
Discord ID: 377519739380957184

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2018-04-04 23:58:32 UTC

mind you

2018-04-04 23:58:39 UTC

this is the same police that ignored child rape

2018-04-04 23:59:58 UTC

I'm fully convinced you can tell a MET household by the layer of puke on every mirror

2018-04-05 00:00:15 UTC

since I don't think these people can look at themselves and not throw up

2018-04-05 00:04:55 UTC


2018-04-05 00:05:55 UTC

uk can get fucekd

2018-04-05 01:08:38 UTC

police are just so gay

2018-04-05 01:09:39 UTC

they should be dealing with moped crime in london, instead they track down people who point out issues with islam

2018-04-05 01:10:09 UTC

you see the video of the dudes stealing a guys bike off his property in broad daylight

2018-04-05 01:10:19 UTC

as he is yelling at them from his window

2018-04-05 01:12:08 UTC

is that recent?

2018-04-05 01:12:20 UTC

should have that bike inside!!

2018-04-05 01:12:29 UTC

and/or locked up

2018-04-05 05:31:45 UTC

I guess more manpower is needed on that Twitter policing after all.

2018-04-05 06:30:25 UTC

Who would have thought that this wouldn't work

2018-04-05 06:31:16 UTC

Clearly there wasn't enough policing.

2018-04-05 09:57:30 UTC

Austria is banning headscarfes in schools and Kindergarten <:GWnanamiRoWow:399930868141129731>

2018-04-05 09:58:12 UTC

"A veiling of children is definitely something that shouldn't have a place in our country"

2018-04-05 10:43:24 UTC

While I in principle support people's right to wear whatever silly clothing they want, this can help send a signal to _certain_ people that their bullshit will not be tolerated forever. That being said, muslim parents shouldn't be covering up their children in kindergarten, especially if they understood why their stupid fucking superstition even mandates it in the first place. Oh right, Muhammed was a pedo, nevermind. <:pepe_smug:378719408341909506>

I have a friend, she's ex-muslim from Yemen. She doesn't always cover her hair but sometimes she does and she asked me is that ok.

So I say to her the whole I won't tell a woman what to wear and you covering your head is no different to me wearing a hat but pls for fucks sake don't cover your face

covering your face does NOT go down well here

Burkas and Niqab, really just culturally annoy people

2018-04-05 12:59:01 UTC

daily fuck drumpf

2018-04-05 12:59:08 UTC

fuck drumpf

2018-04-05 13:11:51 UTC

We got a special snowflake over 'ere

2018-04-05 13:12:03 UTC

Now, tell me

2018-04-05 13:12:09 UTC

Why do you want to fuck Trump?

2018-04-05 13:12:19 UTC

I mean, he's not my kind of guy personally but...

Their feckin' taxing my Irn Bru now @Hyddraigon

It's all gone wrong

everyone else is Fat

2018-04-05 14:45:59 UTC

What the fuck

2018-04-05 14:46:22 UTC

Man I'm getting off this British ride in the next 10 years so I've stopped giving a fuck.

Gas up the Huey's this is about to become very unreasonable

It's fatties stuffing their faces with Mcdonald's

I'm slim, I'm strong

Gimme a gun and a Hercules and I will quite happily go Liberate Venezuela

I'm not even asking for Huey's

2018-04-05 16:58:51 UTC

where on earth is Sean Penn when you need him?

Being a Cuckhold Hollywood Actor

I'll even throw in. I promise not to use Napalm

but we'll need grenades

2018-04-05 17:20:59 UTC

I'll come with Broo, you'll need an Aussie or two fighting by your side to help ya out, as is tradition

2018-04-05 17:21:23 UTC

Just don't send me to a fuckin beach with a steep hill or I'll shoot your nads out

2018-04-05 17:21:34 UTC

Or anywhere near emus

We'll be riding Kangaroos my brother

2018-04-05 17:32:50 UTC

2018-04-05 17:36:48 UTC

neither did Gimli or Legolas

2018-04-05 17:36:52 UTC


History is written by the Victorious

2018-04-05 17:41:30 UTC

That is indeed true

2018-04-05 17:52:46 UTC


2018-04-05 17:52:53 UTC

nice maymay

2018-04-05 18:06:43 UTC

"It was just a pipe". That he was holding out like a gun. Making people think he had a gun. He deserved to get shot.

2018-04-05 18:07:24 UTC

Alas, let's watch the inevitable BLM chimpout.

2018-04-05 18:07:47 UTC

"He was mentally ill." So was the youtube shooter.

I'd put that in the Suicide by Cop box

no balls to do it yourself

so start waving a pipe around

2018-04-05 18:23:00 UTC

Headlines being carefully crafted.... "police falsely mistake pipe for gun"... what do they mean, "falsely"?

2018-04-05 18:23:18 UTC

He was pretending he had a gun. What's false about that?

2018-04-05 18:25:27 UTC

It's not the police's duty to be 100% sure the gun you're pretending to brandish is an actual gun.

2018-04-05 18:26:04 UTC

What's next, "police falsely mistake suspect's gun as being a loaded gun"?

start waving a pipe around in NYC

2018-04-05 18:26:59 UTC

The correct discussion right now is, why was this retard wandering the streets and not institutionalized?

it's same with the Florida school shooting

why wasn't this guy helped first

why are we putting his bullies on TV

2018-04-05 18:28:30 UTC

Not enough Twitter Police.

I want Anthony Borges on TV

London is turning into LA

It wasn't like that

2018-04-05 19:31:51 UTC

He's not popular but no Leader is

but London isn't the City I remember

2018-04-05 20:39:09 UTC

daily praise lenin

2018-04-06 00:09:10 UTC

daily fuck communism

2018-04-06 05:09:30 UTC

Pipe waver guy looks like the same crazy dude who ran into some black guy's backyard party and did the same thing

2018-04-06 05:09:35 UTC

Then ran away while they all laughed at him

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