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You think Bush was smart. lol

You think race is anything look again.

It's unearned credit is what you want.

I hate this race stuff. Prove stuff through ability and I might trust you.

Don't support Democracy, but at least try to see things in proper perspective. I don't understand the obsession with race these days. What about the person behind the race. What about you. Forget this collective mentality and care for yourself.

Yeah if you're with Hitler you won't like him.

No what's racist anyway? It's lost all meaning today. Everything is racist now. If a Black or Arab doesn't like anything it automatically becomes racist.

If anyone get offended you get labeled.

It's what I believe in, is what I care about.

I might be dragon maybe.

Every Race is different but not as different as you may think. We don't always have many things in common. But I don't understand how much are we socialized to be in a way and much we are biologically predisposed to be in such a way.

It's a mixture of both I think.

Let's do what we are good at.

And stop fighting each other senselessly.

I am not a Christian you know?

But now it doesn't feel like it can happen.

We live in a global society and too much inter dependent with each other. We have to learn to live together. Sure don't race mix. But do allow those people who do wish to. We have to allow people to be free and make choices on their own.

Rather than propagandizing them.

I can't disagree with you there.

It's a dilemma we are all facing at the moment. The way tech companies have control and lot chaos we are facing is only making people more confused and lost then ever before. They are all divided into oppositional camps. While I don't see much of sense in what they are doing.

Well I don't know about that haven't been around with multi race couples so I don't know first hand.

Okay I'm ending the conversation as it is going nowhere. Talk again some other time.

Bye it was still fun though.

@Ned Kelly Any thoughts to share? The conversation is pretty much dead here.

What's your view about race? Impartial, gives me a headache.

Such hostility up there.

@Ned Kelly Thanks for the info. Much appreciated!

I don't think fighting over which race is superior is even a sensible one.
This is joke don't get angry.
What if we all put all the races in the world into a race and see who wins. Can we know which is superior?
We have Olympics you know? Do we know who is superior. I am just talking about here physically.
Now when considered mentally. You don't wanted Korean to end up acing on merit did you. Or China now moving up economically to prove they are superior.
What else if the have big heads they are superior.

What's your criteria for superior anyway. I don't why this childish Aryan crap can taken seriously.

Don't think you are a Super Sayian or anything. lol

I want to know what's your criteria for superiority. I can't find one?

Oh now you are playing it from this side. Respecting Nations and Races is fine. But to think one is the only superior than the is just silly and primitive.
Even the Chinese think they are the most superior race on Earth, doesn't make them. Same can be said for you guys.

Okay, fine we have nothing to argue about. Good day!

You are doing the same, using your brand of propaganda. I am using mine.

We don't utter truths. Unless we don't prove them we can't call them truths.

Though I could prove my case. But you wouldn't agree. You're mind is already made up. Same like mine.

We act under our propaganda whether we like it or not.

Yeah yeah. You inherited a lot of the middle east you just don't know that. And where would be without the Greeks. Which weren't White.

Ok whatever. Everyone is the same for me. Stupid chimps wherever I go. Nothing great and noble. Though everyone pretends to be.

Oh Red Ice guys. The conspiracy guys who were losing members who went to the nationalist side. Why not invite David Livingstone again. Oh wait they can't, too scared they will lose their narrative.

You know this is Pseudo science.
Why should care about their origins now? We are already scientifically and mentality superior from our past ancestors. Not to mention, God I don't want to devolve. Please, this is Pseudo science, read Darwin.
This kind of tribalism is what I consider unearned value, without effort.

Here's what I believe, through the words of Ayn Rand.

pseudo-science for me sorry.

Watch the video I have put here on Racism and you'll get what I mean.

I did the First European one only.

What's racism anyway?

It's nothing but a slur word.

To destroy reputation when you use it that way.

Only then it's racism, considered properly with context.

And mostly to abuse and hurt. To not allow anyone to rise by discrimination. Based on race.

To tag someone by their race and not merit or ability or personal character.

I think those three mentioned above are very important.

@Deleted User
Look this is jus far right propaganda to counter the far left propaganda. What I want is a proper civil discussion between groups not endless gang warfare.
I agree the divide is too great now, and doesn't feel like anything can be done. But some people should come up to a reasonable agreement rather than fighting each other. That's what I wish.

Man trolls would get lost for a second,

@๐Ÿญ Decay ๐ŸŽƒ Pathetic can you even give an argument? Bet you don't have one.

Come on make your case?

This is Wisdom, for those who wish to see.

Yeah but the meaning is pretty important I would say.

@Deleted User When did Fascism become freedom? Have you all gone mad. Fascism isn't empowering, it's a ruthless ideology. Moderate form of Nationalism would still make sense. But Fascism is antithetical to Freedom and American values. Wake up, would you.

@Cรบchulainn I understand what your getting at about the song. I agree in a sense that we have different values and beliefs. Fight over real stuff like resources and some people are more moral than others.
But what I really wanted to point out, was that fundamentally we are the same living consciousness experiencing life together. We could do so much better, if we took the route of peace and understanding, rather than war and destruction.
In the issue of free will. Look what the mess we have made. Instead of taking responsibility on our actions, we fight each other for petty ideals and temporary material resources. Which won't help us anyway in the end, and then will die. Why not do something better with the time we have on this planet. That's what I wanted to point out, in a way. Even though I know it's impossible. But hope for a great ideal to aspire to something like that. To make us understand one another much better.
When we we gained intelligence. We haven't been much responsible seeing the track record of what we have done.

@Ned Kelly You are right there. I don't disagree with that.

But it's better to aspire for something than not. The people who break ideals are lowly anyway. It' doesn't what you teach them. They still end up doing evil. It doesn't matter which religion, ideology or creed you may be from.
Good and bad exist and whatever code or system you create. There will obviously people who conform or just disobey or even be irrational and intentionally cause evil. Because it's unfortunately in the make of the human beings.

You can't rectify man as you just take away the part of volition.

Experience teaches. Proper thought guides to right action.

But what is right and wrong may differ people to people and similarly with experience.

It's so difficult to pin down the complete rightness and wrongness of an action. Because many of them are dependent on each other.

Not to mention so many different moral codes we have.

The road peace is very difficult on our own.

I only think a real Technocratic Dictatorship in the future would resolve our problems and disputes. But I think freedom would have to go.
I just get the feeling the world might tilt that way. I think the ruling elite want a society like that.

I'm still not sure whether it will tilt more right or left. But I think it will be some kind of mixture.

Whatever these are my ramblings if anyone's interested.

I don't want that answer myself. I just think the ruling elite wants that. Let's see what will happen.

It hasn't in my opinion. It has both desirable and undesirable parts.
Yes the lust of money is certainly the most disgusting part of Capitalism. Reducing everything into a monetary value.
I agree with you there. But it also allowed us to have more relative freedom than in the past and a kind of intellectual freedom we didn't have before.
It's also made people self sufficient to an extent. Buy yeah I agree not in a good way. That's for sure.
I have a pretty mixed answer on all this. So I can't give you a proper reply here. Sorry

Yes, you are right there.

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