Evan Thomas

Discord ID: 254351958591275008

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@Distracted We're only "dangerous" to their ability to keep on telling lies.

There is no reason to throw mud on McCain because he is dead. Death is a fate we all share. But to say that he now gets a pass because he is dead is not a point we should allow anyone to make. He was not someone to be admired or emulated and his influence over our country's policies has been disastrous. As a war mongering neo-con to the end, he decided how he shall be remembered in a future sane society; a traitor to his people and civilization, a force for chaos, suffering and killing. He should be remembered as the kind of man a proud and healthy people would never allow to lead them.

In all the time we're spending disagreeing about rules, why don't we ask ourselves, "What's the most valuable use of my time, *right now?*"

How can I help the organization get to the next level, *right now?*

What small contribution can I make to better our situation?

Not much value can be added in the channels besides encouraging others and helping them understand how to maintain and develop a good culture within the organization. I strongly criticized McCain too but did it in a way that didn't make fun of the fact he was dead or call him names. I realize you didn't make fun of the fact he was dead and probably didn't think that calling him gay would land you in here for 24-hours, but it's just a day.

When any group discussion is not purposefully led toward productivity, goal achievement and enthusiasm, it goes where anyone wants to push it.

That's why membership development is very important. We have two primary goals as a group. (1) To grow our network with high quality people that want to become the best version of themselves. (2) to make the advocacy of our issues as easy as possible.

Cult speak? What are you even talking about? I am saying that if we want a better organization with better discussion, one that is meeting goals and growing, it's going to take a collective commitment. Everything we've achieved thus far has been because a group of people decided to coordinate their efforts toward common objectives.

"Who in their right mind would do such a thing?" is the question that is always asked after a great tragedy. The answer is no one.

Anger is an interesting thing. Not dealing with anger appropriately when it happens, burying it in the pit of your stomach, rather than assertively addressing the source of anger, especially over and over, can lead to terrible behavior.

People get to the point that they are so angry that only the worst kind of behavior serves as an outlet.

Exactly. Knowing how to cope with the world and the circumstances that cause stress and unhappiness is integral to surviving and thriving. If someone already has a mental illness, the addition of emotional disturbances, especially with anger, leads to tragedy.

And always, you hear from the people in their lives that say, "Oh yes, I thought he might do something like this."

Or worse, you have the authorities monitoring the situation in many of these cases and they do nothing.

The responsibility is on society as a whole. People need to understand the warning signs and if they see them exhibited in people in their lives, they need to reach out to them and see what the problem is. If the situation is critical, they need to call the police and have the person petitioned to an involuntary behavioral health program.

Think of all the situations like this that have been prevented that we don't hear about because someone did the right thing and reached out to help them avoid hurting themselves or others.

Yes, that was pathetic.

That was totally preventable.


Out of all of the factors necessary for success, continued focus and action on clear goals is the most critical of all.

I followed the advice in this video and got a great job. I walked in cold with no interview set up too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PFYZde5SPk&t=0s

@AltRightMick More fake news. "25 people didn't like something on the internet that, as a journalist, I also didn't like. Here's a story about it."

Lots of normies disagreed with the far-lefty view that the Today Show interview was a puff piece or advertisement for IE. They pulled their usual tricks... The evil music, footage of actual neo-nazis, buzzwords, etc. But the fact is, IE is so obviously different and obviously a good group of people with important things to say that any attempt to seriously smear us does in fact end up looking a bit like our own commercial.

@NateDahl76 Keep in mind that, most of the time, when someone says, "I'll apply in a few weeks, months, etc." that's just another way of saying they won't. The longer it takes for them to apply from their initial decision to do so, the less likely they will.

Yeah, it's in most cases. @TMatthews and it doesn't just go for IE applications. The more time is put between any decision and the action on the decision, the less likely it is to occur.

Of course, this doesn't apply to true blue members that knew they would join and finally do.

It's just a general rule of human behavior.

That's why they want you to buy the car the first day you look at one.

This is a fantastic discussion about sales, persistence and success. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzaNrEThHDM

Any video of the altercation?

An historic Tucker Carlson Tonight! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UM8eJNQUOs

@Bjorn - MD Tucker is correct in the sense that any people can be proud of their nation. In western countries, where multiculturalism is becoming predominant, nationalism could actually take on meaning in a purely civic sense and this is what the conservatives have to play safe with. But the fact that they are rehabilitating nationalism at all and the fact that we have a President that has declared himself a nationalist, the occurrences of which were unthinkable only a few years ago, is a great sign.

@Bjorn - MD I agree. Ethnic based nationalism won't be important to someone if they don't care about nationalism in a civic sense first. If you don't even care about your country, you can't care about anything deeper.

For many, it's like trying to walk before crawling first.

One of the ways we need to be in control of the direction of our society is by running profitable businesses that provide value. Ann Coulter pointed out in her book, _Adios America_, that while the media focuses on immigrants from India as being the most successful, since they have the record for the most start-ups, it's actually Russians who are the most successful immigrants when you look at _profitable_ start-ups and other businesses.

Anyone can have a start-up. The question is, will it be successful?

Perhaps one advantage successful Russian immigrants in their 40s and older have is that they came from a country where you had to work extremely hard just to have a little.

You may have heard the statistic that some 90% of businesses fail within the first 5 years. But the statistic you don't hear is that most of the businesses that survive the first 5 years go on to do very well. And the main factor that determines the success of new companies is the experience and focus of the entrepreneur.

The lesson is this: Learn all you need to learn, and keep learning while you start and grow your business.

White flight isn't really possible in much of Europe.

You're better off being backed into a corner instead of having space to run well past the point of becoming a minority.

@Papa Pizzagate Technically, Duke wasn't provably connected to the "Bayou of Pigs" scandal, but he plead the fifth in court. It's not really what he's known for. Even still, he's not the first choice when it comes to sending someone to new content.



@Papa Pizzagate Call me for a sec. I have a funny story to tell you.

@TylerHess That wouldn't happen, but the thought of it is utterly cringe inducing. People like Little just need to go away.

That Spencer show is really something else. Reveling in Gavin's undoing, trashing Joe Rogan, etc. but then catches himself and reverses course. He also says that socially speaking, he sees himself as having a lot more in common with a traditionalist Muslim than a Scandinavian nationalist. Not only is this the total opposite from what he has been saying for years, saying anything positive about Islam is a total non-starter for our movement. At best, we might say that we are happy to leave Muslim nations as they are, and that we don't want to democratize them, we don't want to push western philosophy on them. But at the same time, we don't see Islam as something that is compatible with the Europe and America. Mosques and Muslims belong in Islamic countries, period.

The real danger here is that the philosophical masturbation keeps new people who are attracted to our issues distracted and even frustrated because the idealism can't translate into solutions in real time. So many thoughts and ideas from the spheres that came before IE are so lofty and far off in the future that it's impossible to translate them into a physical, growing movement in the present.

More than anything, we need to be thinking about how to position ourselves to take advantage of our circumstances, and that's with reaching our people with issues they can easily advocate for. Our job is to grow this into a refuge, a new culture for our people that can inform and shape politics.

Thought experiments and idealism are fine, but they won't make a real movement thrive on their own. Only intelligent, largely thankless hard work and real organizing will do that.

Not even a term we use. IE is the least understood out of any group that ostensibly stands for the survival of our civilization. But media fairness has never been the goal; only to catch the interest of independent thinkers that can objectively come to the conclusion that we're the good guys!

He's pretty bad for all the senses, really.

We'll begin to win culturally when a lot more guys like this stand up to hysterical leftists and make their behavior and attitudes socially unacceptable.

People are not data driven by nature. They are emotionally driven. People of European descent need to understand how losing our traditional demographics means losing America and everything they love.

Good talk. But he's still a slob! lol

True. Slimmer and dressed a bit better.

It's not just about avoiding mistakes, though. It's about a genuine understanding of the issues. It's very easy to blame everything on one group. It's much more of a challenge to take responsibility for our circumstances and to figure out how to best position ourselves to take full advantage of them. Groups playing the blame game go nowhere. A group that understands how to mobilize our people to achieve what we desire is a true movement.

Still, the 'white genocide' lingo is alarmist sounding and doesn't make sense at all to people in midwestern counties that have 90% white populations, and in many cases, positive white birthrates. James Allsup's language and style of messaging, especially in his most recent videos, is spot on.

This is the future of the Democrat party.

Sad news and unfortunate events are a part of life. What matters is that we live today better than we lived yesterday. Spend your time contributing to the growth of this community. Let's become so big and so influential that the power of our message creates a new reality.

You're blackpilled? Start recruiting. You're whitepilled? Start recruiting. The answer to our problems begins with growth.

Trump is quoting Pat Buchanan. Our Twitter page has just linked to the article. https://twitter.com/IdentityEvropa/status/1084680362280845312

@JoeDrake We need to be in the habit of describing ourselves as Identitarian instead of WN. Just a tip. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

It's not just about labels, though. Identitarian isn't just another word for WN. As Identitarians, we don't just ascribe to a set of beliefs, we take action to show a new way forward that's relatable to our current circumstances. The only world that we can change is the one in which we actually live. There is a clear path to getting our people to understand they are a group with genuine interests and they have a duty to assert them.

For 60 years, white nationalist groups have failed to come up with a clear path to their solution. Identitarianism is different not just because we also focus on culture, shared historic experience, language, etc., but because our vision tells us what we must do _right now_.

And Identitarianism also easily explains the behaviors of other groups that aren't of European descent. Basic Trump supporters need to understand that Democrats don't create identity politics, _identity_ creates identity politics. It's an inescapable aspect of tribalism that the Democrat party has simply exploited. And unless we see ourselves as a group and join the trend toward the politics of identity, we'll be easily pushed aside by groups that defend their interests without hesitation.

Yes. They don't like the brand of identity politics of other communities because it is largely self-serving on the part of their "leaders."

More powerfully, though, is their understanding that we're all in this together and everyone should be proud to be an American, have good values, treat each other well and work hard.

They don't realize that their understanding of America ceases to exist without people of European heritage.

Their very depiction of that kind of America is white and western.

Goal setting can't just be about working to achieve a target. You have to become the person for whom hitting that target is possible.

Establishing thinking and behavioral patterns congruent with the identity of the person you need to become is the only way to improve.

If you have a farm, then fine. But get a farm, don't just hide out in the suburbs and talk about how having a farm would be better than living in the city. We do need to have representation in the cities. The cities have influence, power and money.

No arguments, please.

It is the duty of the members of this organization to create a movement that is seen by the members of the public whose support we desire the same way we see it. Our biggest problem has been misconceptions about our purpose, what we're about, and why what we're doing matters. Former members or even current ones that don't understand why we're different are the ones our opponents will use as examples to define us.

IE has a perception problem that can only be changed by consistent proof that we are well intentioned, that we care about real issues and want to make our country a better place. Our duty is to save the West and this can only be done by men and women of good character.

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