D'Marcus Liebowitz

Discord ID: 231148326249037824

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muh waifu


this is the kike who came up with the term "melting pot"




@everyone I'm up in dis bytch if yall wanna come thru on da mic

@FucknOathMate that's one of my favorite songs

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/153249121" width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p><a href="https://vimeo.com/153249121">Uncle Jemima's Pure Mash Liquor</a> from <a href="https://vimeo.com/snarkandawe">Wall of Needless Things</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

@everyone aight niggas, come down 2 tha autism free voice channooo

@northern_confederate come up in dis bytch

@everyone git up in dis herr sperg-free chat

@JohnnyMonoxide what'd they call you a cuck for anyways?

@GeorgeRockwell this nigguh is 2 lazy 4 dat

@JohnnyMonoxide I told Ricotta about 15 times on the discord that I straight-up didn't like him, and when I saw him outside of TRStlmania he was trying to be all buddy-buddy with me. He's an idiot.... What's Torque's problem with Italians? I thought he was part Italian

definitely parm

i love my proscuitto

@JohnnyMonoxide when is the live paranormies being released

@everyone git up in dis bytch, im back n im black

@BIG4U git up in dis chat son

@BIG4U confirmed for whipped

I'm dating a girl who thinks it's hot that I'm Alt-Right

I'm not sure if that's a good thing

Entirely a good thing*

Tell her "they're black Jews, what are you racist?"

@everyone git up in dis bytch

@everyone ya son, I'm up in dis voice channoo son

dis shit gon' fill up soon enuff

@Azzmador 1) i sent you a skype message 2) sweet, I loved the last episode 3) get in the voice chat nigguh

@everyone git up in dis voice channoo son

@everyone git up n dis herr voice chat yall

You've disappointed D'Marcus



I'm guessing that's a French name

@Rex Racer check the rules real quick, it's a secret discord FYI

@c6%G not right now, he rarely pops in the voice chat, but yeah he's on the roster

@Hand Banana git up in da chat, we gotz some good goys in herr

ya nigguz iz crayzee


Trump/D'Marcus 2020


Me givin Obongo some lip son


muh waifu


muh side gurl


an intact interracial family


D'Marcus doxed


muh child


you moustache is low energy @Hand Banana

@Campin' Carl that's the 5th time you've posted that

@Campin' Carl our capital wouldn't be in South Carolina

@Caerulus_Rex i disavow... knockoff #1

at the bottom left there's a gear/wheel... click on that and then select "voice" to change your mic settings

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