johl kohl
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pls roast
I thought he would wear a MAGA hat, because beanies are forbidden
Tim Pool is actually Devon Tracey
because Sargon is the first one to test Peterson's new site
And they have to slender Sargon of course
They say, that he was talking about raping Phillips
I was banned from some youtube channel, because i said, that real Sargon wouldn't rape her either
Yiffing finally payed off
So apparently Trump telling Omar to go fix Somalia and than come back is against free speech and worse than Steve Shives trying to get Sargon deplatformed. A fitting yt channel name indeed
Vee finally started selling merch
This song was made in 2017
Go watch my premiere
@Bo correct
This is the statue we have in Melania's home city
I don't think people who did this know what minecraft is
Ljubljana means love-ljana
Laibach in German
This is the band of the same name
This is the picture from couple of years ago btw
It's in France
Paris after muslims take it over
It is oradour sur glane. Germans killed all its citizens and French never rebuilt it as a memorial
They even left a car
Middle France @Redxl
Trump is now putting grannies in cages as well
Man sneaks himself into Afghani quiz for women
We finally have the new Bond
Time for this app to get cancelled
BREAKING: One of cameras in Epstein's cell was working. We see Bill Clinton finding Epstein dead. Very touching
They finally announced an actor for Matrix 4. I see the resemblance
Cenk talks how Trump pronounces Baghdadi's name weirdly. 3 minutes later:
Greta went full on 1488 this time
Vee's so drunk he lost his glasses
He called her Emma Winestein
Emma Watson is the feminist who doesn't know why men don't like feminism
And she got Winesteined
Vee is doing Q&A completely drunk
It's complicated
RuSiA iS sO bAsEd. ThEy DoNt AlLoW MuSlImS iN LiKe CuCkeD WeSt
Jim got yeeted from patreon
Sargon in 2016: FBI said Hitler escaped to Argentina
SJWs: lol Sargon can't read, he's a conspiracy theorist
2019 in Argentina:
Muhammad met Aisha on Epstein island
Bulgaria: 11.1% muslim, 2 rapes per 100.000 people
Sweden 8.1% muslim, 69.72 rapes per 100.000
Sweden should learn from Bulgaria
Help destroy communists! They are ruining my project,-3753
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