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2018-05-17 12:49:26 UTC

Well, suicide rates post-transition show no change.

2018-05-17 12:49:32 UTC

Which is why gender reassignment works because they just push all the components around

2018-05-17 12:49:45 UTC

@EmptyE I never fucking said that, but phycological treatment has shown to be far more effective at actually preventing suicide in those with gender dysphoria.

2018-05-17 12:49:48 UTC

so what you consider not a vagina really is one

2018-05-17 12:49:48 UTC

But if I told a guy at the pub I think hes schizo and should get treatment, and then stopped allowing his position to be entertained

2018-05-17 12:49:52 UTC

They require psychological help.

2018-05-17 12:49:57 UTC

thats imposing

2018-05-17 12:50:06 UTC

@Deleted User It could not function as a vagina

2018-05-17 12:50:07 UTC

Can someone rename hooty to cathy hootman?

2018-05-17 12:50:12 UTC

Obviously there is no hard and fast cure for transgenderism, but encouraging it sure as shit doesn't help.

2018-05-17 12:50:13 UTC

thatโ€™s how

2018-05-17 12:50:18 UTC

If your friend was exhibiting signs of suicide, wouldn't you want him to seek help?

2018-05-17 12:50:21 UTC

Cathoot newman?

2018-05-17 12:50:25 UTC

Cathot newman

2018-05-17 12:50:32 UTC

Probably. But if they refused to go I'd leave it that

2018-05-17 12:50:49 UTC

They'd either become dangerous enough that I can't assiociate, they'd find their own fix, or they'd get help

2018-05-17 12:50:57 UTC

@EmptyE If they wonโ€™t help themselves, then whatever results from that is their fault

2018-05-17 12:50:57 UTC


2018-05-17 12:50:59 UTC

so everything has to have a specific functioning?

2018-05-17 12:51:00 UTC

Again, Requests

2018-05-17 12:51:17 UTC

Like asking a youtuber if he wants to be known by his first name or handle

2018-05-17 12:51:34 UTC

I do request people with gender dysphoria get psychological help.

2018-05-17 12:51:48 UTC

what happens when you lose particular organs?

2018-05-17 12:51:59 UTC

@meratrix agreed. Whys it your perogative to make them feel worse about it?

2018-05-17 12:52:07 UTC

are you less of a man or woman?

2018-05-17 12:52:12 UTC

Because their suicide rates make it very clear that their psychological issues are causing them too much trauma.

2018-05-17 12:52:30 UTC

You go to make them claim outside just in the world without appearing like a massive arrogant prick

2018-05-17 12:52:37 UTC

@Deleted User The organ that grows into either the penis or vagina is a non-functioning, un-determined organ, the chromosomes cause it to grow into either the vagina or the penis. You clearly have a high school understanding of biology.

2018-05-17 12:53:09 UTC

ok say it is functioning

2018-05-17 12:53:14 UTC

then what

2018-05-17 12:53:17 UTC

They aren't in Therapy with you, demanding to be fixed. They'd just rathar be referred to in some way because for the time being that makes being outiside easier. I don't see whats wrong with that

2018-05-17 12:53:33 UTC

Personally i like to leave opinions about gender dysphoria and the like for actual professionals and think all should do the same.

Problem is that a lot of people who are not experts and have NO idea what they are talking about are injecting themselves into the issue.

2018-05-17 12:53:50 UTC

say they create everything exactly

2018-05-17 12:53:52 UTC

Normally, all humans have a heart that functions purely biologically. But some people have to get pace makers to make their heart work. Does this make them no longer human? No, they are simply modified.

2018-05-17 12:53:54 UTC

Feeding their psychological trauma isn't going to improve their situation, clearly.

2018-05-17 12:53:57 UTC

Yes we do

2018-05-17 12:54:00 UTC

Its called a name

2018-05-17 12:54:08 UTC

if you get a face transplant, are you a different person?

2018-05-17 12:54:13 UTC


2018-05-17 12:54:18 UTC

just modified

2018-05-17 12:54:25 UTC

@EmptyE Like I said, if theyโ€™re know the descision they are making, and they are not bitching despit their descision, than I will oblige them. Have to actually been reading what I said, cause your response is idiotic.

2018-05-17 12:54:27 UTC

No, Nicholas cage is still John Travolta

2018-05-17 12:54:38 UTC

then i wouldn't hang around you mate. hence the friendship argument

2018-05-17 12:54:47 UTC

Referring to someone as their name all the time is clunky, slow, and doesn't stop people from using sir/ma'am.

2018-05-17 12:54:49 UTC

If you lose an arm are you a different person? If you become blind are you different person? Some i have heard have claimed they are.

2018-05-17 12:54:51 UTC

so biology doesn't matter in this case

2018-05-17 12:54:54 UTC

Because those words are polite.

2018-05-17 12:55:15 UTC

@Deleted User If it were functioning as either, than thatโ€™s what it would be, but the organ on a fetus is NOT FUNCTIONING!

2018-05-17 12:55:20 UTC

it has to be what you started with?

2018-05-17 12:55:43 UTC

@meratrix what I read was you ramble on about psychology and treatment when all I asked was a question about social decorum. So have you been reading what I've been typing?

2018-05-17 12:56:00 UTC

You kept asking further questions.

2018-05-17 12:56:28 UTC

Never in the history of psychology has feeding a psychological disease been considered effective in curing it.

2018-05-17 12:56:31 UTC

Well one of them was about the line of what "Making an effort" or the equivalent statement you made, was

2018-05-17 12:56:38 UTC

M4 i think you would need to back that statement.

2018-05-17 12:56:41 UTC

@EmptyE Your further questioning requires that I go into greater detail does it not.

2018-05-17 12:57:23 UTC

Nobody should make any effort to allow their speech to be forcibly policed.

2018-05-17 12:57:45 UTC

Not by members of society or parliamentary government.

2018-05-17 12:57:48 UTC

Nothing I've argued has been about the effectiveness or otherwise of treatments/Transitioning. @meratrix

2018-05-17 12:57:49 UTC

let's say you were going to become a boy, but a doctor altered your chromosome so the Y wouldn't kick in

2018-05-17 12:58:06 UTC

are you still a boy?

2018-05-17 12:58:07 UTC

oh wait. I made that one claim about satisfaction

2018-05-17 12:58:09 UTC

```A survey of 10,000 people undertaken in 2012 by the Equality and Human Rights Commission found that 1% of the population surveyed was gender variant, to some extent. ```

2018-05-17 12:58:15 UTC

You might be correct.

2018-05-17 12:58:40 UTC

There is no basis for the claim of satisafaction. Suicide rates remain the same after a transition.

2018-05-17 12:58:58 UTC

Ok. You can have that. Thats why I said it once and backed away from it.

2018-05-17 12:59:11 UTC

I'd rather people not go through an expensive procedure where there is no proof thay ir has an improvement.

2018-05-17 12:59:12 UTC

@EmptyE Yes, but that stuff is what is behind my reasoning, therefore I will explain when asked about how I came to my conclusions about the social decorum.

2018-05-17 12:59:13 UTC

there are also biological differences in trans people

2018-05-17 12:59:43 UTC

Organs can be different and stuff

2018-05-17 13:00:00 UTC

@meratrix then you are claiming that your reasoning and how you observe the best way to treat mental illness is good enough reason to not care about someones wishes when expressed fairly?

2018-05-17 13:00:15 UTC

Expressed fairly being an important term there

2018-05-17 13:00:29 UTC

Hopefully biomodding will be a thing one day and people can just swap and choose all this at will.

2018-05-17 13:01:10 UTC

@Omsomething I could get behind that

2018-05-17 13:01:25 UTC

@EmptyE I said if they recognize that refusing to see a phycologist is detrimental to them, and they donโ€™t bitch at me for THEIR OWN DECISION, then I will oblige their request.

2018-05-17 13:01:37 UTC

is LGBTQ mental illness? no

2018-05-17 13:01:54 UTC

that is their gender identity

2018-05-17 13:01:54 UTC

do you guys know that scandinavian documentarian who did a piece on gender where he interviewed simon baron cohen and some other folks?

2018-05-17 13:02:04 UTC

trying to find that right now...

2018-05-17 13:02:21 UTC

@meratrix might have mixed you up with someone else here. You also claimed I believe that said individual should be somewhat along in transitioning. Which is the bit I was poking. What constiuents transitioning enough?

2018-05-17 13:02:23 UTC

and no Hooty, just the T

2018-05-17 13:02:58 UTC

I think you're just transphobic

2018-05-17 13:03:08 UTC


2018-05-17 13:03:17 UTC

@EmptyE I will also not oblige them if they are just bitching about it, but are not actually attempting to help themselves.

2018-05-17 13:03:17 UTC


2018-05-17 13:03:30 UTC

You're a fucking Transphobe, kiddo. Therefore your argument is irrelevant.

2018-05-17 13:03:46 UTC

how is it a mental illness?

2018-05-17 13:03:47 UTC

@meratrix what classifies as bitching then?

2018-05-17 13:03:57 UTC

It's delusional.

2018-05-17 13:04:11 UTC

your feelings are delusional?

2018-05-17 13:04:21 UTC

Feelings can perpetuate delusions.

2018-05-17 13:04:35 UTC

OK so you shouldn't feel like a straight male

2018-05-17 13:04:38 UTC

If I feel like I'm Pluto. That doesn't actually make me Pluto, does it?

2018-05-17 13:04:42 UTC

it's delusional

2018-05-17 13:04:49 UTC


2018-05-17 13:05:00 UTC

@EmptyE Itโ€™s not about transitioning enough, itโ€™s about making the effort. And bitching is a fairly universal term. EX: If they just yell at me for calling them by male pronouns when I have never met them before and they look very much male cause they havenโ€™t even tried to transition.

2018-05-17 13:05:08 UTC

How many would see this as a problem if changing your gender would be easy and reversible?

2018-05-17 13:06:21 UTC

@meratrix yeah and if someone did that to me I'd refer to them exclusively by male pronouns because that persons clearly a cunt who should be bullied. but Bitching isn't that universal, some may say bitching requires multiple instances of a behaviour, some may say it's just a tone or an attitude

2018-05-17 13:06:46 UTC

@meratrix and making an effort is surely subjective. Some people may demand tits before they class it as making an effort

2018-05-17 13:06:53 UTC

let's see what psychology has to say about this

2018-05-17 13:07:03 UTC

some may just want them to have a dress on

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