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2018-01-25 14:23:48 UTC

In fact, use it to your advantage next time. Be like โ€œSorry lady, gotta go. Letโ€™s continue this conversation. Hereโ€™s my number.โ€ And then sheโ€™ll be shocked because you gave her your number and sheโ€™ll have to call you because you made her think she has any control in the matter. After that, youโ€™ve got her twirling around your finger. Sheโ€™s yours. Itโ€™s all a mind game these days.

2018-01-25 14:28:32 UTC

@๐ŸŽญ๐ŸŽต Hey man, I feel the same way sometimes. What helps me, albeit not immediately, is praying anyways. I feel really dumb sometimes praying when i donโ€™t feel like it means anything but if you keep doing it anyways, youโ€™ll feel it again. Happens to all of us.

2018-01-25 15:46:51 UTC

My chads, its Robert Burns Day today, how are ye celebrating?

2018-01-25 21:18:21 UTC

On this diet? Just listening to some bagpipes ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

2018-01-25 21:48:56 UTC

Itโ€™s Australia Day also

2018-01-25 21:49:10 UTC

Iโ€™m not Australian, just live there

2018-01-25 22:22:21 UTC

ok goys

2018-01-25 22:22:23 UTC

exams are done

2018-01-25 22:22:29 UTC

starting keto now

2018-01-25 22:22:33 UTC

so no fruits?

2018-01-25 22:22:40 UTC

anything else i should know

2018-01-25 22:22:54 UTC

i couldnt do it before because i cant study with the keto flu

2018-01-25 22:23:01 UTC

but i have a week break fro school now so its prime time

2018-01-25 23:53:35 UTC

im in English class the teacher make us do a quizz about what you want to do in the future after that she ask us to pick a parter with a different quiz color, the teacher teamed me with a qt, I shake like a phaggot. We ask each other some questions, she randomly lick her top lip. Focusing my stare on that tongue. She started saying that she babysit and she hated that. Iโ€™m no longer smiling. Telling me that when she was 8 she wanted to be a cop because boys were afraid of her and she was kicking their ass. Looking at her with a confuse smile and staring at my desk like an autist. Wtf

2018-01-26 00:03:17 UTC

the modern woman is so confusing that it would be autistic NOT to be puzzled

2018-01-26 03:08:35 UTC

made turkey burgers good stuff have them every other week or so

2018-01-26 03:08:47 UTC

2018-01-26 03:08:59 UTC

grilling out in the freezing cold

2018-01-26 03:19:32 UTC

Grilling and barbecuing in cold weather is the best way to grill/barbecue.

2018-01-26 03:19:36 UTC

No one wants to tho.

2018-01-26 03:19:38 UTC

Not sure why.

2018-01-26 03:19:56 UTC

That's when I crave barbecue most, is winter.

2018-01-26 05:13:37 UTC

@Deleted User do you want some nifty wallet-respecting keto meal plan-type recipes?

2018-01-26 06:45:51 UTC

<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** ๐Ÿ”Ž ``

2018-01-26 06:45:51 UTC

2018-01-26 06:49:10 UTC

<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** ๐Ÿ”Ž ``

2018-01-26 06:49:10 UTC

2018-01-26 16:24:44 UTC

not gonna lie i've given up on women, lifting purely for aesthetics now

2018-01-26 17:24:06 UTC

day 1 of keto is going well so far

2018-01-26 23:11:11 UTC

Remeber to lift fellas!

2018-01-27 00:32:09 UTC

Any of you guys have some good cast iron skillet recipes?

2018-01-27 00:44:39 UTC

I use cast iron for most things. Steaks are especially good with cast iron.

2018-01-27 00:48:13 UTC

I know buzzfeed is a meme, but their cast iron steak cooking guide is pretty good:

2018-01-27 01:00:47 UTC

most meats just cook well in cast iron

2018-01-27 01:01:06 UTC

i did a low carb lamb meatball on a cast iron

2018-01-27 01:01:51 UTC

I didn't bake them though, just did them on the stove top w. the cast iron

2018-01-27 01:04:34 UTC

@donut That looks good, i should try that

2018-01-27 01:04:52 UTC

it was

2018-01-27 01:05:15 UTC

we do this one a lot too

2018-01-27 01:05:38 UTC

you can replace the orzo with zoodles or i guess riced cauliflower if u wanna do low carb

2018-01-27 01:06:36 UTC

(max really likes lamb lol)

2018-01-27 01:07:36 UTC

Good cast iron recipes could be things like cookie cake, or pan pizza. I highly recommend you look into deep dish pizza as a recipe. @Alyssa Cordelia

2018-01-27 01:08:32 UTC

Oh Also Salmon cooks super nicely on a cast iron

2018-01-27 01:08:40 UTC

This is true

2018-01-27 01:08:49 UTC

i get a slice with the skin

2018-01-27 01:09:01 UTC

and Aldi sometimes has some good pre-marinated salmon pieces

2018-01-27 01:09:03 UTC

Make sure cast iron is seasoned before you use it though.

2018-01-27 01:09:12 UTC

you should season it after you wash it

2018-01-27 01:09:17 UTC

if you don't want it to rust

2018-01-27 01:22:04 UTC

Thank you guys, that is all good advice! I can't stop thinking about a deep dish pizza in a cast iron skillet now mmm

2018-01-27 06:13:56 UTC

Who lifts here

2018-01-27 06:14:06 UTC


2018-01-27 06:14:11 UTC

Who B L O A T M A X X I N G

2018-01-27 06:14:31 UTC

Do you train neck though

2018-01-27 06:15:00 UTC

2018-01-27 06:15:02 UTC

Everyday, 16 house straight sometimes. Need 8 protein shakes though.

2018-01-27 06:15:11 UTC


2018-01-27 06:15:18 UTC

Sounds like you're doing whatever it takes

2018-01-27 06:15:24 UTC

You better be training neck though

2018-01-27 06:15:36 UTC

Neck gains are the most faithful

2018-01-27 06:16:52 UTC

Ever see people who loose a lot of weight, but their heads are still

2018-01-27 06:17:57 UTC

Yeah, I can't stand scrawnt necks

2018-01-27 06:18:00 UTC


2018-01-27 06:18:21 UTC

See these fags and their forward head posture and it sends me into a rage

2018-01-27 06:19:06 UTC

Always taught to look up when lifting

2018-01-27 06:19:34 UTC

I make sure to lock eye contact with the nearest roastie when lifting

2018-01-27 06:20:59 UTC

All of them look like 35 years leather bags at my gym. I avoid it.

2018-01-27 06:21:09 UTC

Tons of sexy fit chicks at might

2018-01-27 06:21:20 UTC

But I'm also in a very diverse Chicagoland area

2018-01-27 06:21:43 UTC

Tons of smelly poos and egg nogs

2018-01-27 06:21:57 UTC

I just got to a cheap gym that kinda hidden. Never busy, I have free range basically.

2018-01-27 06:22:06 UTC

Sounds comfy

2018-01-27 06:22:14 UTC

Mines cheap too

2018-01-27 06:22:16 UTC


2018-01-27 06:22:50 UTC

Two roided nogs almost got into a fight the other day though hahahaha

2018-01-27 06:23:02 UTC

I do!

2018-01-27 06:23:45 UTC

I've yet to see a fight against a gym.
Only seen dindu car fights.

2018-01-27 06:24:10 UTC

It was over some fat bitch too or something

2018-01-27 06:24:30 UTC

One of them told the other that he fucks gross fat bitches or something

2018-01-27 06:24:37 UTC

Why do blacks go for the fatties???

2018-01-27 06:24:55 UTC

I don't know

2018-01-27 06:25:00 UTC

Always baffled me

2018-01-27 06:25:20 UTC

Maybe its cultural.

2018-01-27 06:25:44 UTC

Cause they celebrate fat bitches in africa.

2018-01-27 06:25:53 UTC

Yeah that's what I was about to say

2018-01-27 23:20:17 UTC


2018-01-28 21:35:38 UTC

Donโ€™t deny the holocaust, deny knowledge of it. โ€œWhat holocaust? Never heard of itโ€

2018-01-28 21:38:08 UTC

pussies go to the gym to lift weights or buy their own at the store .

2018-01-28 21:38:22 UTC

instead do what i do go into the woods with your axe and cut down a tree and lift that instead

2018-01-28 21:39:13 UTC

you canโ€™t get strong without larping as a lumberjack

2018-01-29 14:01:01 UTC


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