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2018-01-10 20:08:51 UTC

Whether perfect or not

2018-01-10 20:08:53 UTC

That was probably the first debate I listened to where I came away from it with a headache. The constant shouting from Sargon whenever Spencer said something he didn't like was unbearable

2018-01-10 20:08:59 UTC

He wasn't saying that's how reality is

2018-01-10 20:09:07 UTC

He's saying reality should be close to that

2018-01-10 20:09:33 UTC

But Spencer wanted to feel powerful about calling people autistic and saying he lives in "reality where states have control over people"

2018-01-10 20:09:52 UTC

@Cam Sargon does that with everyone. Although somehow a leftist YouTuber managed to help him understand the difference between private and personal property

2018-01-10 20:10:00 UTC

Sargon's entire scope seems to be free access to porn and vidya and being able to say mean things online without police at his door.

2018-01-10 20:10:02 UTC

And ramble on about "white people knowing other white people"

2018-01-10 20:10:16 UTC

Cause he's also an illegitimate cow

2018-01-10 20:10:39 UTC


2018-01-10 20:11:28 UTC

As I said, alt-right mocks the shit out of Spencer. Someone like Mike Enoch may be better to talk to about the alt-right, since I listened to Mike Enoch's response to Sargon's questions for the alt-right and actually seemed to know what he was talking about.

2018-01-10 20:11:59 UTC

Yea idfk who that is

2018-01-10 20:12:03 UTC

I'll figure it out later

2018-01-10 20:12:08 UTC

I didn't until a couple days ago.

2018-01-10 20:12:31 UTC

But if they talk about ethnostates I'm 100% positive it's going to be retarded

2018-01-10 20:12:31 UTC

Fine I'll read into them if you read more into Marx. Then we'll have nice happy intellectual exchange. Sound good? @Cam

2018-01-10 20:12:46 UTC

Daily reminder that the yellow century is soon upon us

2018-01-10 20:13:15 UTC

Guy seems to be an alt-right ethnonationalist type like Spencer but actually smart.
I'll try finding time to read up on your heroes, I would rather get some programming projects out the way first.

2018-01-10 20:13:23 UTC

I like how they consistently referenced communism in their debate simply by saying "Its good in theory but doesn't work"

2018-01-10 20:13:47 UTC

As if they'd even cracked open the theory to begin with

2018-01-10 20:13:55 UTC

Life is also good in theory but does not work

2018-01-10 20:13:56 UTC

It's that Korean guy who loves death

2018-01-10 20:13:59 UTC

And aren't still under the impression people don't keep their toothbrushes

2018-01-10 20:15:02 UTC

_quick hide your cell phone, they'll *totally* try and redistribute it!_

2018-01-10 20:15:15 UTC

Fuckin shenanigans :l

2018-01-10 20:17:46 UTC

Kek, well the idea of wealth redistribution is fucking retarded because the second you start buying things for yourself, the idea of having it taken off you "for the greater good" is extremely undesirable.

2018-01-10 20:18:23 UTC

So you'll get nearly no cooperation from people who don't believe in "the greater good" and want to support their families to give them the best life possible.

2018-01-10 20:19:57 UTC

Hence why it isn't an option, and hence why it's not literally taking sums of money from one person to give to another person, plus that doesn't solve shit if the money is still allowed to be concentrated back into power centers

2018-01-10 20:20:18 UTC

There isn't some national tip jar that gets passed around by armed guards

2018-01-10 20:20:21 UTC

Its things like capital

2018-01-10 20:20:33 UTC

That get redistributed.

2018-01-10 20:20:43 UTC

Not things like

2018-01-10 20:20:48 UTC

But capital in and of itself

2018-01-10 20:21:07 UTC

So you want to start stealing people's money from them?

2018-01-10 20:21:22 UTC

You mean in the same way they have money stolen from their labor?

2018-01-10 20:21:41 UTC

You're gonna start whining about CEOs taking home large pay packets, aren't you?

2018-01-10 20:21:57 UTC

Or bankers taking home huge amounts of retirement money

2018-01-10 20:21:57 UTC

Not about large or small pay packets

2018-01-10 20:21:59 UTC

Its pay at all

2018-01-10 20:22:06 UTC

The need for a middle man is nonexistent

2018-01-10 20:22:07 UTC

You want to abolish money

2018-01-10 20:22:12 UTC

If the resources exist,

2018-01-10 20:22:39 UTC

And people want to apply their labour to use those resources to make a living, or a good, or what have

2018-01-10 20:22:41 UTC


2018-01-10 20:22:43 UTC

They should do so

2018-01-10 20:22:48 UTC

You want to build a society on barter?

2018-01-10 20:22:52 UTC

As they did through the entirety of human society

2018-01-10 20:22:55 UTC

Before capital

2018-01-10 20:23:18 UTC

It was only until violent enclosure that you needed a CEO getting paid to sell yourself to make a living

2018-01-10 20:23:18 UTC

You are trying to make a case for society to be built on barter

2018-01-10 20:24:07 UTC

Gift economy is just yet another mode of distribution, you obviously don't need to haul around the tangible goods

2018-01-10 20:24:20 UTC

You can have a medium of exchange that doesn't entail a market

2018-01-10 20:24:37 UTC

Its not like I'm asking people to trade horses or couches

2018-01-10 20:24:49 UTC

So calling it a barter or implying such a thing is meh

2018-01-10 20:25:14 UTC

Whether it's barter or not, I think we both know I mean making goods for the sake of the goods themselves,

2018-01-10 20:25:20 UTC

Not the wage to then go buy goods

2018-01-10 20:25:33 UTC

Barter is the direct trade of goods and services without the use of money.
You essentially want to end the entire finance industry because you think money is bad. And you want to replace what is used to help set a standard of relative value between goods with nothing.

2018-01-10 20:25:39 UTC

Read what I said above

2018-01-10 20:25:50 UTC

Your idea would lead to huge job loss.

2018-01-10 20:25:53 UTC


2018-01-10 20:25:54 UTC


2018-01-10 20:25:56 UTC

I said

2018-01-10 20:25:57 UTC


2018-01-10 20:26:04 UTC

It said nothing about the abolition of a medium of sale

2018-01-10 20:26:26 UTC

Then what will you replace money with? More money?

2018-01-10 20:26:32 UTC

The idea is to move the value away from capital, and to the distribution of goods

2018-01-10 20:26:46 UTC

What that means is no, You don't literally have to abolish money, just not yet

2018-01-10 20:26:54 UTC

But just because no money exists doesn't mean people don't work

2018-01-10 20:27:02 UTC

There is no "human nature" argument to be had there

2018-01-10 20:27:15 UTC

*just not yet*
Still gonna lead to huge job loss and the abolition of an entire industry, then?

2018-01-10 20:27:23 UTC


2018-01-10 20:27:34 UTC

You're operating within a capitalist market, then sure,

2018-01-10 20:27:44 UTC

But the idea is to abolish the market as the means of distribution

2018-01-10 20:27:46 UTC

Would Labour unions prevent It?

2018-01-10 20:27:49 UTC

People wouldn't just stop working

2018-01-10 20:27:56 UTC

Labour unions prevent what?

2018-01-10 20:28:05 UTC

Job losses

2018-01-10 20:28:11 UTC

If you entire argument for the refutation of anything less than capitalism is _the finance market_

2018-01-10 20:28:22 UTC

Well, they'd probably try and prevent the entire finance industry being abolished, yes.

2018-01-10 20:28:36 UTC


2018-01-10 20:28:40 UTC

Syndicalism works

2018-01-10 20:28:54 UTC

For Wall Street in this instance, yes.

2018-01-10 20:28:57 UTC

Then idk what to tell toy

2018-01-10 20:28:58 UTC


2018-01-10 20:29:02 UTC

That last message

2018-01-10 20:29:06 UTC

Didnt send

2018-01-10 20:29:09 UTC

Abolish the American jewry?

2018-01-10 20:29:15 UTC

I like the idea

2018-01-10 20:29:21 UTC

If your entire argument against anything short of capitalism

2018-01-10 20:29:27 UTC

Is the loss of finance as an industry

2018-01-10 20:29:44 UTC

As if the majority of the human experience is backed through the endeavors of a finance industry

2018-01-10 20:29:45 UTC

I like capitalism. Money and food are desirable to me, I dunno what to say.

2018-01-10 20:29:54 UTC

As if that's how either you or I pay your bills or survive

2018-01-10 20:30:03 UTC

The idea of capitalism is not the bad thing

2018-01-10 20:30:11 UTC

Then there isn't much to say other than you value the lives of a relatively small number of people

2018-01-10 20:30:16 UTC

The bad thing is the people using the system

2018-01-10 20:30:19 UTC

At the expensive of a global population

2018-01-10 20:30:25 UTC

Because seriously

2018-01-10 20:30:29 UTC

Its fucking finance

2018-01-10 20:30:31 UTC

I put my own nation first. I'm not a humanist.

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