
Discord ID: 189466684938125312

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2016-07-06 19:17:18 UTC

she found it on her bills that we saw she was checking every hour

2016-07-06 19:17:31 UTC

so she got a free phone + ยฃ150

2016-07-06 19:17:36 UTC

so we billed her for it lel

2016-07-06 19:17:46 UTC

and she went berserk at me, said she was taking ME to court

2016-07-06 19:18:01 UTC

started geting faxes care of me in the office warning me

2016-07-06 19:18:07 UTC

eventually dropped it when they realised what they were doing

2016-07-06 19:18:23 UTC

I could hear her twig that she got a phone + ยฃ150, her idea was to go nuts and blame us

2016-07-06 19:19:11 UTC

NO WAY you write off a good phone + ยฃ150, no matter how high up the company said no

2016-07-06 19:19:15 UTC

was insane

2016-07-06 19:19:41 UTC

fucking Africans just throw an iPhone at you if you're mad lmao

2016-07-06 19:20:07 UTC

lol we had someone come in with a laptop that was basically a lemon

2016-07-06 19:20:18 UTC

had been sent away dozens of times, never fixed

2016-07-06 19:20:35 UTC

we tried to fix it in store, couldn't do anything

2016-07-06 19:21:00 UTC

so she asked "listen, i've been in here all these times and i just want a laptop that works, what can you guys do"

2016-07-06 19:21:07 UTC

and on a store level we can't do shit

2016-07-06 19:21:30 UTC

so we basically had to tell her to call in and get escalated until she could get someone to buy out the laptop and give her a new one

2016-07-06 19:21:55 UTC

because for whatever reason the people on the phone have much more power than us

2016-07-06 19:22:06 UTC

that reminds me

2016-07-06 19:22:22 UTC

i need to call hipstreet and bitch because their shit doesn't work

2016-07-06 19:22:44 UTC

people on the phone have access to all the systems, retail are always the morons (no offense)

2016-07-06 19:22:50 UTC

not that phone monkies are any better

2016-07-06 19:23:00 UTC

yeah but they keep us in the dark

2016-07-06 19:23:13 UTC

calling retail was always a nightmare

2016-07-06 19:23:23 UTC

which is dumb because a customer is going to be alot more happy if we can do something in store instead of having to send them to a phone

2016-07-06 19:23:49 UTC

blame your company shipping off customer service to africa or india I guess

2016-07-06 19:23:54 UTC

because then it makes our customer service look bad

2016-07-06 19:24:05 UTC

no they literally have a phone depot like 3 hours away

2016-07-06 19:24:37 UTC

their idea of outsourcing is outsourcing to like 100km away

2016-07-06 19:24:51 UTC

anyways I have to call

2016-07-06 19:24:56 UTC

I hope you're not the kind of guy that takes an angry customer, puts them on the phone, then fobs them off

2016-07-06 19:25:01 UTC


2016-07-06 19:25:02 UTC

because I've hunted people like you down

2016-07-06 19:25:10 UTC

thank fuck

2016-07-06 19:25:17 UTC

had a retail rep just walk away once

2016-07-06 19:25:18 UTC

I'll deal with angry customers to the fullest of my ability and hopefully get their problem solved

2016-07-06 19:25:31 UTC

with an angry customer yelling at me, I couldn't end the call so it went on 2-3 hours lmao

2016-07-06 19:26:01 UTC

rep eventually comes back and demands to know my full name to put in a formal complaint

2016-07-06 19:26:14 UTC

I said I'd babysat his customer while he did nothing for hours so he can sort himself out

2016-07-06 19:26:33 UTC

phantom mads rising up

2016-07-06 19:26:36 UTC

but unless I can get a manager who will write off products to make the customer happier then I can't do anything to help them

2016-07-06 19:26:52 UTC

and there's this one manager who straight will not deal with angry customers

2016-07-06 19:27:18 UTC

I know, just when retail reps get lippy or pass things 100% to me in that job, I'd blow a gasket, I'm supposed to sort it out, tell you how it's sorted, then you convey that to them to take the credit

2016-07-06 19:27:22 UTC

he's known for being told that there was someone angry who wanted to talk to him on line one and saying "they can stay on line 1, I'm busy"

2016-07-06 19:27:26 UTC

but some reps just toss the phone and run

2016-07-06 19:27:46 UTC

I'm good guy comfy lmao

2016-07-06 19:27:54 UTC

"take the credit, say it was your idea, it's sorted"

2016-07-06 19:28:42 UTC

now I'm in the mood to call a call centre

2016-07-06 19:28:51 UTC

lol I'm doing that right now

2016-07-06 19:29:13 UTC

recording it too incase they tell me some bullshit so I can prove I got bamboozled

2016-07-06 19:29:24 UTC

I'd always hang up on people who drop that on me

2016-07-06 19:29:31 UTC

it's illegal to not announce it in the UK

2016-07-06 19:29:35 UTC

at the very start of the call

2016-07-06 19:29:42 UTC

so they'd sometimes be like "BTW I'M RECORDING YOOO"

2016-07-06 19:29:46 UTC

15 minutes in

2016-07-06 19:29:59 UTC

I'd tell them they just broke the law and hang up

2016-07-06 19:30:01 UTC

lol whatever I don't wanna get fucked over by this company again

2016-07-06 19:30:09 UTC

just say it at the very start

2016-07-06 19:30:28 UTC

don't know Canadian laws but it's totally illegal to do that in the UK without letting the other party know

2016-07-06 19:30:46 UTC

is it possible that that will get me better service since they know I have a recording

2016-07-06 19:30:53 UTC

sure, if you're nice

2016-07-06 19:31:00 UTC

being nice and polite is 100% best way to do it

2016-07-06 19:31:06 UTC

those people get shouted at 9-5

2016-07-06 19:31:12 UTC

someone being nice is a godsend

2016-07-06 19:31:19 UTC

I hate dealign with folks on the phone when I'm pissed off

2016-07-06 19:31:22 UTC


2016-07-06 19:31:27 UTC

because I feel like I'm taking it out on them

2016-07-06 19:31:29 UTC

the automated system hung up on me

2016-07-06 19:31:34 UTC

I know

2016-07-06 19:31:43 UTC

it's never them, it's the company

2016-07-06 19:31:44 UTC

I actually was on the phone with royal mail because they shipped an item via fucking surface mail to the USA instead of on a plane

2016-07-06 19:31:55 UTC

and he was talking about something being policy because of customs

2016-07-06 19:32:10 UTC

and I remarked that it's fucking stupid, but made sure to interject

2016-07-06 19:32:17 UTC

I'm not saying you're stupid

2016-07-06 19:32:28 UTC

just that the inconsistent policy is

2016-07-06 19:32:40 UTC

but royal mail is a whole different level of fucking retards

2016-07-06 19:32:46 UTC

yeah royal mail is a tough one

2016-07-06 19:32:49 UTC

and scamming bastards

2016-07-06 19:32:50 UTC

good pay though, comparitively

2016-07-06 19:32:59 UTC

never worked for them

2016-07-06 19:33:02 UTC

gf worked for yodel

2016-07-06 19:33:13 UTC

2 days of training, shunted on

2016-07-06 19:33:19 UTC

if you think people are mad at royal mail

2016-07-06 19:33:21 UTC

sounds about right for a uk courier company tbh

2016-07-06 19:33:23 UTC

yodel is next level

2016-07-06 19:33:33 UTC

Oh yeah, couriers get more shit because well

2016-07-06 19:33:35 UTC

they're more shit

2016-07-06 19:33:43 UTC

and Amazon uses yodel

2016-07-06 19:33:52 UTC

so a constant hailstorm of shit

2016-07-06 19:34:07 UTC

or they did, seems like they employ 15 year olds now

2016-07-06 19:34:34 UTC

tbh I get when people are mad

2016-07-06 19:34:42 UTC

but when they get lippy with me, I start closing tabs to help them

2016-07-06 19:34:55 UTC

ok so this shit finishes it's automated thing and then there's a beep and then silence

2016-07-06 19:35:05 UTC

what do

2016-07-06 19:35:12 UTC

say "hello?" lel

2016-07-06 19:35:13 UTC

I don't know

2016-07-06 19:35:19 UTC

automated systems are cancer

2016-07-06 19:35:51 UTC

i pressed 1 and then it said "thanks for calling, goodbye"

2016-07-06 19:35:59 UTC

one time I had a call, start to finish was really pleasant, guy was really polite and nice, as I said goodbye and reached to hang up he says "you're really fucking stupid aren't you"

2016-07-06 19:36:03 UTC

right as I pressed hang up

2016-07-06 19:36:55 UTC

guy played me good lel

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