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2019-07-15 18:37:55 UTC


2019-07-15 18:38:15 UTC

Where does it stop then?

2019-07-15 18:38:57 UTC

Waitโ€ฆ the Ninth ruled *for Trump*??

2019-07-15 18:39:18 UTC


2019-07-15 18:39:20 UTC


2019-07-15 18:39:22 UTC

Mega oof.

2019-07-15 18:46:50 UTC

I was having serious withdrawal symptoms after having so many needed giggles yesterday. Even with a remainer. I can't believe it. I felt like a traitor.
Moving swiftly:

This lady bores the very crap out of me. She is one of many , scared, money tied up in Europe hasbeens! Screaming to get their money back. And if people whom haven't any money are watching. Look at her, greed and selfishness , as she tries to stamp on everyone to stay at the top.


2019-07-15 18:48:09 UTC

It's nothing to do with skin colour, but, everything to do with money.

2019-07-15 18:56:09 UTC

@juryrigging even a broken clock is right twice a day.

2019-07-15 19:16:10 UTC

What a Racist, am I right?


2019-07-15 19:16:44 UTC

Trump's State Department is working OT to bring him back

2019-07-15 20:49:23 UTC

if he's been a cunt, leave him locked up in the country he offended in

2019-07-15 21:13:18 UTC

@Cadbal What was caught on Camera contradicted the claims by the accusers

2019-07-15 21:14:59 UTC

i've no idea tbh, just seems people bitch and moan when they get done by another countries law, brits are pretty bad for it, cry like fuck when they misbehave abroad and get nailed

2019-07-15 21:19:38 UTC

<:hyperthink:462282519883284480> <:hyperthink:462282519883284480> <:hyperthink:462282519883284480> <:hyperthink:462282519883284480> <:hyperthink:462282519883284480>


2019-07-15 21:41:41 UTC

I'd also be dead if I had been killed

2019-07-15 21:44:01 UTC

@Omar_The_OMAP hoes mad hoes mad hoes mad hoes mad

2019-07-15 21:44:15 UTC

Nani the fuck

2019-07-15 21:44:28 UTC

HIS MOTHER SHOULD HAVE LISTENED <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2019-07-15 22:00:50 UTC


2019-07-15 22:02:32 UTC

Trump dropping those redpills

2019-07-15 22:02:34 UTC


2019-07-15 22:16:19 UTC

Daily reminder Marxists are literally inexhaustible and will drag you down into slavery with them.

2019-07-15 22:37:43 UTC

Yes, very good, Maza was harassed by Crowder, we need to do something about creators harassing other creators. What you say? Crowder was harassed by Maza, too? But Crowder is conservative, how can he... I mean, what I wanted to say is... uhmmm... you're a homophobe! Get out!

2019-07-15 23:01:42 UTC

oh no, whoda seen dat comin

2019-07-15 23:04:18 UTC

you'd think that after losing $80B they'd fire the morons who make business decisions based on twitter hot takes

2019-07-16 00:18:24 UTC

Do your part and Report Shaun King for encouraging Terrorism

2019-07-16 00:41:56 UTC

what did that nutjob do now

2019-07-16 01:09:06 UTC

Supported the Tacoma antifa guys actions

2019-07-16 01:09:29 UTC

Said he did the right thing

2019-07-16 01:28:26 UTC


2019-07-16 01:28:42 UTC

The Comment Section is a Fustercluck

2019-07-16 01:29:39 UTC

A mix of "wish he was more successful" and "He Dindu Nuffin Rong an da Po Leese shot hiyum fo no rezun"

2019-07-16 01:30:19 UTC
2019-07-16 01:30:50 UTC

Since Sen. McCain hit the big Schleep, (GRHS) Graham has been a fucking animal

2019-07-16 01:38:27 UTC

Unfortunately his voice is too ridiculous for me to take him seriously if I don't see his words in writing

2019-07-16 01:44:46 UTC


2019-07-16 01:45:08 UTC

You must be new here if you think that xd

2019-07-16 01:50:52 UTC

Has anyone seen Jeremy corbyn since this happened?

2019-07-16 02:10:40 UTC

My only problem with Lindsay Graham is that he is shills for Israel like a lot of other Congressmen. Otherwise he was totally correct about the AOC crowd.

2019-07-16 02:16:04 UTC

@Omar_The_OMAP Lindsey Graham the animal who wants to invade Venezuela and thinks that would be just like the us invasion of granada

2019-07-16 02:23:33 UTC


2019-07-16 02:29:32 UTC

Because Grenada was such a success

2019-07-16 02:30:13 UTC

Because any unprovoked invasion in the last 20 years has gone just fucking great

2019-07-16 02:31:03 UTC

Seriously, this pig-ignorant "lets invade everywhere" garbage is starting to cross the line into deliberate subterfuge of this nation

2019-07-16 02:35:13 UTC


2019-07-16 02:45:40 UTC

But since the trend nowadays seems to be jumping sharks, I'll go ahead and meet this lunacy from the opposite end.

2019-07-16 02:45:47 UTC

Revive the Neutrality Act.

2019-07-16 02:49:08 UTC

the bloated and irresponsible defense industry can keep itself afloat through cash-and-carry and lend-lease

2019-07-16 03:12:47 UTC


2019-07-16 03:15:36 UTC

Religious values should not be influencing medical opinion, she should not be a Dr

2019-07-16 03:17:11 UTC

Religious values shouldn't influence anyone/anything but the person practicing that religion

2019-07-16 03:18:30 UTC

Proselytizing should be condemned by all religions, let the free market decide

2019-07-16 03:27:28 UTC

God should decide your health coverage <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

2019-07-16 03:31:03 UTC

He does, it's called Darwinism

2019-07-16 03:32:53 UTC

That's basically the Republican plan. Your tax money is for killing foreigners, not for making sure you or your fellow Americans are living healthy.

2019-07-16 03:36:54 UTC

No their plan is to make sure the people getting healthcare are actually Americans

2019-07-16 03:37:31 UTC

Americans with more than six zeroes in their accounts

2019-07-16 03:38:18 UTC

And yeah, illegals getting tax-paid health care is an issue

2019-07-16 03:38:29 UTC

the solution isn't just take it away from everyone

2019-07-16 03:39:06 UTC

Not that Republicans are tripping over themselves to give it to legal citizens either

2019-07-16 03:39:49 UTC

Don't get confused. the individual mandate health insurance scheme was a Republican idea first

2019-07-16 03:40:35 UTC

They're trying to make sure it's not exploitable before their happy with any healthcare plan, but the Dems have only offered plans with nothing but exploits

2019-07-16 03:41:31 UTC

>the dems have offered plans
wishful thinking

2019-07-16 03:42:11 UTC

They've offered mealy-mouthed lip-service to policies they'll never implement because their donors won't let them

2019-07-16 03:42:27 UTC

Republicans don't even pretend

2019-07-16 03:44:38 UTC

The parties have traded roles of "bad idea generators" and "stubborn omni-obstructionists" since the turn of the millennium

2019-07-16 04:06:11 UTC

i mean nothing good has been put forth by them democrats in terms of healthcare

2019-07-16 04:06:38 UTC

and most serious republicans would rather deal with corrupt insurance companies rather than a top down system

2019-07-16 04:07:16 UTC

you mis-spelled "bought"

2019-07-16 06:40:20 UTC

Oh my word ... What has the matriachy done for me?

I am not married. It's failed it doesn't work. So, why stick myself in a field full of other women? Where I can morn my dying ovaries? Why do this ?

It's criminal ! It's insane ! It makes me angry because I like metal more than I like that sort of thing and women are bold enough to go in the moshpit. Not because of feminism. It's to run round and go fucking insane and ape shit like the rest of the blokes. That's equality.


2019-07-16 06:40:55 UTC

Where did it all go wrong?

2019-07-16 06:41:30 UTC

what is this and why could i be interested

2019-07-16 06:42:10 UTC

It's the end of the equality world.

2019-07-16 06:42:28 UTC


2019-07-16 06:44:48 UTC

Feminism, has definitely - definitely affected the minds of so many women. A man would need to hack the garden fence and take a machete, to even be allowed access into a lady garden. When , their favourite musicians start talking about matriachy, it's game over for reproduction. Game over.

2019-07-16 06:46:15 UTC

Quite the conundrum when you've a gynocentric society, eh

2019-07-16 06:51:36 UTC

I've just decided to set my standards and will be fine without until I meet someone who fits them

2019-07-16 07:54:35 UTC

choice words to live by

2019-07-16 07:57:01 UTC


2019-07-16 08:39:14 UTC

@TEABAG!!! Well, thanks, now I don't have to feel bad for not paying the exorbitant price of normie music festival tickets to go see Florence ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2019-07-16 08:41:06 UTC

Just pirate the festival

2019-07-16 08:49:36 UTC

@Xaverius I hope you're a female but, seriously, I think this has gone a little too far. Two female Prime Ministers and all men are not even working in caring and teaching jobs. Higher male suicide rates and then musicians that tell you that your life is great because there are less men around. I see everything as this equal tapestry. I wanted to say this to Carl Benjamin <:thinkgon:560211224923734026>

That we can wear our hair down, paint the town red. Do all the thing's men can do. They are our equals but you cannot do that without love and understanding. Right now, if an artist makes my ovaries want to collapse before I even start menopause. I feel, the love is lost. Women need to start listening to some fucking Power Wolf. This is where equality is at. The Viking way.

2019-07-16 08:51:10 UTC

@TEABAG!!! Eh, I just like her music, out of all the hipster indie rock bands.

Powerwolf was pretty lame the last year, but this time they played Coleus Sanctus and there was less milling around (though that stupid metal mass thing stayed) so they repaired their rep with me a bit.
Amon Amarth were fucking cash tho.

2019-07-16 09:05:26 UTC

You see I have not had the opportunity of seeing Amon Amarth, but, I have seen Aura Noir and I have to say, the connection between the metal community's members is to not give a shit, is incorrect. My friend does not like Sabaton but I love them. I am looking forward to seeing them for the 3rd time, in this sense , my friend does not give a shit! She likes Dimmu and I only like their old stuff.

I have got hipster bands on my ipod. I even have the Red Hot Chilli Peppers which is pop music to me. There is no way to describe equality to people who, refuse to listen to different music genres- this what has happened: an echo chamber of insubordinate, incompatible people who are trying to bully people. It was not just on YouTube it was on Facebook and it happens in real life. Hence, the reason why I go around with a "metal heads against bullying", arm band. This is really, happening where, people beat two tones of shit out of a person wearing some new rock boots. I chose to move and I own two pairs of new rock boots.

2019-07-16 09:10:07 UTC

This what I am trying to say:

Top of the spectrum, left and right we have authoritarian and we have totalitarianism. Music, has and always will be liberal. It is a liberalistic way of opening our minds. When it becomes authoritarian or totalitarian, it is no longer enjoyable. Do you agree or disagree ?@Xaverius

2019-07-16 09:13:15 UTC

Oh I do.

2019-07-16 09:14:02 UTC

@Xaverius Let me put this another way, Slipknot; they call everyone maggots.

Is that equal or is it them being liberal to get us to understand, we are needing to be equal?

2019-07-16 09:16:08 UTC

I don't think we need to be equal. As for maggots, well, metal and rock fans have the history of being called freaks by boomer normies, so that kinda self-deprecation is just an expression of "eh, whatever, we're just gonna enjoy ourselves and not give a fuck about you"

2019-07-16 09:16:39 UTC

As for Dimmu, they were playing here just a few days ago. Didn'T go there tho, as I don't know anything. But it was a nice... atmospheric black metal while we were standing around <:milkshake2:580842238540775468>

2019-07-16 09:18:26 UTC

Now, I have this theory that when we are enjoying ourselves and Corey Taylor tells us, we are maggots - there is no Gender association involved there. We are in the mosh pit. Yeah I like atmospheric Black metal. Slave to that stuff. Love Enslaved.

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