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2017-05-28 06:11:53 UTC

USSR was far away from socialism while claiming to be that

2017-05-28 06:11:54 UTC

true Communist cant be archieved

2017-05-28 06:12:05 UTC

you cant predict the future

2017-05-28 06:12:08 UTC

thats so fuckin arrogant lmao

2017-05-28 06:12:12 UTC

i can predict humans

2017-05-28 06:12:15 UTC


2017-05-28 06:12:19 UTC

The Party is rooted in theory not whim.

2017-05-28 06:12:21 UTC


2017-05-28 06:13:02 UTC

try a critical approach my dude. rather than assume you know stuff and work from there, try to start from a point of accepting ignorance and learning

2017-05-28 06:13:07 UTC

The CPSU was not rooted in theory it was fully rooted in whim, it SPOUTED theory rather

2017-05-28 06:13:22 UTC

Stalin's USSR was the closest practical example of Socialism. All other kinds tried not following the ML model have been crushed.

2017-05-28 06:13:29 UTC

alright try to enlightem me @not_matt

2017-05-28 06:13:31 UTC

my dude

2017-05-28 06:13:36 UTC

i cant enlighten you

2017-05-28 06:13:39 UTC

im not that smart bruh

2017-05-28 06:13:49 UTC

Corporate Barbarism the whole way

2017-05-28 06:13:49 UTC

also @Deleted User i dont think ill ever agree with u on stalin

2017-05-28 06:13:54 UTC

you sure talk like you know everything tho

2017-05-28 06:14:02 UTC

all i know is that i know nothing ๐Ÿ˜‰

2017-05-28 06:14:05 UTC

while everyone that argues is just ignorant

2017-05-28 06:14:14 UTC

and that makes me the smartest man in the room sometimes

2017-05-28 06:14:16 UTC

@not_matt My ideas are not fixed. We can make ground still yet.

2017-05-28 06:14:18 UTC


2017-05-28 06:14:59 UTC

like silver, i was a legitimate republican until i was 17

2017-05-28 06:15:15 UTC

then i realized i was an idiot, and hit the reset button, and started from the VERY beginning

2017-05-28 06:15:29 UTC

i read a fuckload, and learned, but im still subject to a radical shift if i change my mind

2017-05-28 06:15:41 UTC

republicians are not any less retarded tho

2017-05-28 06:15:49 UTC

all the learning from that reset point has lead me to where i am now

2017-05-28 06:15:55 UTC

if you want where i stand is

2017-05-28 06:15:57 UTC

>U.S. party system

2017-05-28 06:16:00 UTC

@Deleted User 'Corporate Barbarism' that works to realise the interest of the working class.

2017-05-28 06:16:01 UTC


2017-05-28 06:16:08 UTC

i believe in free market

2017-05-28 06:16:19 UTC

They worked to realize their own aristocratic interests

2017-05-28 06:16:23 UTC

libertarianism is so close to being woke. i believe in the free market too, im an economics student ffs

2017-05-28 06:16:26 UTC

The people had no real say

2017-05-28 06:16:40 UTC

i just dont believe that state should control what someone does

2017-05-28 06:16:41 UTC

@Deleted User The people shouldn't have a say. They do not know.

2017-05-28 06:16:47 UTC

the state shouldn't exist!!!!

2017-05-28 06:16:49 UTC


2017-05-28 06:16:50 UTC

and that free market will fix itself without goverment regulations

2017-05-28 06:16:53 UTC


2017-05-28 06:17:17 UTC

the free market has externalities and flaws, this is accepted among even bourgeois economists

2017-05-28 06:17:17 UTC

@Deleted User That is just a protracted neo-feudalism then

2017-05-28 06:17:23 UTC

If you think about it

2017-05-28 06:17:41 UTC

what type of flaws

2017-05-28 06:17:41 UTC

The aristocratic communist party owns the manor and the land, and the workers work the land to stay and thrive

2017-05-28 06:18:01 UTC

The workers only protest is leaving or begging for more rations

2017-05-28 06:18:11 UTC

@Deleted User Only if you think of it as a static entity. The purpose is to increase class consciousness in the masses. There is no private ownership.

2017-05-28 06:18:26 UTC

And the aristocrats turn a profit in trade of excess

2017-05-28 06:18:29 UTC

this is what i mean by "accept ignorance and read more"... if you learn economics you get lessons on externality, such as when two firms have competing interests the market will incur a dead weight loss without regulation

2017-05-28 06:18:40 UTC

health care when left to a free market falls into a 'death spiral'

2017-05-28 06:18:43 UTC

There is no international trade or debt.

2017-05-28 06:18:57 UTC

these two parallel conversations are stressing me out

2017-05-28 06:19:00 UTC

also i have work in the morning

2017-05-28 06:19:03 UTC

i should go to bed

2017-05-28 06:19:07 UTC

There was in the USSR (no debt though)

2017-05-28 06:19:16 UTC

Well at or out the USSR

2017-05-28 06:19:18 UTC

Or in

2017-05-28 06:19:21 UTC

They traded quite a lot

2017-05-28 06:20:00 UTC

@Deleted User You mean give aid. There is no debt. How do you trade without tracking debts?

2017-05-28 06:20:25 UTC

You make deals when your counterpart has the means to pay in full only

2017-05-28 06:20:47 UTC


2017-05-28 06:20:50 UTC


2017-05-28 06:21:09 UTC

No need for such things

2017-05-28 06:21:12 UTC

Debt is very useful as a leverage and bargaining tool in the right hands

2017-05-28 06:21:23 UTC

i guess

2017-05-28 06:23:26 UTC

what about starting firms

2017-05-28 06:24:04 UTC

i feel like that's at least difficult without community banks/ loans unless you go crowdfunding or something

2017-05-28 06:25:07 UTC

I can understand that, starting a sucessful business is hard enough even with a decent amount of investment capital

2017-05-28 06:25:55 UTC

@not_matt in USSR under Stalin you could take loans for firms.

2017-05-28 06:26:11 UTC

yeah thats my point

2017-05-28 06:26:54 UTC

i cant tell when people are disagreeing with me tbh

2017-05-28 06:26:57 UTC

were you backing me up there

2017-05-28 06:27:06 UTC

whenever i get @'d i feel attacked initially

2017-05-28 06:27:22 UTC

Also Stalin promoted loans to peasantry as a method to control peasantry.

2017-05-28 06:27:35 UTC


2017-05-28 06:27:53 UTC

Oy vey

2017-05-28 06:28:41 UTC

@Deleted User He had to convenience many Marxist that loaning is a good strategy to get more control.

2017-05-28 06:29:06 UTC

I mean, it is. At least, with the way societies tend to work

2017-05-28 06:29:39 UTC

Loaning is inherently capitalistic

2017-05-28 06:29:45 UTC

The loaner always seeks high returns

2017-05-28 06:29:57 UTC

Charity on the other hand wouldn't

2017-05-28 06:30:16 UTC

@Deleted User the USSR government didn't need money from peasantry. Only high degree of control.

2017-05-28 06:30:24 UTC

High returns

2017-05-28 06:31:26 UTC

Uncle Joe wouldn't charge interest.

2017-05-28 06:32:35 UTC

I feel like I should be transparent here. I'm mostly here to see alternate viewpoints. I myself would say that I'm a capitalist. But I also think that it is extremely important to understand alternate views to your own. I'm not gonna try to force my opinions on anyone, though would be up to just talk about my views with anyone interested to gain mutual understanding.

2017-05-28 06:33:39 UTC

I feel like a lot are in the same boat, or were. You are most welcome.

2017-05-28 06:35:59 UTC

@Deleted User why /pol supported a candidate who's favorite daughter is into Judaism? It is beyond my understanding.

2017-05-28 06:37:24 UTC

They say /pol/ is not person. No, it's a superorganism. The majority of pol are thoughtless robots. Nowadays full of reddit cancer.

2017-05-28 06:38:05 UTC

@Deleted User didn't most alt-right support the same candidate as well?

2017-05-28 06:39:48 UTC

Yes. It was all the Donald train. Most of the hype was build on his outlyer status. It started as a joke but then people identified with it, and see themselves in the success of such outlyer. The psychological profite of 4chan is quite overt.

2017-05-28 06:40:28 UTC

@Deleted User what the situation was on StormFront. I thought most people there support Trump as well.

2017-05-28 06:40:51 UTC

I haven't been on Stormfront for a decade, sorry.

2017-05-28 06:41:05 UTC

I love it when people use "alt-right" while talking about WN, Natsoc, Fasc, or /pol/

2017-05-28 06:41:20 UTC

None of these things are synonymous

2017-05-28 06:41:26 UTC

Though there is sometimes cross talk

2017-05-28 06:41:26 UTC

I went to one of his rallies in my city, I think the majority of trump's stuff was playing to a voterbase that was feeling increasingly disenchanted with the current political situation

2017-05-28 06:41:33 UTC

Please, correct the record.

2017-05-28 06:43:34 UTC

Like, specifically here his rally was covering NAFTA and the TPP, which were agreements that have had significant impact on this city in particular, as there had been many factories that shut down and moved across teh border, costing many people their jobs

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