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2017-11-27 01:37:25 UTC


2017-11-30 17:54:42 UTC

[Purging intensifies]

2017-12-01 05:07:16 UTC

this shit is a pretty heavy culturual representation

2017-12-01 06:48:50 UTC

white dude: own your shit

2017-12-01 06:48:54 UTC

black dude: it's your fault

2017-12-01 06:49:11 UTC

redefining the very idiom of modern music

2017-12-01 07:23:26 UTC

That black guy did a good video about it

2017-12-01 07:28:31 UTC

Some Black Guy?

2017-12-01 07:28:35 UTC

or That Black Guy?

2017-12-01 07:28:40 UTC

or Some Other Black Guy?

2017-12-01 07:46:36 UTC

What black guy?

2017-12-01 07:46:51 UTC

A black guy or just some black guy?

2017-12-01 08:20:58 UTC

A Black Guy I Am Not Familiar With

2017-12-01 18:42:08 UTC

@yearspastmatter Post more music fren. That Kona Triangle track you posted way back was killer, had to grab the whole album off of youtube.

2017-12-01 18:42:52 UTC

I can do that, though I don't have much more to recommend on the electronic music front

2017-12-01 18:43:47 UTC

do you like metal? if so, which subgenres?

2017-12-01 18:45:52 UTC

Darn. I'm always a sucker for chill/melancholic/nostalgic/trippy instrumental beats like that. Yeah I like metal. Anywhere between Sludge/Stoner/Doom/Thrash mostly. Melvins, Kyuss, Tool, Boris, The Sword, Acid Bath, Sleep.

2017-12-01 18:46:33 UTC

well for the electronic stuff just listen to everything SuicideSheep posts on YouTube :0

2017-12-01 18:46:54 UTC

cool, I'll check it out

2017-12-01 18:46:58 UTC

MrSuicideSheep and all of his channels

2017-12-01 18:47:12 UTC

though a lot of it has vocals

2017-12-01 18:47:52 UTC

I'm fine with that too.

2017-12-01 18:48:36 UTC

what I've been listening to metal-wise recently is the polar opposite of chill

2017-12-01 18:48:46 UTC

blackened sludge I guess you could call it, I dunno

2017-12-01 18:48:58 UTC one of the most hateful albums I've ever heard

2017-12-01 18:49:07 UTC

but the guitar tone is so good

2017-12-01 18:49:10 UTC

oooh, sounds good

2017-12-01 18:50:53 UTC

yeah man this is vicious

2017-12-01 18:51:26 UTC

a bit different from Kona ๐Ÿ˜›

2017-12-01 18:52:07 UTC

here's some instrumental progressive stoner

2017-12-01 18:52:37 UTC

Zebulon Pike's good stuff

2017-12-01 18:53:34 UTC

I found this really crazy Argentinian progressive rock band a while back, maybe you'll dig em.

2017-12-01 18:53:53 UTC

All the vocals are in spanish but they're badass nonetheless, and the instruments are ridiculously good.

2017-12-01 18:54:10 UTC

Lot's of odd time signatures and crazy goodness.

2017-12-01 18:54:28 UTC

Sometimes they're super funky and groovy, other times totally thrash.

2017-12-01 18:54:41 UTC

the beginning is definitely funky

2017-12-01 18:55:11 UTC

This Zebulon Pike is pretty kickass.

2017-12-01 18:56:04 UTC

here's my current favorite song

2017-12-01 18:56:53 UTC

the singer was on American Idol and got knocked out in the top 20 or so

2017-12-01 18:57:28 UTC

second half of the song is way better

2017-12-01 19:03:35 UTC

oh man, sounds like she was sorta straining her voice, but on purpose. Sounds good but at the same time makes me cringe a little knowing what that can do to vocal chords lol

2017-12-01 19:05:34 UTC

I wonder if you'd dig something like this. Definitely some of the weirdest shit out there but extremely talented artists.

2017-12-01 19:05:44 UTC

one of my favorites

2017-12-01 19:05:44 UTC

The female vocal part is badass.

2017-12-01 19:05:49 UTC

I saw them live in 2003

2017-12-01 19:05:58 UTC

Holy shit, that's rad man.

2017-12-01 19:06:12 UTC

I bet that was an experience you'll never forget eh?

2017-12-01 19:06:32 UTC
2017-12-01 19:07:15 UTC

bunch of highlights from that year

2017-12-01 19:07:27 UTC

them and Alamaailman Vasarat especially

2017-12-01 19:07:57 UTC

damn that sounds like an awesome festival

2017-12-01 19:10:37 UTC

and if you haven't seen this SGM performance yet you need to

2017-12-01 19:22:29 UTC

Man Carla Kihlstedt sure is a special kind of musician.

2017-12-01 19:27:01 UTC

woah, Alamaailman Vasarat is like the klezmer version of ska punk

2017-12-01 19:27:07 UTC

Yeah, it's a shame the band broke up. Think she and the drummer (her husband) moved to Boston for some reason, and SGM were based in San Francisco, so...not much that could be done.

2017-12-01 19:27:32 UTC

There's a new band composed mostly of ex-SGM members though

2017-12-01 19:27:40 UTC

Free Salamander Exhibit

2017-12-01 19:28:29 UTC

Alamaailman Vasarat also did a super heavy doom song

2017-12-01 19:28:45 UTC

I guess you could call it that

2017-12-01 19:29:07 UTC

Carla has been on a lot of different projects. The last release I know of hers was with Tin Hat, which was sort of the successor to Tin Hat Trio, which is where I first heard her. That release was years ago though.

2017-12-01 19:29:18 UTC

I just love their instrumentation

2017-12-01 19:29:39 UTC

no guitars

2017-12-01 19:29:46 UTC

distorted cellos instead

2017-12-01 19:31:34 UTC

wtf these are cellos... my world has changed forever

2017-12-02 02:53:13 UTC
2017-12-02 02:57:14 UTC

Is there even a music bot here?

2017-12-02 04:20:12 UTC

Woke song

2017-12-02 22:16:34 UTC

@yearspastmatter you are my hero. Gorement is one of my favorite deathmetal bands.

2017-12-02 22:19:01 UTC

2017-12-02 22:19:07 UTC

My top 100 albums

2017-12-02 22:21:12 UTC


2017-12-02 22:21:54 UTC

Literally none of this I have heard of

2017-12-03 00:15:03 UTC

@โœฟ Mittens โœฟ that's quite the collage

2017-12-03 00:15:30 UTC

dang you have good death metal taste

2017-12-03 00:15:39 UTC

Infester is A+

2017-12-03 00:15:59 UTC

and Demilich

2017-12-03 00:16:10 UTC

and Timeghoul

2017-12-03 00:16:53 UTC

Unlock the Shrine over Rain Upon the Impure, hmm

2017-12-03 00:19:19 UTC

and I haven't heard Pulver. Gonna have to listen to that. Konkurs is great.

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