StaysafeTV - 191 lb Muscle Man

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Does anyone know a good place to buy Roman statue replicas? Maybe a foot tall, preferably stone, hopefully not more than $30 or so

Yep I really consider a lot of electronic music as 'modern day classical'

My girlfriend isn't SJW or insanely progressive, but living in Portland she was influenced by friends/family/Portland culture into voting for Clinton. Recently I've taken a more up front approach with trying to redpill her. She's very 'go with the flow' and honestly in Portland area you are setting yourself up for a lot of social contention if you go against the liberal grain

@Nothing it's not a problem for most of us because I'm assuming we all have quite a bit of resolve, but for someone that still has the redpill resting on their tongue, so to speak, I can imagine it's quite a struggle. Personally I hear SJW talking points and buzzphrases 20+ times a day in an 8 hour work day. Portland really is infested with this ideology in every conceivable way

@chewycookie when she's actively watching a molymeme video with me or in a conversation with me, she seems to understand leftist hypocrisy and ridiculousness, but I feel like nothing really *sticks* with her or that she's taking it to the next level and forming her own opinions

Still trying to find topics that she clicks with

She does really want to be a stay at home wife, which I'm totally for


It's just been a very slow process with her, progress is being made but the indoctrination was very strong.
Almost at the 2 year mark and at this point she has dinner ready for me every night, is great with the pets (good sign for motherhood), and has almost completely cut ties with her obese HYPER SJW feminist sister because of her insane hypocrisy and cry-bully behavior

@chewycookie definitely. I had a big talk with her yesterday about raising children. We're 23 and right now she's not thinking about children at all, but I made it very clear that if she wanted to continue the relationship and have me support her in the future, by the time we're 28 she needs to start having my children, 3 minimum lol

@chewycookie @Nothing one of my big problems is that we're both pretty much shutins, only spending time with eachother, and that 99% of people in our area are far left. It's one of my immediate goals to start making friends that share similar beliefs and have potlucks/gamenights/whatever to start building a small red pilled community

@chewycookie I have 2 or 3 red pilled male friends but they are single and incapable of getting girlfriends it seems. Sort of awkward to hangout as a couple with a bunch of single guys

@OOX of Flames definitely. Wrapping up my education then moving out of town ASAP

ye seems a couple years off, I'm going to start reaching out to local people in the PACNW and try to set up some hangouts though

Everyone register on the map !

Maybe having like a "Settler" rank or something - people that have expressed interest and a have a life plan that will allow them to move to a place simultaneously that we all agreed on.

But like @neetkthx said even if you cant move anywhere in the near future this is a really good discord to be a part of

Ur tyme is up whiteBOI muhfugga where da whyte wimminz at ?? Muh dik

Haven't read any of this discussion but with racialcstats like this

They often consider Mexicans as white

I legit have a Mexican friend who says he's white, 100% white

Ehh he's pretty dark skinned Mexican. Probably has more native blood than Spanish blood

Would you win a debate..?

Rate my morals -
Not religious at all. Morals stem from social contract, golden rule, and non aggression principle.
Someone breaks social contract or non aggression principle, all bets are off.
Golden rule - treat others as you'd like to be treated

Pretty much tldr version

Let me try to help you understand it a little bit better - I understand I only gave you a tldr version with some buzzwords.

A social contract is a contract that you, as an individual, as well as all other individuals in X society, have agreed to uphold. I live in America, so my "social contract" is US law.
Personally, and in my ideal living environment/community, the social contract would operate on 2 axioms - the golden rule and the non aggression principle, which I hope are pretty self explanatory. For the most part, this is what US law operates on, but obviously there are some discrepancies.

No absolutely not. In the US, *most* laws are originated from NAP and golden rule (some are not, drug possession laws for example). I'm saying in my ideal system, all laws would be in alignment with NAP and golden rule.

Snagged this for $25 today, quite a good deal imo

Trying to make my home feel less 'early 20's male'

You'd be surprised at how many ranchers and farmers are millionaires

It can be pretty profitable

Tbh a huge problem we need to think about is how difficult it will be for dozens of us to buy land that is adjacent to eachother. Possibly solution is to have 1 person buy a LARGE area of land then divide it up and sell to individuals in our community. Hurdles to overcome with this method is to make sure that zoning property laws allow this in the location that we purchase land in, we would also need to make sure that each plot of land once sold can have homes legally built on it. We would need to create our own road system on this land as well

Probably best method

All it takes is 1 wealthy person to get the ball rolling. Any by wealthy I mean like ~40k

I strongly believe that if 1 person makes the plunge and buys 100 acres or something, it will be so easy for that person to sell off sub plots to people like us.

Sorry I've had "a" typed for the last 30 minutes lmao. Pocket typed it

I agree with @neetkthx. Fact is this community/movement doesn't work unless we bring women on board. Women will not live in mud huts.

Mfw Hitler actually did move to South America

I've considered going to church just as an opportunity to dress nicely once a week and to meet other conservative whites, but I am not religious at all

No idea what denomination id go to


How do you all feel about tattoos? I have a small compass on my arm, maybe you can see it in my display pic, and my girlfriend has several tattoos that can be covered with clothing. These are pretty much the only transgressions into degeneracy that either of us have. Girlfriend is blonde hair/blue eye for what it's worth

Seems they were just taking note of 1 guy's testimony

Not really 100% proof of anything

Party I'm going to tonight

Lord have mercy

Yeah... MGTOW is literally the most bluepilled mindset you can possibly have as a man

Sure, finding a good woman is hard today. Does that mean you should just give up like a beta cuck?

is this the secret to saving western masculinity....?

Does anyone know of any other classical music with "drops" like this?

Keep up the good work @Nix! Don't let holiday get-togethers throw you off your plan! How tall are you?

I'm going to start making an 8 week cutting video series in which I detail dieting, supplements, routines, and my thought process as I go through each week, sort of VLOG style. Half will be me taking, half will be training footage. Big emphasis on scientifically sound information. Can post if anyone here is interested. Don't want to just shill my vids on you guys though

Everyday I drink a class of pure cranberry juice + a milk thistle pill for kidney support because of some bodybuilding supplements I take

Never had any problems

this is my waifu โค

@Nix yes please !

@Nix That is quite some comentary, I really appreciate it!
You are right the music was a bit hectic and I do think I will do a headshot intro then voiceover of workout footage in upcoming videos with better music syncing. One problem I've encountered that was a bit unexpected is that classical music is all lible to be copyright flagged, it happened to this video lol. So I am considering my music options, though I am keen to keep using classical.
Girlfriend is my cameraman, I think that tripod-filmed workout footage is a bit dry and less 'natural', I don't know, definitely just my personal opinion
I really appreciate the feedback man

Holiday season treats will be my ultimate test ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Started watching that wagon video

2 hours later I'm watching professional woodchopping competitions

@Marlow from all the research I've done, meal timing has no effect on metabolic rate (can provide sources) but I actually fast like 16 hours a day just sort of coincidentally just because of my schedule

Ok so how many hours were you fasting? How many calories? Also do you know your carb/protein breakdown?

Oh I gotcha, ya I'd be really worried about muscle wasting. I'd be interested to see any before/after pics if you have them but muscle takes a tremendous amount of energy and effort to maintain

Heading out door to work, not ignoring but my response rate is about to tank, sorry ๐Ÿ˜…

Very big debate with 2 female coworkers today about sexism/racism. My conclusion: waste of my time

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