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2019-10-05 05:06:57 UTC

Ok but this goes back around to exchange currencies (and why it is the dollar) at some point they have to get return on those loans. That return has to be in a currency that can buy goods. Due to the export dynamic many of those goods must come from......... *Germany*

2019-10-05 05:07:59 UTC

So they can only pay for the debt in goods they produce that they intended to sell to the rest of Europe......

2019-10-05 05:08:16 UTC

Well, actually there is kind of consensus here among the poorer members of the EU.

2019-10-05 05:08:23 UTC

We say it like this:

2019-10-05 05:08:40 UTC

Use our economies and transfer cheaper productions here

2019-10-05 05:08:41 UTC


2019-10-05 05:08:58 UTC

Give us social transfers in return!

2019-10-05 05:09:32 UTC

I mean they use our economy but in turn we demand them money for pensions, social benefits and the lies.

2019-10-05 05:09:54 UTC

They are basically what generates consumption among the populace.

2019-10-05 05:10:01 UTC

Can you understand the model?

2019-10-05 05:15:20 UTC

Yeah I mean that's the problem. They have to issue credit to create demand in your country to buy goods from them. But there is no way for the credit to pay off because it is backed by their goods....

2019-10-05 05:16:15 UTC

And this is why the Euro **must** be a fiat currency forever and they will offset the credit bubble with inflation.

2019-10-05 05:16:34 UTC

This what is actually dragging the Eurozone back.

2019-10-05 05:17:04 UTC

As well as overregulation.

2019-10-05 05:17:07 UTC

This begs a question. What will happen when the EU goes Bust?

2019-10-05 05:17:20 UTC

I'm sure the Elites will be Kicking and Screaming at this point...

2019-10-05 05:17:54 UTC

We will just have to redistribute at this point and we will go full communism, with islam as the dominant religion, of course.

2019-10-05 05:18:04 UTC

That's their plan I think.

2019-10-05 05:18:22 UTC

But they can't. Like I said we can do strange things because we are strange. When we float bank currency it is not the currency because most of the currency is private equity. When the EU tries to.......

2019-10-05 05:18:55 UTC

When we try to we must go full communism.

2019-10-05 05:19:33 UTC

And I do believe the greenies, the reds and muslims are sharpening their blades to make a power grab for it, too.

2019-10-05 05:19:39 UTC

Well, I mean, I am sure Soros hopes it goes that way....

2019-10-05 05:19:42 UTC

May be the KGB is onboard, too.

2019-10-05 05:20:02 UTC

They might give the Baltic or something to Putin to get him on their side.

2019-10-05 05:20:20 UTC

I really don't like what is happening in Moscow right now, too.

2019-10-05 05:20:53 UTC

I believe the KGB are in conspiracy with our own Brussels cleptocrats to sell us all wholesale.

2019-10-05 05:21:40 UTC

But if we go full communism and the Russians are onboard it will be something far worse than what we had before 1989.

2019-10-05 05:22:16 UTC

We would actually want to go back then rather than live with what is going to come our way.

2019-10-05 05:22:40 UTC

I just don't know what will you guys over the seas do then?

2019-10-05 17:21:37 UTC

Nice forehead lmao

2019-10-05 17:24:36 UTC

```I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say Crowdstrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it.```

2019-10-05 17:25:56 UTC

>Imagine thinking that someone getting a country to voluntarily decide to check a server IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY is a **BAD** thing
It's almost as if Ukraine can decide to just NOT check the server

2019-10-05 17:28:23 UTC

>mfw asking somebody to do something that they can voluntarily decide NOT TO do is considered to be an impeachable offense by Democrats

2019-10-06 10:41:08 UTC

Western examples are inspiring

2019-10-07 09:42:27 UTC

Looks like the gypsy reads the main chat after all

2019-10-07 16:49:41 UTC

looks like richard spencer

2019-10-07 18:27:51 UTC

Maybe it is

2019-10-07 22:20:01 UTC

Huh. Must have jumped to the other side of the Horseshoe.

2019-10-08 05:26:46 UTC

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! TouringDailyNews Oct. 7th Edition. 27 stories covered? U.S. Turkey Syria lead story. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xNAexVtD-o

2019-10-08 13:17:43 UTC

Mfw canadistan has its own politics channel but straya doesn't

2019-10-09 11:03:20 UTC

@Anura Channeling our inner Tony Abbot, we should say "Canadia"

2019-10-09 14:53:55 UTC

The problem is thou America can not turn against a member of Nato.

2019-10-09 15:05:51 UTC

Chuck them the fuck out then.

2019-10-09 15:06:01 UTC

They shouldn't actually be in NATO

2019-10-09 15:07:01 UTC

NATO is meant to be democracies only

2019-10-09 15:07:10 UTC

Turkey de-facto ain't one.

2019-10-09 15:07:59 UTC

Just fucking nuke them and give Greeks the chance to turn Hagia Sophia back into a church.

2019-10-09 17:58:32 UTC

well am not fucking shocked

2019-10-09 19:47:30 UTC

So... this is a thing:

2019-10-09 21:04:14 UTC

Wtf i need me one of those pepe plush toys

2019-10-09 22:03:02 UTC

@ฯบ14แ›Ÿ yeah that article pissed me off, more reason to hate the leader of Israel

2019-10-09 22:03:11 UTC

Disrespectful dick head

2019-10-09 22:55:02 UTC

I kinda want one too. They should sell them to fund the revolution.

2019-10-10 03:03:19 UTC

Well, guys, this is what is called *cultural appropriation* in its fullest. If Hong Kong gets free 4chan may have a country of its own. I really like it when things are intermingling for the better in our world of today.

2019-10-10 03:04:15 UTC

If we could all just work together like that there would really be no boundaries on what we could do as humanity.

2019-10-10 03:54:33 UTC

Does anyone have Veeโ€™s video on the Pope?

2019-10-10 03:55:00 UTC

Also how do you become a hoplite?

2019-10-10 04:00:42 UTC

@Snake Don't pander to the Nazi. He is here only to get views and spread his bullsh*t. It's true Jews have their scums but what his Nazi masters are doing is just going to hurt in the long term.

2019-10-10 17:27:35 UTC

lol I get that

2019-10-10 17:27:41 UTC


2019-10-10 17:41:07 UTC

More recruits for "I just wanted to play video games"

2019-10-10 22:36:43 UTC

Apparently that's fake.

2019-10-10 22:40:43 UTC

hopefully we will get lots of Winnie the Pooh cosplayers anyway

2019-10-10 22:41:56 UTC

Gamers rise up.

2019-10-11 10:52:53 UTC
2019-10-11 10:53:12 UTC

That guy with only one office? I like him. He was for Tibet autonomy and even required the staying Chinese people to learn tibetian

2019-10-11 10:53:29 UTC

```Hu was notable for his liberalism and the frank expression of his opinions, which sometimes agitated other senior Chinese leaders. On a trip to Inner Mongolia in 1984, Hu publicly suggested that Chinese people might start eating in a Western way (with forks and knives, on individual plates) in order to prevent communicable diseases. He was one of the first Chinese officials to abandon wearing a Mao suit in favor of Western business suits. When asked which of Mao Zedong's theories were desirable for modern China, he replied "I think, none".```

Jesus Christ, this madlad.

2019-10-11 10:53:55 UTC

Ironically, he resigned over protests for western freedoms and basically ending the power of communists, which he refused to suppress by throwing the leaders out of the communist party.

2019-10-12 09:58:01 UTC

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKnQKgDhCNI <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-10-16 23:56:37 UTC
2019-10-17 00:23:35 UTC

What is the most important thing to protect?

2019-10-17 00:40:52 UTC

Itโ€™s it obvious

2019-10-17 01:06:16 UTC

while it's not particularly important, it would be nice if our laws weren't stupid.

2019-10-17 01:07:24 UTC


2019-10-17 01:10:19 UTC

the Australian legal system is dumb for example you can legally own an operational WW 2 tank but a gun that shoots a plastic pellet or a gel ball is illegal makes sense right.

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