes, true. But not the ideal of Ubermensch overpowering overall. He believed in the control of strong Aristocracy over the people.

That people should die over the ideal of the superman and his goals.

Friedrich Nietzsche is covered in it.

People were sacrificial pawns for the รœbermensch goals. That's how we got all those heavy high leaders. Like Hitler or Stalin. You would remember Stalin was also named as a Man of Steel. What do you think that identifies too?

Nietzsche's philosophy has brought a lot of horrors yet revealed many truths about ourselves which we do not like to confront most of the times in our life.

The language when we use to explain power relations was revealed more through Nietzsche than anyone else I know of.
@Deleted User No not purpose not initially but the end of almost every human being is to attain highest amount of power and Ubermensch was they highest ideal as they were all influenced by Nietzsche at the time. It was an age when man abandoned God and shaped himself as one and as Nietzsche had idealized. Though there were elements he didn't wanted violence and the same time he contradicted himself. But ultimately it was to overcome his conscious and be a complete super man is he would have want it. Sometimes even transcending his humanity even to brutality and torture. You can find it our yourself by exposing yourself to his writings.

The full audio up there will reveal very well how Nietzsche thought. It's marvelously written and the audio is great also pretty great. One the most excellent presentations on Nietzsche I have heard.

Here Bertrand Russell's analysis on Nietzsche. A more reputable Philosopher.

@Deleted User No that extensively, but to a certain extent. Mostly my ideas come from my influences. Generally more of a person who believes in free market system like Capitalism and US constitution which preserves individual rights and the bill of rights and secularism.

I don't believe a certain party should have ideological control over the majority of the people. It should based freely without much cultural biases and should allow maximum freedom to the individual it can provide.
@Deleted User No I haven't, but I will do thanks.

Yes, I know but do you also know about Wagnerian roots and Paganism practiced as well at the time?

The Aryan Race and all that stuff wasn't all Christianity you know?

So it wasn't your friendly neighborhood Christianity. It was rooted to Mussolini. And the Catholic Church which is a strong power on it's own.

@Freedom for me, is the right of individual choice or belief what he or she choses as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of others.
You know the libertarian stuff.

Then it's anti freedom belief and should be refrained or kept in your own backyard and not into public space.

Hitler was Christian in a way to fool the masses.

Yes, What Christian anyway where did Jesus go. I don't think he would approve of the Aryan Race.

All Races are made by God in his own image. You know that right?

@Ned Kelly You don't prevent them sharing those beliefs. you just discourage them or ignore them. They'll die out if they aren't encouraged. They are stupid ideas to begin, with and they can't survive in the modern world anyway.

But your guys approach to collectivism and whether it's blacks or whites. I think is extremely misleading.

Capitalism doesn't feel like it will die. Only transition to something else I believe. I can't put my finger on what.

Market economy. Friend
Debt is a part but not a fundamental. But yes it hasn't been avoided. So you win over there.

I give you victory Captalism has failed in that regard.

Though I do want my private property.

Yeah I hate the modern form of Capitalism myself. Hate it a lot in fact.

I don't think there has been a free market economy any where. Just the same way Communism has failed. People are corrupt and flawed. Though both systems have their flaws and I understand that. Capitalism is better to exploit that than Communism ever could that is why it is successful still and hasn't died.

Just stories my friend. National Socialism is Socialism!

It's the same ownership of the means of production like communism.

Under a certain party as always.

Check the dictionary defination.

National Socialism was Nationalization of industry. Get in in your head.

It's in the name Socialism wake up.

Even conservatives know that now.

Do you know there was a welfare state in Germany. uh how did that happen?

You think it's only aligned to the left. You'd be mistaken.

Oh well gift for you guys. Forget the conservatives hypocrites.
Listen to this.

@Ned Kelly I listened to almost 8 minutes of the video you put here. I get the idea what you are pointing out. But I'll take a different approach more from Orwell what he thought about collectivism and keeping social democracy intact. To show the ending of our of freedom.

Was a Disillusioned Socialist. Is what I thought.

@Ned Kelly Oh come on. He was a socialist through and through.

English Socialism anyone?

@Deleted User Grow up will you stop dreaming about things races which aren't even real. Churchill was blowing up Hitler both were white.
Low IQ fools don't you see this is stupid tribalism embedded in you to cause unnecessary strife.

Syndicalism has to end up some where. Were the a state or a leader controlling the state. You think the people all agree with each other just like nothing.

Communists proved to us that workers control wasn't possible. It can't happen don't you see?

Yes, but they are ignorant too. According to science I don't think any particular race has any advantage

Each citizen proves thmeselves through ability and not through daydreams

In a capitalism that is tested for your rise. If you leave out corruption that is.

So what. All of our inventions and brains are collective product of all our efforts. Just look at the internet for an example.

We can talk and reason it' all through modern. Go in the past and we were damn apes. It's only through Knowledge we rise. I believe it to be a self evident truth. Social conditions of course.

Slavery was all over the world.

Come on. Everybody enslaved each other. Big deal.

You trying to be superior than Blacks without any credit.

Obama was a president so my point is race doesn't matter.

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