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2018-07-03 03:32:54 UTC

@Goblin_Slayer_Floki what about socdems?

2018-07-03 03:33:05 UTC

Do they get the choppa too?

2018-07-03 03:33:06 UTC

They are just Socialists in denial

2018-07-03 03:33:56 UTC


2018-07-03 03:34:06 UTC

So do they get it too..?

2018-07-03 03:35:12 UTC

Of course

2018-07-03 03:36:26 UTC

dnc is probably on the brink of having their own corbyn

2018-07-03 03:37:27 UTC

They had a Corbyn in hiding.

2018-07-03 03:37:52 UTC

Bernie was like a Corbyn in disguise.

2018-07-03 03:38:49 UTC

Corbyn had the advantage of a more receptive audience.

2018-07-03 03:39:08 UTC

Americans aren't quite as accepting of socialism, moronic young 'uns aside

2018-07-03 03:43:17 UTC

So very true. If it was Bernie vs Trump, to be honest the numbers would have leaned more towards Trump than they did. But no worries, Clinton took care to keep America from having an actual Socialist on the final Ticket.

2018-07-03 03:44:50 UTC

The propping up of Bernie was entirely artificial, I think.

2018-07-03 03:45:10 UTC

Just some elements of the DNC and MSM who were at odds with the establishment, but equally out of touch.

2018-07-03 03:45:35 UTC

It's telling that the moment they started dropping him and calling him "centrist", his "rabid fan base" evaporated.

2018-07-03 03:48:14 UTC

probably not bernie maxine waters maybe

2018-07-03 03:49:01 UTC

if she can stay relevent as a far left nutcase I'm sure some "momentum" will turn up

2018-07-03 03:49:24 UTC


2018-07-03 03:49:36 UTC

Has anyone noticed Bernie Sanders talks like a certain other Bernie?

2018-07-03 03:49:45 UTC

You don't remember the emails?

2018-07-03 03:50:13 UTC

Maxine is killing her own career, thankfully.

2018-07-03 03:51:21 UTC

I hope so. stranger things have happened

2018-07-03 03:55:40 UTC

Many who jumped on the "Child Camp" bandwagon, and didn't let up after the Executive Order, are starting to see their poll numbers fall, cause basically they want "Catch and Release" or "No Catch at all", and their voters are not for that.

2018-07-03 03:56:31 UTC

Fucking hell this chat is a sperg fest

2018-07-03 03:56:41 UTC


2018-07-03 03:56:55 UTC

could be worse could be a communist circlejerk

2018-07-03 03:58:16 UTC

>generalizes pornography as degenerate behavior and use religious terms such as indulgence to justify why it's bad
>gets upset when people conclude that he's making an argument from morality yet pushing it as fact

2018-07-03 03:58:52 UTC

If you're going to make arguments against porn, that ain't how you do it

2018-07-03 03:59:26 UTC

kothrix made a really good argument on the loli issue technicaly he was addressing the furry equivilent but still a good vid

2018-07-03 04:00:14 UTC

I personally think it's fucked up but making an argument based upon morality is just stupid when it comes to this kind of shit

2018-07-03 04:00:16 UTC

Eh, if it is Fantasy it is Fantasy. The Real Child porn is bad.

2018-07-03 04:00:28 UTC

Morally speaking loli shit is wrong

2018-07-03 04:00:38 UTC

Abhorrent if you're willing to go that far

2018-07-03 04:00:48 UTC

However, legally speaking it violates no laws

2018-07-03 04:02:39 UTC

But to try and say fantasy, loli and child robots are the cornerstone to the "Degeneration of Society" while ignoring Feminism, Intersectionality, The Great Arab Migration, and many many other far more pressing issues....Is laughable. But also when your arguement is based around "Traditions" that last existed in America before Sufferage and During Jim Crow Law days, makes one question the 'Moral' arguement as well.

2018-07-03 04:02:49 UTC

Anywho, I'm off. Hobo, hold the fort now.

2018-07-03 04:03:16 UTC


2018-07-03 04:03:25 UTC

Let the spergery continue

2018-07-03 04:08:21 UTC

Suppose we do agree that loli should be outlawed. The next step is, who decides whether a drawing is illegal? Will a government agency verify each drawing to make sure it's legal? How does one confirm the age of a drawing?

2018-07-03 04:10:49 UTC

And then, why stop there? What if a woman is having sexual contact without consent, in a drawing? Which busy body will determine if consent was given, or if it's rape?

2018-07-03 04:11:23 UTC

What about classic art that depicts rape?

2018-07-03 04:12:25 UTC

Or Historical and priceless Art that also depicts children or Child like beings? Does that have to be destroyed too?

2018-07-03 04:12:41 UTC


2018-07-03 04:12:58 UTC

Because the drawing didn't give you consent for the boner.

2018-07-03 04:13:26 UTC

And just because it was perfectly fine for thousands of years in some cases doesn't make it okay in current year.

2018-07-03 04:15:06 UTC

This is why arguments from morality don't hold water in most contexts especially without any logical reasoning behind it

2018-07-03 04:15:24 UTC

Essentially it boils down to "I feel it's bad therefore it shouldn't be allowed"

2018-07-03 04:15:36 UTC

You can dislike it all you want.

2018-07-03 04:15:57 UTC

I dislike scat. I don't anyone being the bodily waste police though.

2018-07-03 04:16:44 UTC


2018-07-03 04:16:48 UTC

Ah but you see that actually is illegal to produce

2018-07-03 04:16:51 UTC

I've been defending lolis this whole time

2018-07-03 04:16:56 UTC

I dislike them. Strongly

2018-07-03 04:17:17 UTC

In most European Countries and The United States making scat porn is illegal

2018-07-03 04:17:27 UTC

So not really a similar argument

2018-07-03 04:17:39 UTC

How about drawings of scat.

2018-07-03 04:17:40 UTC

And that type of shit actually happens

2018-07-03 04:17:45 UTC

How about watersports?

2018-07-03 04:17:54 UTC

In most states no

2018-07-03 04:17:59 UTC

Not sure about Europe

2018-07-03 04:18:04 UTC

It's funny that it's technically illegal in the US yet that stops...literally no one

2018-07-03 04:18:05 UTC

How about whatever-vomit-porn-is-called?

2018-07-03 04:18:27 UTC

Again, live humans vs drawings

2018-07-03 04:18:53 UTC

It's perfectly fine to draw someone getting killed but it's not ok to kill someone

2018-07-03 04:19:01 UTC

Fantasy vs Reality

2018-07-03 04:19:06 UTC

Real fucking simple

2018-07-03 04:20:17 UTC

I think we're in violent agreement on this

2018-07-03 04:20:26 UTC

What's even more hilarious is that he made the statement that porn is an indulgence, while wasting time posting on discord

2018-07-03 04:20:32 UTC

Yeah, but the point I'm making is, what defines the line, once we hypothetically agree to ban imaginary degeneracy.

2018-07-03 04:20:32 UTC

The hypocrisy is alarming

2018-07-03 04:21:01 UTC

@DanielKO When it is targeted towards a specific person without their consent

2018-07-03 04:21:13 UTC

That's essentially how the division works

2018-07-03 04:21:37 UTC

How can you tell if a drawing gave consent?

2018-07-03 04:21:40 UTC

Not my area of expertise but if it's like most forms of law it's one hell of a grey area at times

2018-07-03 04:21:50 UTC

@DanielKO drawing a living person

2018-07-03 04:21:57 UTC

That goes into defamation

2018-07-03 04:22:06 UTC

Which you can make a case around

2018-07-03 04:22:21 UTC

If the person doesn't exist you legally can't do shit

2018-07-03 04:22:27 UTC

Well, if I draw a completely fictitious character, being raped by another completely fictitious character.

2018-07-03 04:22:47 UTC

Then you did nothing wrong in the eyes of the law

2018-07-03 04:22:56 UTC

Yes, that's my point. Once you're in fantasy land, fantasy land doesn't work like the real world.

2018-07-03 04:23:08 UTC

I never said anything to the contrary

2018-07-03 04:23:08 UTC

Even that's a gray area.

2018-07-03 04:23:23 UTC

I specifically said as long as the person doesn't exist legally it's fine

2018-07-03 04:23:24 UTC

You can base a drawing on a real person and not have it _really_ be them

2018-07-03 04:23:31 UTC

So even if we all unanimously say, "loli hentai is disgusting, we should ban it"... we can't enforce it. Same for imaginary rape, or imaginary anything.

2018-07-03 04:23:48 UTC

Eg: literally any porn of the MCU characters, who are all played by real people

2018-07-03 04:24:26 UTC

@LordCaledus they can file a defamation suit if they consider it to be incredibly offensive but even then the case wouldn't do well

2018-07-03 04:24:42 UTC

And then you have the...what is it again?

2018-07-03 04:24:55 UTC

The trope where attempting to quash something makes it hugely popular instead

2018-07-03 04:25:09 UTC

For example what blizzard did to Overwatch porn

2018-07-03 04:25:16 UTC

How they made that into a massive fiasco

2018-07-03 04:25:18 UTC

Streisand Effect

2018-07-03 04:25:25 UTC


2018-07-03 04:25:27 UTC


2018-07-03 04:25:27 UTC

That thing

2018-07-03 04:26:21 UTC

Anyways it seems we have reached consensus here

2018-07-03 04:26:26 UTC

No need to beat a dead horse

2018-07-03 04:26:33 UTC

Anyone have another topic?

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