
Discord ID: 668951090582126597

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2020-01-21 03:32:56 UTC

@Zemo How many times has that happened?

2020-01-21 03:32:56 UTC

To be clear, I'm not denying the possibility that there might have been feds but as far as I can tell, I don't know whether there were as such at all.

2020-01-21 03:33:38 UTC

@Louis XIV (aka 1685Violin) I'm not going to blame feds for all of it. It was still a bad look, but looks aren't everything

2020-01-21 03:34:10 UTC

is optics just the exterior than? I think it's more complicated than that

2020-01-21 03:34:18 UTC

@Zemo They called Zimmerman a white hispanic.

2020-01-21 03:34:28 UTC

and bleached his face

2020-01-21 03:34:38 UTC

the wignat mentality is not only an exterior, it's a certain kind of philosophy that lacks respectability right?

2020-01-21 03:34:41 UTC

and got away with it for the most part.

2020-01-21 03:35:03 UTC

Not really. Everyone who talks about optics is literally hiding something behind a nice exterior. Its not about changing their core beliefs or end goal to be more palatable. its about dressing up for the public

2020-01-21 03:35:05 UTC

Looks arenโ€™t everything, but they arenโ€™t nothing either. We live in the television era, everythingโ€™s recorded and filmed for all to see. We canโ€™t afford looking bad

2020-01-21 03:35:30 UTC

@Zemo They control the framing not you.

2020-01-21 03:35:52 UTC

Here is a good video on this subject as a refresher. @NeoFuturist

2020-01-21 03:35:59 UTC


2020-01-21 03:36:09 UTC

Donโ€™t feed them the ammunition they need to smear you is what weโ€™re saying

2020-01-21 03:36:32 UTC

Then you can't engage with them. If you engage, they WILL smear you.

2020-01-21 03:36:38 UTC


2020-01-21 03:36:56 UTC

Just repeating some basic beliefs will give them ammunition.

2020-01-21 03:39:04 UTC

No ones ever denied the smear will happen, but making sure you donโ€™t look or say anything suspect will give you a better chance of the smear backfiring

2020-01-21 03:39:44 UTC

They control the framing. It doesn't matter if you look amazing, they can still lie about you or not even show you.

2020-01-21 03:39:46 UTC

Or not registering

2020-01-21 03:40:50 UTC

"Im against gay marriage"
---- In a homophobic speech X said that he was against fundamental human rights

2020-01-21 03:41:17 UTC

When you control what everyone sees, they only see what you want them to

2020-01-21 03:41:44 UTC

"Kill all faggots"
--- In a homophobic speech X said that he was against fundamental human rights, except it validates their narrative

2020-01-21 03:42:08 UTC

The result is the same

2020-01-21 03:42:25 UTC

Its a distinction without much of a difference

2020-01-21 03:42:25 UTC

yes but one is going to legitimize them more than the other

2020-01-21 03:42:40 UTC

its going to make it harder to rally around that person

2020-01-21 03:42:42 UTC

They already have the legitimacy

2020-01-21 03:42:57 UTC

you arnt taking if from them

2020-01-21 03:42:59 UTC

They have the frame not the legitimacy

2020-01-21 03:43:01 UTC

this is the status quo

2020-01-21 03:43:16 UTC

Those who have the frame have the legitimacy

2020-01-21 03:43:18 UTC

@Zemo not much of a difference in practicality

2020-01-21 03:44:03 UTC

That may be true, but itโ€™s not as if theyโ€™re arenโ€™t measures we can take to maximize our own legitimacy

2020-01-21 03:44:23 UTC

minimizing theirs will be more effective

2020-01-21 03:45:03 UTC

Maximizing yours while they still have theirs is impossible anyways

2020-01-21 03:45:13 UTC

We would need a media apparatus comparable to theirs in order to accomplish that

2020-01-21 03:45:21 UTC

In a situation like this legitimacy is a zero sum game

2020-01-21 03:46:56 UTC

in other words, you have to weaken them and take over or replace some of their power in order to gain some form of legitimacy or the ability to somewhat frame things for yourself in a meaningful way.

2020-01-21 03:47:09 UTC

Before that you are pond scum

2020-01-21 03:47:43 UTC

people still see things though.
we can't control the enemy, but we can at least make ourselves less fringe to those who are swayable. optics could be part of respectability

2020-01-21 03:47:58 UTC

people will judge you on what you wear on your sleeve

2020-01-21 03:48:51 UTC

@NeoFuturist totally agreed in that point, dress up a bit. But it's not that by dressing up they will treat you with kid gloves.

2020-01-21 03:49:06 UTC

yeah sure, i agree

2020-01-21 03:49:23 UTC

both optics and respectability are important, we shouldn't downplay either

2020-01-21 03:49:25 UTC

I agree as well

2020-01-21 03:49:49 UTC

Optics and Respectability are one in the same in my mind

2020-01-21 03:50:05 UTC

thinking about it now, optics could be a part of respectability

2020-01-21 03:50:19 UTC

Respectability is everything

2020-01-21 03:50:25 UTC

optics is your choice of aesthetics, wording, culture, and looks

2020-01-21 03:50:48 UTC

people judge on that, and if they judge you bad, your respectability is damaged, no?

2020-01-21 03:51:24 UTC

the right is not respectable by the enemy, but we could be respectable for some near the middle

2020-01-21 03:51:31 UTC

It only matters if that is actually what you are.
If its just a look (which 90% of people view optics as) then your wasting your time.

2020-01-21 03:51:58 UTC

i think looks can reflect the soul of the thing

2020-01-21 03:52:10 UTC

wignats show what they feel and act

2020-01-21 03:52:32 UTC

Humans are highly visually driven creatures

2020-01-21 03:52:34 UTC

how you dress is a form of art in my eyes, which is why we need more art

2020-01-21 03:52:51 UTC

Hawaiian shirt nationalism?

2020-01-21 03:52:57 UTC

hah lmao

2020-01-21 03:53:07 UTC

i mean, not my favorite, but if it works

2020-01-21 03:53:08 UTC

And even then though it may be called Optics, itโ€™s much more than just a look

2020-01-21 03:53:49 UTC

Itโ€™s the words you choose

2020-01-21 03:54:04 UTC

@Zemo the result is the same as a wignat, you get called a racist or are just not shown on media.

2020-01-21 03:54:08 UTC

But see thats actually what you are.
You actually believe that putting on a suit has intrinsic artistic or aesthetic value outside of putting on a show.
In that case optics are relevant because you want to portray something that you want others to emulate and you adhere to

2020-01-21 03:54:55 UTC

yeah, that's exactly why i think they are important

2020-01-21 03:55:09 UTC

The cycle of events is the same, but the results may vary. Being called racist isnโ€™t the end, the end is whether or not the public believes it

2020-01-21 03:55:21 UTC

or your message is so milktoast you might as well be a republican.

2020-01-21 03:55:45 UTC

i dont think wignats put on a show, i think they are expressing their views

2020-01-21 03:56:01 UTC

feds put on a show

2020-01-21 03:57:04 UTC

The feds and the media control the frame though so they can put on a show and people believe it. They dont play by the normal rules because they are leagues above us in power.

2020-01-21 03:57:20 UTC

Sadly its not 1:1

2020-01-21 03:57:21 UTC

@NeoFuturist Okay, I think we are agreeing about the usefulness of optics. Why do we have a disagreement? Is it because of semantics or the definition?

2020-01-21 03:58:43 UTC

i have no idea

2020-01-21 03:59:14 UTC

it could be optics is a late argument. it was with the alt-right that it started appearing

2020-01-21 03:59:18 UTC

at least as far as I know

2020-01-21 04:00:21 UTC

i don't see McFansy or anyone here shaving their head, throwing on boots, dressing in black, and waving swastikas in some autistic small pp energy rally

2020-01-21 04:00:27 UTC

so for us it isn't really an argument

2020-01-21 04:00:31 UTC

wignats finna be wignats

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