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2018-07-03 05:26:29 UTC

"the debate ineffectiveness." There's no debate, except form people who want open borders.

2018-07-03 05:26:31 UTC

It's extremely effective, by like, 95% if various articles are to be believed.

2018-07-03 05:26:32 UTC

Everywhere where a wall was used to secure the border, or even just a fence, it has worked.

2018-07-03 05:26:58 UTC

I really think the wall needs to be more metaphorical than literal. Put enough active pressure on the cartels and they will either back off or escalate matters

2018-07-03 05:27:00 UTC

To debate the effectiveness of a wall is ridiculous

2018-07-03 05:27:12 UTC

How would a metaphorical wall stop them?

2018-07-03 05:27:18 UTC

By metaphorical i mean patrols

2018-07-03 05:27:19 UTC

So you don't think the cartels won't tunnel under?

2018-07-03 05:27:22 UTC

Active measures

2018-07-03 05:27:26 UTC

That's even more expensive.

2018-07-03 05:27:28 UTC


2018-07-03 05:27:38 UTC

And yes, we increased funding.

2018-07-03 05:27:39 UTC

Its currently hobbled tho

2018-07-03 05:27:43 UTC

Tunneling, or climbing over it, it's slower, riskier.

2018-07-03 05:27:44 UTC

why not just have a wall of artillery fire?

2018-07-03 05:28:45 UTC

Because sometimes people do stupid shit, but they shouldn't be killed for doing stupid shit.

2018-07-03 05:28:55 UTC

Tunneling in a focused spot is much easier to deal with than random route across the desert hundreds of miles apart

2018-07-03 05:29:01 UTC

If your calling for arty you might as well go full chaotic evil and mine the border. No thank you.

2018-07-03 05:29:14 UTC

@OtaRev Not a bad idea.

2018-07-03 05:30:04 UTC


2018-07-03 05:30:08 UTC

Put up a sign, "mined field."

2018-07-03 05:30:20 UTC

Just the sign, nothing else.

2018-07-03 05:30:25 UTC

In Spanish too, "El Mined Field."

2018-07-03 05:30:28 UTC

Because that much explosives is way too much.

2018-07-03 05:30:33 UTC

you obviously have to have some mines

2018-07-03 05:30:48 UTC

just don't say where.....

2018-07-03 05:30:52 UTC

I'm again, not going to kill people for making dumb choices.

2018-07-03 05:30:59 UTC

Now if they murder someone, different story.

2018-07-03 05:31:07 UTC

You could put up the sign put up a layer out mines with baby powder then the mines after.

2018-07-03 05:31:19 UTC

If your going that route

2018-07-03 05:31:43 UTC

I would rather not?

2018-07-03 05:31:58 UTC

Breaking the law of a foreign nation and disregarding their border is not a 'dumb mistake'. It's a calulated decision.

2018-07-03 05:32:14 UTC

It is not worth capital punishment/war-level violence.

2018-07-03 05:32:20 UTC

No matter how much you claim it is.

2018-07-03 05:32:35 UTC

then build a wall

2018-07-03 05:32:41 UTC

That's the idea.

2018-07-03 05:32:42 UTC

For me it is. Why else do we have a nation if not to defend its borders?

2018-07-03 05:34:07 UTC

A very regressive stance, in my opinion.

2018-07-03 05:34:32 UTC

If you can define regressive/progressive, I may concede

2018-07-03 05:34:36 UTC

Defend the borders, yes, kill people crossing the border, no.

2018-07-03 05:34:59 UTC

One of these is no longer societially acceptable, where it may have been decades ago.

2018-07-03 05:35:04 UTC

Which is regressive.

2018-07-03 05:35:09 UTC

why not encourage them to stop coming?

2018-07-03 05:35:09 UTC


2018-07-03 05:35:23 UTC

by shooting the fuckers who try to border hop

2018-07-03 05:35:28 UTC

First before we start on the wall I want something done about the sanctuary cities and states

2018-07-03 05:35:43 UTC

Because there are options to encourage them not to cross without 'we're going to murder you'.

2018-07-03 05:35:49 UTC

It should be used as a last resort.

2018-07-03 05:35:50 UTC

like what?

2018-07-03 05:36:07 UTC

"Cross this line, or else I shoot."

Simple enough instructions.

2018-07-03 05:36:29 UTC

they might piss on your words, but they know well enough not to fuck with guys with guns

2018-07-03 05:36:56 UTC

Which is exactly why arresting and deporting is effective.

2018-07-03 05:37:01 UTC

Because the border patrol is armed.

2018-07-03 05:37:13 UTC

@OtaRev for cities, just cutoff their funding entirely
for states, threaten to revoke statehood

2018-07-03 05:37:29 UTC

and if they still keep border hopping?

2018-07-03 05:37:42 UTC

when then?

2018-07-03 05:37:45 UTC

Make it difficult enough to not be worth the risk.

2018-07-03 05:38:00 UTC

like armed guards, waiting to shoot border hoppers....

2018-07-03 05:38:15 UTC

The risk is being shot

2018-07-03 05:38:20 UTC

The reason they cross is because it's easy to cross right now.

2018-07-03 05:38:27 UTC

There is little risk.

2018-07-03 05:38:30 UTC

I don't think California would take revoking statehood as a threat.

2018-07-03 05:38:37 UTC

Not much likelyhood to be caught.

2018-07-03 05:38:55 UTC

have an actual minefield, and they'll stop dead in their tracks

2018-07-03 05:39:05 UTC

Have a wall, and the same thing is proven to happen.

2018-07-03 05:39:17 UTC

And the wall is less expensive.

2018-07-03 05:39:25 UTC

And results in less death.

2018-07-03 05:39:36 UTC

It's settled then: Build the wall!

2018-07-03 05:40:26 UTC

`And the wall is less expensive.`
not in terms of time or volume
`And results in less death.`

2018-07-03 05:40:39 UTC

Explosives aren't cheap.

2018-07-03 05:40:44 UTC

Concrete is pretty cheap.

2018-07-03 05:41:22 UTC

it's not just concrete tho

2018-07-03 05:41:35 UTC

It's primarily concrete.

2018-07-03 05:41:46 UTC

Find heroin addicts who want a fresh start, and use them as cheap labor. Bed and food for building a wall

2018-07-03 05:41:49 UTC

Explosive compounds are still very expensive.

2018-07-03 05:42:04 UTC

That's what the NG was called in for, IIRC.

2018-07-03 05:42:27 UTC

@Fitzydog give prisoners an incentive to work off their time

2018-07-03 05:42:38 UTC

How expensive it is to build a moat?

2018-07-03 05:42:43 UTC

So many work opportunities!

2018-07-03 05:42:48 UTC

Moats need water, bruh

2018-07-03 05:42:56 UTC

One of the cheapest methods, @DanielKO

2018-07-03 05:43:15 UTC


2018-07-03 05:43:39 UTC

Likely won't do anything though

2018-07-03 05:43:47 UTC

Unless you fill it with everlasting lava.

2018-07-03 05:44:04 UTC

or acid

2018-07-03 05:44:20 UTC

Or just relocate the crocodiles from Florida.

2018-07-03 05:44:40 UTC

Enough with eating the senile elderly, time for a mexican diet.

2018-07-03 05:44:50 UTC

And children.

2018-07-03 06:02:28 UTC

Got an idea for Border enforcement. Illegally cross the border and get caught. Your Made into a Full blown US Citizen. However your put into an arranged Marriage with a Feminist. Oh and only the Feminist is allowed to imitate a devoice.

2018-07-03 06:02:47 UTC

Only Problem I think that'd constitute a Crime against Humanity.

2018-07-03 06:03:04 UTC

As it'd put the border Hopper into Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

2018-07-03 08:15:33 UTC

If you give an inch, they take a mile

2018-07-03 09:36:07 UTC

I didn't actually realise Alex was flipping out about it *this* much

2018-07-03 09:36:21 UTC

And yet judging from the comments section of that video

2018-07-03 09:36:27 UTC

People are still taking him seriously <:thronk:441701565607444482>

2018-07-03 09:36:49 UTC

I mean, 'cause I *hope* he's joking ๐Ÿคฃ

2018-07-03 11:38:41 UTC

Yeah Alex kinda went full retard on that.

2018-07-03 11:39:06 UTC

He actually made it a multi-day grumble.

2018-07-03 12:01:04 UTC

I think Ben spent about a total of 50 seconds and a few tweets on it

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