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2018-06-04 16:53:07 UTC

Durtle = Best Mod
Broo = Best Chav
Jek = Best Person
Reaps = Best Shitposter
Radeon = Best Furry
Franti = Best Slav
Kaden = Best Nigger

2018-06-04 16:53:10 UTC

*good bad ugly theme plays*

2018-06-04 16:53:11 UTC


2018-06-04 16:53:19 UTC

Suck my dick @meratrix

2018-06-04 16:53:21 UTC

The majority of "white history" is widely studied and universally accepted as shameful, barbaric, and disgraceful. Many of their historical "achievements" are often embellished bullshit achieved by pillaging other countries, raping everything in sight, and stealing anything shiny. Nearly all white culture was stolen from other cultures and amalgamated into the doughy substance of whitey.

2018-06-04 16:53:24 UTC


2018-06-04 16:53:26 UTC

that's my job

2018-06-04 16:53:36 UTC

also, i'm only half gay

2018-06-04 16:53:40 UTC


2018-06-04 16:53:41 UTC

aw shit

2018-06-04 16:53:42 UTC


2018-06-04 16:53:44 UTC


2018-06-04 16:53:46 UTC

mostly straight

2018-06-04 16:53:46 UTC

Franti going all WeWuz on us

2018-06-04 16:53:48 UTC

Meratrix = best cock muncher

2018-06-04 16:54:05 UTC

I'm not a nigger-faggot.

2018-06-04 16:54:11 UTC

I don't cock munch

2018-06-04 16:54:16 UTC


2018-06-04 16:54:19 UTC

Kaden, if you *really* want your ass fingered..

2018-06-04 16:54:23 UTC


2018-06-04 16:54:27 UTC


2018-06-04 16:54:42 UTC

When shit hits the fan....

2018-06-04 16:54:51 UTC

kaden likes scat confirmed

Kaden you are darling, IF I was 10 years younger...

2018-06-04 16:55:38 UTC

jesus broo.

2018-06-04 16:55:39 UTC

White people use non-white people as pawns in a various displays of one-ups-manship. Historically, displays were simpler bragging about which white country could kill, rape, and steal the most from non-white countries. In the modern day, displays are more public yet personal and can range from public self-flagellation, or publicly acting as beta males, or making anonymous and baseless claims of superiority. Mentioning racial stereotypes of non-whites causes most white people to reflexively exclaimTHAT'S RACIST!". White people foolishly believe anyone gives a shit about their self-serving displays of their misguided "morality." While simultaneously, they believe that their own individualistic, materialistic, narcissistic, decadent excuse of a society is the epitome of civilization.

White people naturally accel at whining. White people whine about a range of topics including, but not limited to, their feelings, their thoughts, their body, buildings, trees, cars, most inanimate objects, other white people whining, and other white people whining about their own whining. They have invented a myriad of modes of whining and generally believe their whining to be of profound importance. Whites often blame non-whites for "takin' ma' jerb" when in reality they're just lazy fucks.

2018-06-04 16:55:44 UTC

is she... darling in the franxx?

2018-06-04 16:56:02 UTC


2018-06-04 16:56:06 UTC

Stop visiting

2018-06-04 16:56:41 UTC

Told you, *stop being white* @franti

2018-06-04 16:57:15 UTC

If you hug @franti will some of your melanin rub off on him?

2018-06-04 16:57:30 UTC

*sticky-tape noises*

Being white won't stop me from being attracted to you Kaden

2018-06-04 16:57:57 UTC

Whitey has a disproportionately large percentage of serial killers and pedophiles in comparison to non-whitey nations, proving that over 98.9% of white men are sick fucks. Whiteys are, in fact, poorly disguised pigs. They cover their blotchy pigskin and spider-veins with fake tans and other poisonous "cosmetics" because they are not-so-secretly disgusted by themselves.

2018-06-04 16:58:22 UTC

are you just posting black supremacist copypasta?

2018-06-04 16:58:39 UTC

Throughout history, the white man has consistently rewritten history to hide their colossal, everyday fuck-ups. Enslaved by Moors, conquered by Egyptians, sold as sex-slaves by sheiks - had these facts not been expunged from their history books, their children might have escaped the current yoke of white guilt. Some argue that white people aren't quite as evolved as the more intelligent races of earth, and should be enslaved. However, enslavement would be impossible, as most white people are too fragile for any real manual labor, and they have no work ethic if the task doesn't involve killing babies for profit all over the world.

2018-06-04 16:58:57 UTC

wtf i hate wypipo now

2018-06-04 16:59:18 UTC

i hated them first

2018-06-04 16:59:24 UTC

fucking poser

2018-06-04 17:00:54 UTC
2018-06-04 17:01:04 UTC

In A.D. 410, white people began the "Dark Ages." They spent all their time killing each other and trying to outdo each other as Christ monkeys. After centuries of meandering through Europe, raping and pillaging their own kind, some faggots declared a renaissance.

Then someone invented yet another stick, although this time it was upgraded with Chinese gun powder and was capable of firing bullets. The whites then formed an audacious plan to take over the world one rape at a time. But before the plan was put into action, the whites decided to have a few practice rapes first in scaled down controlled circumstances. A few more hundred years saw them running around all over Europe as usual, raping and pillages each others' women, children, animals, and even the disabled to show they had a caring side. After revising what they had learned about their recent rapes attacks in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales one last time, everyone bought a gun and set sail to wherever the wind blows. Since that period, whenever land is sighted by a white person, they race to plant a flag on it and then rape the nearest thing that looks human.

2018-06-04 17:01:05 UTC

@franti is acting like a snownigger

2018-06-04 17:01:51 UTC

"white culture" don't exist

2018-06-04 17:02:04 UTC

This is just people lumping people they don't like together

2018-06-04 17:02:14 UTC

fuck's sake franti

2018-06-04 17:02:18 UTC

*where* is this coming from.

2018-06-04 17:02:43 UTC

If you don't start blockquoting it then we should accept it as your own personal opinion and demand you get flaked for it

2018-06-04 17:02:51 UTC

```Here's a list of other unfortunate white inventions of note:

"Bailout" plans
Dungeons & Dragons
Fake tans
Ku Klux Klan
Larry the Cable Guy
Morbid obesity
United States of America
Whining about everything

2018-06-04 17:03:07 UTC

How do you do that @Reaps ?

2018-06-04 17:03:14 UTC

tilde key

2018-06-04 17:03:26 UTC

"what's the tilde ke-"


2018-06-04 17:03:33 UTC

just don't hit shift otherwise it's ~

2018-06-04 17:03:42 UTC

should be top left under the esc key

2018-06-04 17:04:18 UTC

do "``` around the message ```"

2018-06-04 17:04:20 UTC

you know what, they have a point about Blogging

2018-06-04 17:04:23 UTC


2018-06-04 17:04:37 UTC


2018-06-04 17:04:54 UTC

one `` looks
like this`

three ` looks
```like this```

2018-06-04 17:04:59 UTC


2018-06-04 17:05:12 UTC

*looks sideways at samoans*

2018-06-04 17:05:31 UTC

those fuckers are thicc af

2018-06-04 17:07:34 UTC

```Whites have many hobbies and will talk endlessly about them. There are a few fields where white people excel. These include:

Taking credit for others' accomplishments
Being serial killers
Shooting fellow classmates
Dealing methamphetamine
Drinking alcohol until passing out
Watching NASCAR
Shopping at Save-A-Lot, Walmart, Family Dollar, etc.
Burn a Koran Day
Being a pervert
Dungeons & Dragons
Flying to Thailand to fuck 11-year-old boys
Flying to Sharjah Ruler palace to fuck children
Raping asleep victims
Corrupting kids down 2chan by Hentai spam done by Aussies cuz they're scum of the earth.. nah jks.. cuz Akadawa promised them Shekels
Getting lost on a three-hour tour
Finding land nobody lives on (usually while lost) to claim for themselves
Domestic violence
Sci-Fi/Fantasy based pseudo-religions
Acting butthurt and other forms of whining
Composing depraved and sickening lists of necrophiliac and pedophilic photographs
Believing the Internet is serious business
Claiming unwarranted self-importance over shit no one cares about
Demanding other countries be just as banal and insipid as themselves
Not getting laid
Dying alone```

2018-06-04 17:07:58 UTC

where are you mining?

2018-06-04 17:08:49 UTC

$20 its an edited black supremacist quote

2018-06-04 17:09:24 UTC

@Reaps do Samoans make 1/2 of your players too?

2018-06-04 17:10:23 UTC

```Politically correct alternatives to "white"

Beach-Nigger (for overly tanned people)
Betty Crocker (for females)
Bleach Boy (for those with skin that's just TOO white)
Bogan (aussie white trash)
Bro-ho (white woman who dates a black man)
Chav (British white trash)
Hay Seed
Milk Bottle
Pink-skin (these retards suffer from denial so powerful that they have actually managed to convince themselves that their skin is white when it is clearly fucking pink)
Porch honkey
Wasp (white anglo-saxon protestant)
White trash

2018-06-04 17:10:39 UTC

probably New Zealanders ๐Ÿคฃ

2018-06-04 17:12:03 UTC


2018-06-04 17:12:04 UTC

No โ€œcolonizerโ€

2018-06-04 17:12:14 UTC


2018-06-04 17:14:15 UTC

```As a subset of the Caucasian race, whitey includes a plethora of diverse backgrounds which include the peoples of Romania, Spain, Sweden, India, Iran, Russia and the Middle East. However, inbreeding is rampant, as evidenced by the various distinct facial features of whites (huge foreheads, long thin crooked noses, eyes too close together, &c.), their ability to become grossly overweight, and the existence of gingers.

TYPE FIVE: These guys are the BEST type of Caucasian because they do not share the same disadvantage with the others for not being white, these guys usually arrange from; Middle Easterners, Iranians, Iraqis, Beaners, south Italians, Lebanese, et cetera. This race is known for its Arab/Negro blood. Case in point: Morocco.

TYPE FOUR: These types of subhuman often reside in the south of Europe, so people such as; Portugee, Italians, Greeks and Spaniards, or what they are commonly known as - PIGS.

TYPE THREE: These types of people are usually the darker germanics - YES! The type which Adolf Hitler was, the Roman Welsh and the dark haired white niggers known as 'Slavs' which includes people from Poland, Russia, Eastern Germany, Hungary and the Czech Republic. These people have the most similar features to the negro.

TYPE TWO: These types are the idiots who are best known for its inbreeding, crooked teeth and homosexuality. These honkies are also best known for being blond and are always the idiots of all of the white people, most honkies admire them because all whites are secretly as gay as these pricks are and are jealous of their blond curls and good looks, most of these are English, Swedish, Danish, Germans, Welsh and French.```

2018-06-04 17:14:34 UTC

I think Samoans show up more in League than Rugby Union

2018-06-04 17:15:07 UTC

TYPE ONE: These creepy albino sons-of-bitches are definitely the worst type of white... these creeps are best known for stealing souls, being adopted because their parents hated them - Case in point: Annie, being horrible at tanning and being snow monkeys. Most of these tribes are clueless, primitive and subhuman Celts who are known for their idiocy and supernatural powers! ALL are ginger (apart from Icelandics who are just Albino) and consist of Scottish, Irish and Icelandics. Just remember: No dogs, niggers, and CERTAINLY no Irish!!!

2018-06-04 17:16:21 UTC

Let's see.. 33-man team
Places of birth:

Australia: 18 (half of them look like Pac Islanders though)
New Zealand: 4
Fiji: 4
Tonga: 2
PNG: 1
Seth Efrika: 1
Samoa: 1
Tasmania: 1
Saudia Arabia (!) : 1

2018-06-04 17:18:41 UTC

```Many white people don't know who is white and who isn't. Since skin color does not necessarily decide your race, ethnicity or nationality, white people usually have to take a guess and are most of the time wrong.

Actually, to be a true white person, you must have blonde hair and blue or green eyes, nope just blue eyes. Women must not be fatasses or ugly; otherwise they are not really people, just animals. Anyone who does not fit this description is a black person. Do the world a favor and become an hero.

In 2006 a Puerto Rican man in Georgia who was fairly pale in the skin, with no accent or distinguishing minority features, became fag buddies with several whiteys in the area who believed he was "white." This lasted a good 9 months before the Puerto Rican man (probably named Juan) decided to drop the pwn bomb on the crackers and let them know he wasn't "white" after he felt he was about to be forced to join their socially acceptable white gang. They were not pleased.

White nationalists in America believe they are all one race. Typical white Americans believe there are only five races in the world; white, black, Illegal Mexicans who took my job (pronounced "tuken mah jerb"), Asian and Jews. If you are French, Dutch, German, or British, etc., it does not matter because once you get to America, you are automatically "white" and invited into the white brothel circle jerk that is the white nationalists. They truly believe that white is a race which is why they are constantly mocked, pwned and dismantled IRL and on the internets by jews and niggers.```

2018-06-04 17:21:38 UTC

where's this fron

2018-06-04 17:21:53 UTC

also yeah I love how suddenly there's this thing about being white

2018-06-04 17:22:10 UTC

when for centuries the beef was between white countries over in europe

2018-06-04 17:22:16 UTC

@Reaps wtf is with the random Saudi?

2018-06-04 17:22:19 UTC

Hell arguably worse beef there

2018-06-04 17:22:30 UTC

Brits vs Francs FITE

2018-06-04 17:22:49 UTC

How to troll a typical WN

"Many Jews are white people too."
Show them interracial gangbangs
"It's so great to be living in a multicultural society." (make sure to give reasons why)
"We all bleed red" followed by "There's only one race, the HUMAN race."
Tell them that they're racist (especially if they mention "white pride" or any variation.)
Tell them that they're Nazis
"Why are White people so violent?"
"I'm happy Obama was elected. It's nice to have a person of color in the white house."
Say something positive about Obama in any conversation.
Tell them that Obama is only a quarter black and that equals mostly white.
"The United States belongs to the NATIVE Americans. Not whites." (or Aboriginals for Australian WNs)
"It's a shame you'll never know the joys of being in a interracial relationship."
"Its nice to actually feel a cock going inside me."
Inform them that the actual Aryans were Indo-Iranians.
Tell them that they stole Rock'n'roll and Jazz from black people.
[If they're Christian] "You do realize that Jesus was a Jew, right?" (also mention he would have been a tan-skinned Middle Easterner)
"All humans originated from Africa."
Fuck a white girl (if you're a Jew or a racial minority).
Politically correct them on everything.

2018-06-04 17:23:26 UTC

What's the big deal? Illegal immigrants are hard working people. All that working helps boost the economy. It's a win win for everyone."
"I'm a proud member of the Anti-Racist Action."
List reasons on why Blacks are superior to whites, then tell them that they're hateful if they respond with negative comments.
Tell them how great Martin Luther King Junior was.
Tell them how great Einstein was, and be sure to inform them that he was Jewish.
"If you're so unhappy with America, then leave. The natives were here first anyways."
Blog all their home addresses for minor lulz.
Call them a bunch of self-hating niggers.
Ask them how they know they're really white. Remind them of the sad case of James Watson.
Refer to them as "you people". Over and over.
Say you enjoy interracial and/or homosexual pornography.
List negative white stereotypes.
Tell them that Benjamin Franklin and the other Founding Fathers didn't like German immigrants because their skin was too dark.
Remind them, if they are Atheist, that it was, in fact, Alfred Russel Wallace, an anti-racist, and not Charles Darwin, the racist idol of evolutionary white nationalists, who first proposed and extensively researched the theory of evolution, only to have his paper completely plagiarized by a frustrated Darwin, who promptly took credit for everything.
Ask them which race was responsible for the most genocides throughout human history.
Tell them that South Africa and Zimbabwe are better off under Pan-African Marxism and if there is anything wrong it's because of Apartheid's legacy.
Accuse them of supporting or condoning Islamic terrorism.
Make fun of their retarded outfits
Some will identify as nationalist/not supremacist to sell their ideology. Take them at their word and keep insisting they actually love minorities, highlight the likely different ways they do/will and see how long the pretense lasts.
Point out the high number of white nationalists in prison and/or with a history of criminality.

2018-06-04 17:24:07 UTC

yeah most of this would make em rage

2018-06-04 17:25:19 UTC


2018-06-04 17:25:26 UTC

my favourite parts here are the obama is only 1/4 black

2018-06-04 17:25:29 UTC

jewish einstejn

2018-06-04 17:25:43 UTC

and that natives had murica first

2018-06-04 17:26:03 UTC

If you want your white nations go purge #TheDarkies from north europe

2018-06-04 17:27:40 UTC

This was fun

2018-06-04 17:28:03 UTC

**Jesus Christ Lizard#1076** was cleansed from the server.

2018-06-04 17:28:36 UTC

the jesus thing too

2018-06-04 17:28:53 UTC

iirc the modern jesus was modelled after a prince or the son of a painter or something

2018-06-04 17:29:04 UTC

or ancient ewan McGregor

2018-06-04 17:31:18 UTC

What is "the modern jesus"?

2018-06-04 17:32:12 UTC

the white faced light brown haired jesus that popped up circa renaissance

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