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2019-07-16 09:21:42 UTC

@Xaverius was it Sweden Rock you were at or Download or Hellfest?

2019-07-16 09:22:55 UTC

Neither, Masters of Rock

2019-07-16 09:27:59 UTC

Jak se mas! That is my best Czech ever

2019-07-16 09:53:07 UTC


2019-07-16 09:53:20 UTC

I can understand that, so that's pretty alright

2019-07-16 10:48:48 UTC

Eh, needs more use of ลก @TEABAG!!!

2019-07-16 10:49:18 UTC

but is understandable

2019-07-16 11:03:39 UTC

And this conversation is like paramount to why people, need to discuss things. No matter how uncomfortable it becomes. As I cannot believe that Indie music has become so, square jawed where it thinks that everyone else does not fit into its leftist agenda and therefore they're a Nazis. I never signed up to that.

2019-07-16 15:53:54 UTC

Trump ended asylum protections for central Americans

2019-07-16 15:54:44 UTC


2019-07-16 15:54:55 UTC


2019-07-16 15:54:58 UTC


2019-07-16 15:55:24 UTC

I mean their food just gives me the shits so the hate is mutual

2019-07-16 15:58:31 UTC

That's all you need to know about aoc and omar

2019-07-16 15:58:43 UTC

Omar isn't a Hispanic

2019-07-16 16:11:01 UTC

@byathy its a filthy animal, sorry a muslim even

2019-07-16 16:11:05 UTC

Hard to tell the difference

2019-07-16 16:11:16 UTC


2019-07-16 16:11:21 UTC


2019-07-16 16:34:14 UTC

Love how the people demanding people accept the due and fair election of the president are now pretending like congress people weren't also duly elected.

2019-07-16 16:34:34 UTC

fuckers can wait for next elections like adults

2019-07-16 16:36:07 UTC

I loathe shit-heels like Lindsay Graham, Chris Christie and Steve King, you don't see me on a soap box crying for them to be simply *removed* from office.

2019-07-16 16:49:14 UTC

First Aid 101: If someone is able to say "I can't breathe", they are breathing


2019-07-16 16:59:32 UTC


<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>


2019-07-16 16:59:35 UTC

1: not always true
2: that's an excuse to just strangle someone?

2019-07-16 17:00:59 UTC

the intent might not have been homicide but its still flagrant unecessary use of force

2019-07-16 17:01:31 UTC

The move is not designed to kill, it is designed to Incapacitate. The fact that he was a Large Guy who was unhealthy contributed to his death.

2019-07-16 17:01:49 UTC

Chokeholds are legal, Arm Bars are not

2019-07-16 17:02:06 UTC

wasn't that the same bullshit logic that people gave for heather heyer?

2019-07-16 17:02:13 UTC

which turned out to be absolute horseshit?

2019-07-16 17:03:35 UTC


2019-07-16 17:03:49 UTC

You *can* kill som1 with a chokehold

2019-07-16 17:03:54 UTC

Oops, you're right

2019-07-16 17:03:59 UTC

It's just not accidental if you do

2019-07-16 17:04:04 UTC

I didn't know it was BFT

2019-07-16 17:04:46 UTC

still, I'll grant you the maneuver itself wasn't at fault

2019-07-16 17:05:18 UTC

Like, they'll black out and stop struggling well before the danger threshold

2019-07-16 17:05:35 UTC

Did the case say how fast he drove into the crowd? The video didn't make it look super fast, but I know film can be misleading

2019-07-16 17:06:47 UTC

he rammed into a line of cars, so judging the precise velocity of impact is complicated

2019-07-16 17:07:27 UTC

still, numerous people were packed around the cars

2019-07-16 17:07:34 UTC

Fields had a case for self-defense, but no one wanted to defend him. There was an armed man who openly bragged about pointing an Assault Rifle at Field's car

2019-07-16 17:08:34 UTC

The case about the driver was iffy, yeah, but I'm pointing out people spreading "oh she died cuz she's a fat fuck" is 110% bullshit

2019-07-16 17:09:37 UTC


2019-07-16 17:09:50 UTC

That's just retarded

2019-07-16 17:10:23 UTC


2019-07-16 19:04:35 UTC

im apolitical and just started watching sargon. i like him, i guess. what are other channels and articles i should watch?

2019-07-16 19:05:22 UTC

Count Dankula

2019-07-16 19:05:26 UTC

He is awesome

2019-07-16 19:05:49 UTC

does he do news things?

2019-07-16 19:06:07 UTC

Sometimes, but more often he does historical biopics on madlads

2019-07-16 19:06:20 UTC

ive heard of him, he got fined for making his nazi do some salute or some shit

2019-07-16 19:06:24 UTC

DoctorRandomerCam does news more often

2019-07-16 19:06:35 UTC

*making his dog do a nazi

2019-07-16 19:06:39 UTC

i see

2019-07-16 19:08:12 UTC

what about articles?

2019-07-16 19:08:19 UTC

er news publications

2019-07-16 19:16:14 UTC

Tim pool, black pigeon speaks, and computing forever are good too they do news

2019-07-16 19:20:07 UTC

It is possible to OD on them though

2019-07-16 19:20:13 UTC

You don't want too much

2019-07-16 19:30:01 UTC


2019-07-16 19:38:47 UTC


2019-07-16 19:51:52 UTC



2019-07-16 20:13:49 UTC

ill check them out

2019-07-16 20:14:03 UTC

oh wait black pidgeon speaks is the guy who got banned right and then came back?

2019-07-16 20:14:11 UTC

ive heard a lot of bad things about him but ill see for myself

2019-07-16 20:14:24 UTC

but like news publications? which ones are reliable in your guys' opinion?

2019-07-16 20:17:05 UTC

I'm not too sure

2019-07-16 20:42:33 UTC

https://www.dailywire.com/news/49521/watch-laughing-ilhan-omar-refuses-condemn-antifa-amanda-prestigiacomo It could be said if you wanted them to play by their own rules Saul alinsky rep Omar why wonโ€™t you condemn the beat of a gay minority journalist.

2019-07-16 21:03:49 UTC

Ilhan Omar - who's real name is Ilhan Abdullahi Omar *wink wink nudge nudge* - is not an AntiFa supporter and you're a white supremacist if you say she is.

2019-07-16 21:04:24 UTC

However, if your name is Donald Drumpf and you get associated to white supremacists and Neo Nazis, that is obviously true and you're a Nazi if you deny it.

2019-07-16 21:35:51 UTC

>Sister Omar

2019-07-16 21:35:53 UTC


2019-07-16 21:36:25 UTC

Holy fuck, I didn't even see the Handle, lmao

2019-07-16 22:19:34 UTC

New episode of Europa Report out
```Episode Topics:
France chimpouts
French Military parade
Free pass for criminals
Iran tries to seize ship. Denies it.
Jewish English Germans?
Merkel J Fax returns
Denmark Overruled by EU
Norwegians Find Russian Sub
Turkey s-400

2019-07-17 02:39:25 UTC

Do not put black fucking pigeon in the same category as Tim Pool. He (pigeon) is an openly biased zealot

2019-07-17 04:18:36 UTC

@Jokerfaic uuuuuh

2019-07-17 04:19:04 UTC


2019-07-17 04:20:23 UTC

A ray of hope

2019-07-17 04:21:09 UTC

"Republicans like the president shitting on the opposing party"
In other news, grass is green.

2019-07-17 04:21:43 UTC

It's much more than that

2019-07-17 04:21:57 UTC

He is pushing the Overton Window with this rhetoric

2019-07-17 04:22:40 UTC

This will allow more White Nationalists and Paelocons in general to express themselves freely without caring for media labels

2019-07-17 04:22:49 UTC

Among the Republican Party that is

2019-07-17 04:23:43 UTC

Because the window in washington was somehow not right enough

2019-07-17 04:25:27 UTC

also paleocons are no safer from republican ideological hegemony than Dem hegemony

2019-07-17 04:25:58 UTC

I don't think what Trump said is even racist

2019-07-17 04:26:02 UTC

If you don't want to bankrupt america to accomplish jack shit in the middle east, and also something something Israel, you're not getting any support

2019-07-17 04:26:28 UTC

it wasn't

2019-07-17 04:26:42 UTC

He said go to another country if you don't like it here, that is the gist of his statement. xP It's bad optics to say, go back to your own country, but he said it in a number of different ways in the same post

2019-07-17 04:29:14 UTC

Its still a bit dim witted, considering while only natural-born citizens can run for the presidency, anyone who legally enters the country and becomes a citizen can take basically any other political office.

2019-07-17 04:32:43 UTC

And also, you know, they won their elections, too.

2019-07-17 04:34:17 UTC

This shit about "get them out of office" or "go back home" is just as empty headed as "impeach! impeach!"

2019-07-17 04:41:53 UTC

Trump doesn't care. If he did his statements would be more polished. He just throws shit out there and sees what sticks.

2019-07-17 04:44:07 UTC


2019-07-17 04:56:18 UTC

Trump is that guy who says mean things quite often, and occasionally gets caught in a straight up lie when he's uninformed on things, but he doesn't actually *do* any bad things. He's the antithesis to all the people who care more about optics than the morality of an action.

2019-07-17 04:58:29 UTC

Except trying to openly defy congress to give as many weapons to jihadists as possible

2019-07-17 04:58:33 UTC

that's pretty shitty

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